
Chapter 87: Who are You?


Hello, sorry for the late update I got my first dose of anti covid 19 vaccine yehey! And it literally made me very sleepy for days. I spend the whole weekend just sleeping but other than that I didn't experience any adverse effect. I'm no longer sleepy now hehehe. Ow I will be updating again tomorrow so wait for the other chapter tomorrow πŸ˜ƒ

Happy Reading 😊!


After he was released in prison Rion was immediately taken and introduced to the people whom Terrence is working with which turns out are his friends also. He looked at the man beside him who will take care of him for the mean time. Though Rion is still scared he can tell that the man is a good person. He was very understanding on the way he's reacting towards him like he's used to handle Omegas. *Why are you even surprised of course he knows how to he's married to one just like Terrence.* Rion thought.

"We are here." Dexter announced. Rion looked outside the car's window and was amazed by how big is the front doors of the house, which is widely open.

"I'm surprised that you own something like this." Dexter looked at the man sitting at the back sit of his car. The man came with Rion, Terrence told him that he's the person who's looking after Rion's protection. "I'm curious just who are you and where did Terrence find you?"

Dexter smirk at the man. "I don't think you have the luxury to question who I am and where Terrence found me. I'm basically doing you guys a favor. Now if you want to live in this house for the mean time then get off my car right now. Rion shall we?" Dexter didn't wait for the man's reply and just got off the car. The butler without Dexter saying got inside the car to park it and Dexter went inside. Rion and Nigel walk behind him.

"It's odd to see a house with no servants welcoming their master." Nigel finally said as they walk the long foyer and saw no one welcomed Dexter's coming except for the butler.

"Why should they? They have better things to do than to wait in front of my house doorstep just to bow down and welcome me. In this house we have one golden rule. Respect begets respect. Servants here are not treated as anything less. They are treated base on their behavior so I don't want anyone looking down on my employees while they are inside my home." Dexter said without looking at the man, he just continue walking.

Nigel whistle after hearing Dexter's speech, never he has seen a household which has a rule to respect their servants but he still finds it hard to believe. Anyone can say that but the action speaks louder than words until.

"Dexter, I thought you'll come home a little later. Did you eat?" An old woman who's carrying a basket of laundry halted upon seeing Dexter.

Dexter smiled gently at the old woman, "Yes I ate already, how about you and the others?" Dexter asked back.

"Yes we already had our lunch together with Nick and others. If there's nothing more I can offer you and your companion I'll be going now." The old woman said.

"Is she your maid?" Nigel stopped Dexter by holding his shoulder.

"Yes she is, why is there something wrong with that?" Dexter asked.

"She just called you Dexter?" Nigel asked again.

"I told you in this house we don't treat our servants as servants. I believe that respect is not something you can pay nor force to other people for you to be able to get it. You need to earn it. Now if you don't have any questions then let's go. I'll be introducing you to everyone." They all walk a little more till they reach the main hall or living room of the house that is intended to be used only by the family members and close friends."

"Dexter you're here!" Rion looked at the pretty Omega who greeted Dexter excitedly. Rion presumed that he might be Dexter's wife. "I already put Lexter to bed."

"Yeah I saw?" Dexter raised his smart watch.

"Of course you saw." Nicolas laugh, he still couldn't get used to just how highly guarded and monitored Dexter's house is.

"So did Lexter have you a hard time?" Dexter asked

"Nope Lexter has been very behave no need to worry. Ow they're might be your visitors." The pretty Omega run towards the two and offer them his hands.

"My name is Nicolas but you can just call me Nick." Nicolas said, Rion gladly accept Nicolas warm greetings and so as Nigel. At that time the two guests thought the same thing that Nicolas is Dexter's wife.


"Hey Lee!" Zeejay storm in to Lee's office. "What's up with this crazy working schedule? Are you trying to kill me by working me to death?"

"Nope I'm trying to milk you dry! Come on dude you should be thankful that I'm personally managing your career!" Lee leaned back to his chair and put both of his feet on top of his table as he said those words to Zeejay.

"You just want me and my family out of your house ASAP!" Zeejay answered back.

"Yeah if you know then work hard so I can own my Dexy all to myself!" Lee stand up as he stared at his friend with a sharp gaze to his eyes.

"Hey I would want to leave your house but it was your husband who told Nicolas to stay for a while."

"Dexy did?" Lee asked.

"Yes he did. So please free up some time on my schedule, I also need to go home. How can I make babies with my wife if you're keeping me always busy." Lee sit back to his chair, it's true that he's not really planning on pushing his friends away from their house, he's just messing with him a little for annoying and getting in their Honey time but it kind of puzzles him as to why would Dexter asked them not to leave. After all Zeejay is already earning decent money to find him and his family a new place to stay. Dexter didn't also question him when he asked to let other people stay in their home because it is Terrence client.

"You're doing this on purpose! It's your curse and you're definitely doing this on purpose. I remember you told me before that you will do your best to ruin my lovely time if I ever found a wife! Lee I'm grateful that you are saving my career but please give me some time to spend with my wife! It has been like what?! 10 months since I got married and we still haven't manage to make a baby yet! Theo already gave birth, Dexter gave birth, Lance already got married and Derrek is about to get married. I'm married but I still can't move on to the next level with my wife!" Lee can clearly see the frustration on Zeejay's eyes and he's loving it.

"As far as I know Nick still doesn't want to have a baby again, besides you already have a son as a matter of fact you're the first one among us who became a father." Lee said which only adds fuel to the raging anger that Zeejay is already feeling right now.

"Come on Lee, do this friend of yours a favor and I will do everything in my power to not let the other guys come in between you and Dexter's lovey dovey time." Zeejay is getting desperate, he wanted to spend more time with his family and he also wants to comfort his only son who's now sad and broken after knowing what happened to Thirdy. Zeejay doesn't really want to think that it's already love cause the kid is still too young but he wanted to support his son otherwise. The kid goes to the hospital to visit Thirdy whenever he can and Zeejay wants to be with him also he wanted to show his support to his friend who's having more of a hard time seeing his youngest son in that situation. Zeejay knows the feeling cause if that too will happen to his son he probably break into pieces everytime he sees his child lying on that bed with all those tubes in his body that is keeping him alive.

"Deal!" Lee easily agreed. Zeejay shake his head whenever Dexter's name is in line Lee immidiately agrees to anything as long as it will benefit him.

Lee stand up from his seat and begun to fix all his things and documents. Then he looked at his friend. "Hey what are you still waiting for? You said you wanted to spend more time with your family?"

"Yes I did but I still have somewhere to be." Zeejay said.

"I already moved your schedule for the next three days. You can rest for those three days. Come on let's go home I have guests waiting at home." Lee said.


Rion is sitting on the living room together with Nigel, Dexter, Nicolas who's holding the baby. The house is huge that you'll get lost if you just carelessly roam around.

"I saw a portrait in the main hall, I recognized that the man is you but the other man standing beside you doesn't look like him." Nigel pointed at Nicolas.

"What portrait?" Dexter asked.

"The one with a man who has a neon green hair." Nigel tried to describe what he saw. The portrait looks intimate although it was just a photo of two men standing to each other but one thing he's curious about is why it is hanging in the main hall of the house and not some wedding photos of those two.

"Ow that of course that's not Nick." Dexter answered.

"Then who's that man?" Nigel saw a man walking from behind Dexter's direction. He recognized the face of the man as he had seen it a countless of times on TV interviews. His face is not something you can easily forgets and his social status and wealth is not something you can't just deny. The man stop walking once he was standing right behind Dexter then without warning he hook his hand on Dexter's chin and lifted it up and gave him a deep kiss with tongue. Then after that, the man looked at Nigel and smirked at him before answering his question. "That man is his husband which is me."

"Welcome home honey" Dexter greeted.

"I'm home did you miss me? How about my baby?" Lee went to Nicolas side and took Lexter to his arms.

"What?! I thought he is your wife?" Nigel stand up as he point his fingers to Nicolas.

"Me?!" Nicolas pointed to himself.

"What are you talking about? He's my wife! There's no way that he is Dexter's wife." Shouted by another man. Nigel knows that man's face clearly, who doesn't know of that man.

"What?! Zeejay is married?" Rion said, which made them all turned their heads to him.

Dexter massage his head after hearing all the misunderstanding. "Wait let me just make this clear. You two thought that I'm married to Nicolas?" The two nodded simultaneously.

"It makes sense he's holding your baby and that he's an Omega." Nigel said. "Wait that got me curious, I know for a fact that Shun, Lee is a very dominant Alpha and you're an Alpha then who's baby is that?" Nigel asked.

"Our baby." Dexter simply answered.

"H-how?" Rion asked.

"I gave birth to our baby." Dexter answered once again.

"Was is just an accidental pregnancy?" Nigel asked again.

"Nope, we wanted to have a baby for so long and we got lucky, more like Dexy never gave up in finding ways on how he can have my baby." Lee is the one who answered.

For some reason Rion felt sad, he had gotten pregnant without even trying to have one but in the end he agreed to abort his babies and then there are couples out there who's having a hard time to even have one.

"Anyways I'm his husband and Nick is Zeejay's wife. So please don't mix in or I'll be very very angry." Lee's sharp eyes is piercing through them which made the two gulp.

"He's very possessive of me."Dexter explained in the most simple manner that their guests will make them understand.

"So I hope that Terrence already made things clear with you two. We agreed to let you two stay here for two days but depending on the situation. If the person who will take over this responsibility didn't contact us in two days that you are here to stay as long as Terrence said so." Lee begin to say.

"Now for the house rules, we only have one. Respect. We are not asking everyone of a very big thing in exchange of letting them stay here. What we are just asking is to give everyone equal respect that they deserve to have." Lee added. "My husband personally made that rule and in this house the real boss is not me but my husband Dexy. I only follow what he tells. You know what they say happy wife, happy life." Lee smiled at his guests.


Chairman Miller looked at the view from his window. He looked at the busy streets of the capital below him. How people are so into what is happening in their lives that they are oblivious to what is happening behind the city's fake facade.

"Chairman, a guest has arrived." Without looking back Chairman Miller asked his secretary to let the man in.

"I thought you wouldn't take my invitation to see you." Then he turned around to face his invited guest. "Attorney Terrence Harris or should I call you the phantom?"

Terrence smiled at the man. "You don't look so surprised that I know your other identity." Chairman. Miller asked, the old man sit on his chair.

"I probably if I hadn't known that you are also part of the organization but I found out that you have been part of it for over 20 years." Terrence revealed without going on any side ways.

Chairman Miller can only laugh at what Terrence just said. "Sponsors shouldn't be knows to others. We don't do the dirty job we just finances the cases being brought to the HQ." Chairman Miller put a tea on his cup and Terrence cup then he push the cup to Terrence side. "Care for some tea Mr. Harris?"

"I know that much but on the other hand the sponsors doesn't really have any idea on the real identity of the people working as an agent for the organization." Terrence said making a point.

"Well fair point. To answer that, I got the details the same way on how you got the detail about me. Don't you think I wouldn't know that one of your underlings hack into the system of the organization and looked into the profile on who's sponsoring the project you're doing right now?" Terrence sneered he knows that Axel made a clean hack that's why no one in the HQ knows about what they did and yet Mr. Miller knows what they done.

"So what's your reason on hacking and taking the information of the project's sponsor?" Chairman Miller asked.

"We need more man power that the HQ won't grant us. If it's the sponsors who will make the request the Spectrum won't even bat an eye in providing us some aid for this to be successful." Terrence said.

" I see, so the Spectrum is discriminating with their projects even with out help."

"I'm afraid so. Even within the organization there's a discrimination with what project or case should be priorities and in reality the projects and cases involving Omegas are always on the least of the priority." Terrence said.

"We won't be asking the HQ's for support. I'll be informing them that my elite force will be aiding you in that project." Chairman Miller said.

"Elite force?" Terrence asked. "You have an elite force!"

"I do, after all I'm not just part of the organization as a sponsor I am more than that Mr. Harris. How do you think that a nobody like me became part of the organization's sponsor even though I have no single blood ties nor connection inside the organization that existed for a hundred years now? I am not like the Harrises who serve the organization as their agents for almost a hundred years now."

"Yes that's the right question just who are you? A normal person wouldn't had their hands on my information and my family's information that easily so who are you?" Terrence ask.

"Like your hacker I'm also a hacker. The only difference is I'm on a much higher level than that kid who's your cousin's wife. How do you think I jumped to success and wealth? I use all my enemy's information and weaknesses and advance my career and company's growth through that but for an Alpha who had a taste of success I have neglected my wife. He went away with our baby in his belly and hide his identity and existence from me. Know what's hard is to have a wife who has the same skills as you do. It makes the searching hard and impossible. I was only able to know where he is when his sibling called and inform me about his passing and the baby. I was so devastated that time that I gravely regret things. The organization came to know of my skills and recruited me. I have been making tons of money because of what I do that I wrote a letter to the higher ups and asked to be a sponsor for the organization at the same time their intel though I'm already retired as an agent I still continued to sponsor that projects that focuses on Omegas. I did this in hopes that it will atone me for everything what I did to my wife. Why do you think I let Aiden joined that Law firm?" Chairman Miller said everything that he has to say.

"I didn't know." Terrence said.

"I have been watching you friends and I must say you all have you own share of mistakes and foolishness but you manage to make things right before things went wrong." Chairman Miller sigh. "Anyways, Aiden showed me the list. I assumed that you will be needing more help than usual so I'll be giving you a hand. Also after that kid is done with his spying send him to me. I will personally trained him myself. I couldn't pass my knowledge cause George is more focus on saving lives than monitoring one and Aiden I don't want to drag Aiden to the world of the Organization. It's enough that George will be the one who will replace me as the sponsor. Aiden can't know the existence of the Organization cause I'm sure he will join as an agent. I can't bare to lose a child. You understand where I'm coming from right Mr. Harris considering your kid's situation right now."

"Yes of course I do. No father wants to see their child lying on the hospital bed."

"If we are clear then you can go now. I'll just contact you." Terrence didn't even gave him his number but with everything that the man revealed to him he knows that contacting him is an easy job for him to do.

Next chapter