"Hey are you ok?" Jules asked with a gentle voice.
Axel looked at his husband with just one glance he knew the the Alpha hasn't been getting enough sleep and yet he worries about him more than about himself. Axel nodded, he doesn't know where to begin, he knew Jules have many questions and maybe the reason why he's not asking is because he's giving him the time where he's ready to say things to him.
"The doctor said we can go home in about 2 days but if you don't feel like going we can stay here as long as you want. Well I want you to stay here for at least 2 weeks or so." Axel cupped Jules face and gave him a kiss. "Will you grant me that request?" Jules asked after Axel kissed him.
"I'm sorry, I know I haven't brush my teeth yet, you probably felt gross just now." Jules laughed at how cute his wife is, he's back to how he is. A mischievous Axel like he has no problem at all.
"No I don't mind if it is my wife who will grant me that kiss then who am I to complain." Jules said.
"I, I know you have a lot of questions." Axel begin.
"I'm just here for you, you can tell me everything when you're ready. I won't force the answers from you but please, please if it's too much for you to handle please rely on me, let me share that burden with you. That's what marriage is, we don't just share our happiness with each other but also our burdens. Remember for better or for worst? I don't want to walk in that room again and see your almost lifeless body. I don't want to Axel, I don't want to." Jules cried as he burry his face to Axel's hands that he's holding.
"I didn't want to scare you, believe me. I was just trying to make them go away. I'm so sorry." Axel cried along with Jules, he's more than hurt to see the man that he loves hurting seeing him like this.
"Who? Is it because of them? Is that it?" Axel nodded.
"La-lately I-I have been questioning myself if if I'm worth it of this happiness." Axel said in a low voice but enough for Jules to hear. Jules didn't say anything he let Axel tell him everything that's been bothering him to the extent it would drive him to the corner. "Because of that I, I start dreaming again. A, about them, their screams in my head keeps on repeating and repeating like it was not going to end. The agony on their voice keeps on torturing me. Then, then slowly those dreams changes slowly you, you are always in that dream. In that place where where they died. You always died, in different ways, I tried to save you but I just can't. Then he he will always appear in that dream. He he keeps on chasing after me and when he got me, he he will kill you to, to release the marking. Then then the voices will come back again, Nelson and the kids they blame me. If I just helped Nelson back then, if I didn't became selfish and thought only about myself then I might have save them all or maybe dying with them is much better than living this kind of life hiding and running away from them maybe just maybe I could have spared you from this war that can put your life at risk." Axel snipped, and wipe his tears but its no use as his tears keeps on falling.
"I'm not usually like this, no matter how wreck I am inside I always manage to keep myself together. I was trained that way, I was raised that way I even thought I can I can finally face them but but when I saw them all the thoughts, possibilities, worries they all came inside my mind like they are racing on which one should I take priority into thinking. My mind was all over the place, at the hospital when we are talking with them I I can see them looking at me. I can hear them whispering they are blaming me and and if things will go south they are saying that it will be my fault and you blood will be at my hands. I don't want to think, I want them to go away but they won't leave me alone. They just won't!" Axel's voice start raising.
"I love them so much, I didn't mean it, I don't want to push them away but they are scarring me. They are scarring me Jules what what if they are right? I should have not been greedy, I should have been contented being your wife from the shadows. It might have been better or perhaps I should have returned your feelings then you could've moved on and find someone betterβ worth it of your love" Jules hugged Axel.
"It's enough, that's enough." Axel sob at his husband's embrace, they both stayed there crying. Jules cried along with Axel. He always thought that Axel is strong, that nothing could ever break him but he never thought that what happened in the past had took a great toll on him. That the root of his depression is from the fact that he blames himself for all that happened to them, he's blaming himself to all the negative outcome that still happened yet, that it drives him to the point he's secretly wishing to die with them and the only reason that's preventing him and why he's still alive is because of those kids he had rescued. Jules learned that after the incident Axel was plague with nightmares. He once tried to consult to a psychiatrist but because he has no enough money for the treatment and the fact that he might accidentally leak his identity is also there so Axel decided to stop. He was able to acquire all those medicines illegally and had been relying on them to be able to live sanely but Axel stopped taking them one by one when Jules and him got together and for the rest he stopped taking them afraid that it might get in the way of their treatment on how to get a child together but the recent abduction incident has triggered his trauma when he realized that even their innocent friends can be dragged into this mess and the possibilities of Jules dying in this war when Lee was hospitalize that slowly awaken all Axel's fear but the key that fully opened his wounds is when he saw Jeffrey and Victor so close to Adrian's family. Now that their relationship is all tied together Axel doesn't know how long can he stay hidden, what if Victor learns about him and Jules he is sure that he will have Jules killed and that's the last thing he wanted to happen. Axel opened all his fears and worries to his husband.
"Hey, your husband is an agent, not just an ordinary agent. You think he can just kill me? I will protect you I did promise that right? I won't let him find you. About your family don't think that they are angry about what you did. It's true that you didn't agree with Nelson at first and just let him carry out that plan but in the end you change your mind and came back for them. You risked your life for those kids. So don't beat yourself up, Author and the rest loves you and they are grateful for everything you did for them. Don't think that they blame you for what happened. You're a good guy Axel."
Axel shake his head no "I'm not a good man Jules and you know that. I'm far from being good."
"You are more than good for me sweety." Jules kiss Axel on his forehead, down to his nose then to his lips. The light kiss turn into a deeper kiss when Axel invade Axel's mouth with his tongue that Axel gladly welcomed. Jules inserted his hand inside Axel's hospital gown and work his way up feeling his breast and nipples. Axel moan when Jules pinch and rub it, he can feel himself getting wet with all the stimulation his husband is giving him. Jules lips went down to his neck nipping and sucking it leaving marks to it.
"Oh my gosh I'm sorry!" Axel pushed Jules and Jules was thrown out of the bad to the floor.
Axel looked at the nurse who's face is as red as a tomato. "I'm sorry my my husband is just comforting me." Axel said, right behind the nurse is a Male doctor.
"You might want to fix that." Axel looked down and saw one of his breast is showing, in that short period of time Jules almost undo his gown. Axel tried fixing it but Jules is fast he immidiately covered Axel and fix his hospital gown.
"So are you ok now?" The doctor asked. Axel shyly nodded. The nurse will give you your medicine while she's at that I want to talk to both of you. This is with regard to what your husband requested the hospital." The Doctor begin. "I'm Doctor Choi by the way, I came here specifically because of your request. It was originally for my Sister but my sister can't go so I was sent here instead. I understand your circumstances so no need to worry about it."
Axel looked to Jules with questions." I still haven't told him yet." Jules said to the doctor. "I specifically requested for Ms. Choi."
"Don't worry I'm as good as her." Dr. Choi said with confidence. "You won't be able to find other Doctor with the same caliber as me."
"Jules what is he saying?" Axel asked.
"Boyfriend perhaps?"The doctor asked Axel.
"Husband and wife." Axel answered.
"Ah I'm sorry." The doctor apologize.
"Jules?" Axel asked.
Jules sighed. "I'll talk to him first, you can just come back later." The nurse and the Doctor both left the room.
"Aren't they sweet?" The nurse commented to the Doctor.
"Hey why are you passing your patients to me?" Said the man.
"I'm a nurse now so how can I take a patient when I'm a nurse. Besides you might learn something from them you heartless playboy!" The nurse pinch the side of his brother.
"If only your are not my sister I wouldn't even going to accept this patient. Hey why didn't you tell me that those two are married? I kind of like that Omega, he's pretty."
"Where's the thrill of knowing your patient if I'll spill all the things I know of them, besides remember none disclosure of patients records and history. Anyways make sure to take this case, I know you will be able to learn how to cherish relationship with them. You have been handling cases of broken family, or relationship in the brink of divorce and such that's why you are so pessimistic about this kind of things." Said the nurse.
"I don't know, you just visit them the other day and after that all you did is to bother me all day just to take this patient!"
"Come on now, what happened to that lovely brother of mine?"
"Ok, ok just don't bother me." Says the doctor.
"Hey don't sleep with your patient ok?" Warned by the nurse before she went to a separate way.
"Well if they are what you are telling me then that Omega won't fall for it no matter how much I seduce him." The Doctor whispered.
"I just don't know how are you still practicing even though you do those unethical things as sleep with your patients." The nurse click her tongue.
"We don't let ourselves get caught, that's the answer Sis." The man said.
"Sweety you need help a professional one. So I looked for someone, we don't really need to go to the hospital, they will visit us instead." Jules explained.
"We can't let him in our house remember I'm working under cover!" Axel said.
"Yeah right." Jules said.
"But are you open with the idea of consulting?" Jules asked.
Axel looked into Jules hopeful eyes and he knew he really need help but the information of his past or what he's dwelling is very confidential but Jules assured him that he found someone who they can trust. "Ok, I will but he can't go to our house. I'll just go to his house instead."
Jules looks like he's about to protest. "Hey why are you looking at me like that?" Axel asked.
"I'm marked, I know how to fight and most of all I love you. So please trust me ok? Beside I know you won't let me go by myself there right?" Axel asked.
"But there are times that I won't be able to come with you." Jules said.
"It's ok, you can trust me." Axel assured. Jules nodded in agreement. "Hey sweety can you bring my laptop with me?" Axel asked.
"No you are not working." Jules disagree.
"Sweety, your phone then?" Jules hand over his phone.
"You really can't stop working." Jules commented.
"I have to keep monitoring what is happening inside the office, Dexter still have that man. My boss can't know about it." Axel said.
Jules kiss Axel's shoulder "Don't over worked yourself, just the footage and nothing more ok?" Jules reminded.
"Yes sir." Axel laugh.
Adrian is drinking himself to the bar Nash doesn't want him back, Nash doesn't want to accept him again. "Adrian that's enough." Lance took the bottle of whiskey from Adrian's hand.
"He doesn't want me anymore, why can't he understand it? Why? I'm only doing what's best for us." Adrian said.
"You're still at it? No wonder Nash doesn't want to accept you." Zeejay sarcastically said.
"What did you just said?" Adrian glared at Zeejay.
"It's true, who's lover on their right mind would want to be a mistress. He has a point. If he goes through with you plan even if you two will have another baby that baby will only be branded as a child born out of infidelity." Derrek added.
"You need to understand him Adrian he lost his child." Lance said.
"It's not just his child but mine too! I was hurt too, we lost it because he had sex with someone else. Why am I taking all the blame on this?!" Adrian gulp the whiskey in the bottle.
"Of course he's hurt you pushed him to do it. It's your fault Adrian you have to admit it." They all looked behind and was surprised to see Lee with Harvey. "Dexy insisted for me to take Harvey with me." Lee said.
"Lee!" The boys said happily.
"Adrian people who are hurt tend to do all kinds of stupid things, look at Terrence he became a slut ouch!" Terrence smack Lee's head.
"I'll tell Dexy!" Lee threatened.
"Why are you making me an example?" Terrence complained.
"That's applicable to us alphas but not to Omegas who are marked." Adrian answered back.
"You also said that with confidence that Nash wouldn't sleep with another Alpha because he's marked. Looked what happened to him." Terrence counter back.
"You won't know up to what extent they can do because they are hurt. If I were you I will fix this now rather than waiting for it to be unmanageable. Broke off the engagement, begged him Adrian leave your family even if you have to. They never thought of you as a family they only thought of you as a tool." Zeejay said.
"It's easy for you to say because you have your career and your family didn't interfere with your relationship after you broke things off with your family. And you don't have a family that threatens to get in the way of your career!" Adrian said.
"It's not easy, I was afraid cause I have no assurance of what our future maybe but I trust Nick, my family and our friends. Adrian make things right before it's too late. Think hard, weight things clearly. What is it you really afraid off? Is it Nash's safety or your own interests?" Zeejay said.
"But there's something you are not telling us Adrian." Terrence insinuate. "We won't be able to properly help you if you are keeping things from us."
Adrian came to visit again in the hospital but he was told that Nash already went home, he signed the waiver untying the hospital from any possibilities that might happen to Nash after going out of the hospital even though he's still not clearly well. After that Nash disappear without a trace. Adrian begged Axel to find Nash but Axel refused. Adrian can't rely on anyone else so he hired a private investigator, he can't go out to find him he's fixing his marriage with Jeffrey.
"Do you think we are doing the right thing?" Axel asked Aiden over the phone.
"He needs space Axel, we just have to let him. I know all to well how it feels. When I lost my baby that's also what I did the only difference they are not tied by marriage. He needs some space Axel."
"But I'm still thinking that at least one of us should be with Nash, the man is really broken." Drake suggested, Drake already went home but he's still ignoring Derrek.
"I can go and looked after Nash for the mean time." Theo presented.
"Theo, you're taking care of your kids." Chester said. "I can go instead." Chester presented.
"You have Thirdy to look after." Axel said. "How about I go? I'm about to get discharged within this week, Jules is only over reacting extending my stay here." Axel said.
"No you can't that husband of yours will panic Jules is still a little traumatized of what happened give him some time Axel." Aiden said. "I'll go instead" Aiden said.
"No, Aiden you have lot of work to do. I'll go instead." Nicolas suggested. "I'll go with Nick so don't worry." Dexter said. Everyone in the group agreed.
Axel heard a knock that got his attention. He looked at the entrance where the sound was and there he saw the doctor. "My doctor is here I've got to go. Tell me tomorrow when you made a decision." Axel said. The video call was cut off.
"Friends?" The Doctor asked.
."Yes" Axel answered
"Have your husband told you the news?" The Doctor asked.
"Yes. And what can I do for you?" Axel asked.
"I'm just here to visit my patient also to introduce myself properly I'm Doctor...."
"Ji-hoon Choi, you finished your grade school in you home country and fly here to get your degree here and went straight to get your doctoral degree, you have been this hospital resident doctor for 3 years now. You are a neurosurgeon board certified but rarely performs any surgeries, you are also a licensed Psychiatrist and you focused your attention to giving counseling to people who are going through a lot. Hhhmmm what else, ow you are also giving free consultations to people living in a remote area but the doctor also have a naughty side to him, you sometimes sleeps with your patients. Is that allowed?" Axel asked.
"How surprising you know more things other than my colleagues knows about me." The Doctor was quite surprised with all that Axel revealed.
"I have to know about the person who's going to be my doctor." Axel said coldly.
"Where's the husband?" The Doctor asked.
"Home, he's getting more clothes." Axel said.
"Did you know that alphas rarely marries their Omegas? It is so rarely happens that people believes that it can only happens in the fairytale." The Doctor said.
"I know, that's why I know that he loves me." Axel said
The doctor showed his beautiful smile to the omega. "Am I disturbing?" The woman's voice got the Doctor's attention.
"Mother?" Axel asked.
"Hey darling, my son asked me for a favor, he needs to fly urgently he said he will be back before you got discharged. Don't worry I didn't tell Daddy nor the kids." The woman said with no break as she runs towards Axel.
"Ow I'm sorry I'm his mother. Mrs. Parker. You must be his doctor?" The woman asked.
"Yes I'm his doctor I'm just visiting him. Mrs. Parker?" The doctor asked.
"She is my Mother in law." Axel answered. "But he's my mother nonetheless."
"Yes that's right this kid here is my son so don't get confused." The woman said happily.
The Doctor got out of the room he shake his head in disbelief. It was already impressive to see a married Omega but an Omega that is openly accepted by the Alphas parents.
This wasn't what Derrek and Nicolas are both expecting. "You can't enter beyond here."
"What should we do?" Nicolas asked.
"Damn it, he went into that far place, it's too remote to even have an advance tools and equipment." Dexter said.
"What happened?" Axel came running when he learned that they run him to the same hospital where he's admitted.
"He's bleeding Axel." Dexter said.
"The landlord said that he's not coming out of the room for days now. Derrek broke the door and there we found him under the blanket, it was horrible Axel there are blood." Nicolas said.
"What happened?" Aiden asked. followed by Theo and Chester. Nicolas and Dexter told them what they saw and what happened.
"Where was he again?" Aiden asked, Axel gave them the coordinates. Aiden's hands shake as he heard where the place was.
"His nape, how was his nape?" Aiden asked. "Was it bleeding?"
"No, no he didn't." Axel whispered.
"He's desperate and broken. When you are in that pit hole of desperation you can do everything." Aiden whispered.
"Are they ok?" Axel looked behind him, he was not expecting that the Doctor followed him.
"Are they your friends?" The doctor asked again, he looked at all the people in the corridor they are all Omegas except for one Alpha.
"Who is he?" Nicolas asked.
"My doctor." Axel sighed.
"You don't really keep anything much from them do you?" The Doctor asked.
"They are like family so it's ok." Axel said doesn't minding what the Doctor is saying. "Go don't bother us. It's not even time for my sessions yet so go." Axel said. Then a group of men came running including Adrian. Aiden walked towards them and in one quick move he throw Adrian on the floor.
"Get that filth out of here!" Aiden shouted all the people, be it nurses, doctors and patients looked all of them but because of all the commotion that happened they are all thrown away from the lobby.
"Love calm down." Lance said.
"That's Lance Montero right?" The Doctor whispered. "Are they both together?"
Axel glared at the Doctor. "Yes they are so go!" Axel whispered yell.
"Wow I can't believe it, they are not like married right? Like you and your husband? Cause that will be like miracle to know two Omegas who knew each other and both married to Alphas." The Doctor laugh jokingly. Axel glared at the Doctor the. he pointed at Nicolas, Chester and Theo. "All of us are married to an Alpha." The Doctor's jaw almost dropped after hearing it.
"Go home Adrian, you're not supposed to be here." Axel said.
"Even if you beat me up I won't go home!" Adrian shouted "I need to know what happened to him."
"Pray that he didn't try to severe your bond cause that might kill him and if he ever he survived you won't be his alpha anymore and he won't be you Omega. No matter how much you bite his nape even in heat won't do anything. You cannot connect a severed bond." Aiden explained.
"I hope you are happy now" Dexter said.
"Go home Adrian, there's nothing more you can do, either what happens you know that he won't be yours. Nash already made his decision." Axel said.
"Adrian!" Axel petrified when he heard that familiar voice, his heart pound. Aiden and Chester including Dexter are quick to pick up. Aiden walk towards Zeejay who's wearing a hat and sunglasses. He took the later's hat and put it on Axel's head Dexter on the other hand lifted and carry Axel like a princess. Axel burry his face on Dexter's shoulder and they walk pass Jeffrey like they do not know him. Lee on the other hand felt there's something that they are not telling but he just played along like Lance.
"Ow who are they?" asked by the Omega, he looked at the Omegas in that place.
"I'm Jeffrey, Adrian's fiance. These handsome.guys over here already knew me but it's the first time I'm seeing you all here." Jeffrey said.
"I don't mind if my fiance sleeps and play around I would also want to join if you don't mind." Says the Omega.
"No thank you, I don't plan sharing my husband here." Nicolas emphasize the word husband.
"My wife doesn't like to share also." Lance said pointing at Aiden.
"Uhhmm I'm not married to any one of them my husband is at home taking care of the kids."
"My husband is at work." Chester simply said
Jeffrey then looked at Lee who's the only who's not saying anything, though he was kind of surprised to know that his husband to be is friends with well known people the only pity is that they are already married. Which is kind of interest him to meet the wives.
"I'm married too, my husband just went to take care of something." Lee revealed.
"Husband?" Both Jeffrey and the Doctor asked in unison.
"Ah yes my husband is an Alpha like me." Lee proudly said.
"Ow and who might you be?" Zeejay asked the Doctor.
"I'm A..." Chester covered the Doctor's mouth.
"He's my Doctor." Chester laugh, "You know." Then Chester pulled the doctor out of there.
"Doctor, I know my friend is very open about his situation but please not everyone knows about it yet." Chester explained when they are already far from the group.
"Interesting, well I'm sorry but I'm really planning on introducing myself to them as your friend's doctor I'm just simply going to say I'm a doctor."
"Ok, I'm sorry about that." Chester said. " I'm sorry but I have to go now." Chester turned around and left the Doctor.
When Chester came back he can hear Aiden telling Adrian to go home and take his fiance with him at first Adrian doesn't want to but because Jeffrey won't leave Adrian was forced to go.
They all waited till the doctor came and when the Doctor came they quickly waited for the news.
"He's out of danger now but I still can't guarantee his life. His body is trying to figure things out." The Doctor tried to explain things through.
"What happened? Is this about the miscarriage?" Aiden. asked. He's praying that what he thought was wrong.
"That's one too but the real problem is he severed his bond. He was already in a bad state. It was not done by a professional so it was beyond pretty bad when you brought him in. I don't know if you are familiar with what is happening inside the body of an Omega when you severed the tie. You are removing that one gland where an Alpha imprint itself. When you removed it the Omegas body is trying to rebuild a tie without that gland it continues to reconstruct and destroy itself trying to find the pattern that is missing. Back in my father's days they thought that such practice has great potential but most Omega who underwent the surgery died and those who survived either won't have their heat or the opposite. If he survived he will never be someone else's Omega. This depends on his will to live and his body's capacity to survive. I'm really sorry." The Doctor apologize.
Aiden laughed sadly, back then he's the one who's desperate, he's the one who wanted the procedure cause he can't say no to Lance's pheromones but now it was Nash who done it to his self.