
Chapter 28: Into the Future

Author's Note:

Sorry for the late upload, I baked a chocolate dream cake last night hehehe. I wish I could show you guys the dream cake which I made hehehe.

So here is the looooooooooonnnnggg update probably the longest chapter I ever made hehehehe...

Happy Reading 😊!


Nicolas blink a couple more times before opening his mouth to say something. " You are telling me that you suddenly run off alone somewhere 4 days ago on Lee's wedding reception minutes after you gave your speech to get back with him and now you two are officially back together?" The two married couple both nod their heads in synchronization. Nicolas pulled Theo up.

"Teakyun can I borrow him for a minute?" Nicolas asked.

"Yeah..... sure." Nicolas pushed Theo inside the room and lock it.

"What were you thinking. You finally shake him off and there here you are again taking him back to your life!" Nicolas complain's.

"I know, I know but Nick I love him. I want to try again, maybe this time it can work. He changed Nick, I can see it."

"He hurt you Theo! He hurt you. Theo I do understand that you are confused cause you still love him, he came back and do all those things and made an effort to prove to you his love but..... But AARRGGHHH why is this so hard to explain?!" Nicolas almost pulled out his hair. When Theo said that he will be off somewhere and will be gone for a couple of days that was his plan to calm himself down, he wasn't expecting that he will actually followed Teakyun to get back with him.

"Theo listen to me, I do understand you believe me. We are the same, we both love a man our whole life that both hurt us so deeply. I know you longed for him, I know you love him but Theo you shout have keep it in. He hurt you! he did it in the past he can do it again in the future. Don't follow to my foot steps. I have given my love to Zee a countless of times but I always end up getting hurt that's why even now that I want to grab the opportunity I still chose not to. Theo it's not easy for a man to change. What's even worst is the feeling of betrayal you'll get for the second time. Believe me I have been there." Nicolas grab both of Theo's shoulder shaking him as he give him a good preaching.

"Is that why you have been very stubborn when it comes with him?" Theo asked. Nicolas let go both of Theo's shoulder, things with Zeejay are complicated and difficult. Even if what he's saying is true that the marriage is fake in the eyes of the public he's still married. I'm no longer that naive boy who would jump in happiness just because he was told that he was loved by his special person." Nicolas sit on his bed. "I have been hurt and betrayed by him a countless of times that it's hard for me to trust him. I appreciate him holding himself back and all the sweet gesture but now what I need is more than just a sweet talking from him, more than a sweet gesture, more than the heat and pleasure he can give. I have a son, our son to think about. It's not just me Theo, it's me and Zai that I have to take in to consideration if I ever plan to get back with him. If people finds out they will label me as a homewrecker and my son will be judge to be the son of a homewrecker. I still love Zeejay I finally understand it now but I love my son more than I love him. I can't be with him. If the scandal breaks they will label me my and my son, if he hurts me Zai will be hurt too, if his family says no then he will only end up giving both me and my son a false hope. You see it's all too complicated. Maybe if it's just me then that would be ok cause I'm used to getting hurt by him emotionally but I have my son with me, if I get hurt he will be hurt too. That's why I made that decision to run away when I found out that I'm pregnant. Zai is my everything." Theo hugs Nicolas. He knows how hard it is that he's going through, he fully understand where he is coming from that he also think, if he were to put in his shoes he would probably won't get back together with Teakyun. His child will be his priority.

"Theo when. you become a parent the only thing that will matter to you is your child. Yes you will still love your alpha but the connection between the mother and son is something different than the love you have for the love of your life." Nicolas wipe his tears away and laughed awkwardly. "I mean to preach and interrogate you but I end up getting comfort by you."

Theo smiled at him and wipe the traces of his tears. "It's ok I perfectly understand."

"Won't you really going to change your mind?" Nicolas asked. Theo shake his head no. "What if he hurts you again?"

"He won't hurt me anymore, he promised me."

"And how sure are you?" Nicolas asked eyeing him.

"Very sure." Theo said happily.

"Hays.... Don't come running to me crying when things start to get mess up again with the two of you and don't come running to me to ask for any love advice. There's nothing for me to give you." Nicolas got up and turned around but Theo hug him from behind

"Thank you for always being there for me even with the toughest times."

"Don't try to tell me flowery words they don't work on me." Nicolas said while still sulking at his friend

"Yeah I know cause you are numb." Theo jokes. Nicolas turned around to face Theo.

"So have you two done it already? Yeah you two must have done it, you have been together for 3 nights it's impossible if nothing happens."

"N---no we still haven't." Theo said shyly who's face already in hue of red.

"So you still haven't done it just yet? Then you need to prepare yourself. From what I heard, haven't been touched for so long can hurt like it was the first time." Nicolas said trying to scare Theo.

"F-f-first time?" Theo got scared cause his first time was forced.

"Yeah and you told me before that your husband is pretty big down there so I think I need to light a candle for the poor soul of your ass that will be ripped apart."

"R-r-ripped apart?" Theo gulp. Nicolas was really enjoying this and maybe if he managed to convinced in scaring Theo. The Alpha will have a hard time convincing the Omega to have sex with Theo.

"Ow I think the honeymoon with your husband will be put on hold. Theo we need to go home. Your parents called the other day asking me about you. They said they can't reach your phone so I made up a lie just so they won't worry about you. They are asking us to go home and if you are not home after 3 days your Dad said he will fly here to fetch you." Theo totally forgot about his parents. He didn't told them about Teakyun pursuing him again and much more about him getting back together with him. They just starting again he doesn't want to leave Teakyun after getting back together and he doesn't want to lie to his family again, he doesn't want to betray them again but if he will take Teakyun with him his family will definitely going to kill him.

"Theo are you alright?" Theo smiled at Nicolas awkwardly.

"Yeah, hehehe. I'm alright just a little dizzy." Nicolas eyed him suspiciously.

"Are you sure nothing happened? Cause you might be pregnant now?" Theo's eyes went wide open. "Nothing happened and if something happened to us it only has been 3 days!" Theo blurted out in defense.

"I'm just joking, I'm just trying to see how will you react." Nicolas said still laughing.

"Besides Teakyun doesn't like kids." Theo smile sadly.

"How did you know if he likes kids or not." Nicolas asked.

"Teakyun told me before when we were just starting to live as a newly wedded couple that he doesn't want to have any kids not even in the future. He said that they will only going to get in the way of his career."

"and you agreed with him just like that?" Theo nodded.

"Theo how much did you let him push you over in the past? You didn't even voice out how much you love kids and how much you want to be a mother." Nicolas is starting to get angry again at Teakyun. The man is a total jerk.

"I think I should be great full that we didn't have any children back then I don't know what I'm going to do if any of our kids got caught up with our bad situation in the past." Theo laugh, Nicolas can't deny that Theo is indeed right. Children get caught up to their parents physical, emotional and psychological war fare tends to be the one who suffers most. It would have been a different story if the two had a child together.

"How about now? Any plans in having one?" Nicolas asked. Since the two got back together and since Theo really likes kids then this can be a perfect opportunity for him have that dream come true.

But Theo shake his head no. "I still haven't brought the subject to Teakyun."

"But why no? You two are not getting any younger, specially your husband. He's already 35 now and your 32 now it will be very difficult for you to carry a baby specially since it will be your first time." Nicolas blurted out pointing the obvious.

"I still don't know if he still doesn't want any children...."

" Theo it's not just what he wants but what you too is what matters!"

Theo looked at him with all seriousness. "And I don't know if I still want to have kids with him."

Nicolas looked at him with questions in his eyes. He couldn't understand why his friend who took all that effort and courage to get back to his husband suddenly told him that he's no longer sure if he still wants to have a baby with his husband. "What do you mean by that?"

"I don't want to think negatively Nick. I'm happy, I'm really am but what happened in the past somehow still scares me. What if we have a baby at this early stage of getting back together then then what if, what if something happens that might trigger him just like what happened in the past." Theo explained.

"I thought you said you trust him?" Nicolas asked.

"I do, is just the trauma and fear it's not something that goes away just because you forgive someone and just because you choose to start with him, you know it better than anyone else. I'm not saying I'm totally eliminating the plan to have any kids in the future is just that not now. Maybe when all my fears, trauma and insecurities are all gone then we can have a baby." Nicolas smiled at him.

"I'm glad to hear that you are finally thinking now. I was just testing you but I'm happy for you just don't ask me for any love advise anymore ok? I won't give you any except to leave your husband." Theo hug Nicolas, thank you Nick.

"So how do you plan to handle your Dad?" Nicolas asked.

"I have to go home first and fix this. I might probably need to leave Teakyun here." Theo said.

"If they found out about this I'm sure they will lock you up there away from him." Theo laugh.

"Yeah something they will definitely going to do." The two went out after their talked and looked where the boys went. Theo saw Teakyun making pancakes for Zai, while Zai and Drake are on the island counter waiting him to finish cooking.

"Uncle Tea, I missed your cooking. Mom cooks great but yours is just exceptionally good." Teakyun laughed at what the boy said.

"Really? I'm happy to know that you like my cooking."

"Your children will be very lucky to have you as your Dad."

Theo's body stiffened after hearing Zai's comment about children.

"How can you say so?" Teakyun asked.

"Cause you basically can do anything which got me thinking is uncle Lee really your brother? You are smart, mature and most importantly normal but him no. Have you seen his wedding?" Zai asked.

"Yeah I attended his wedding via FaceTime. I was even wearing a tuxedo cause your uncle insisted that I should wear one even though I was just in my home that time. I was laughing to see your uncle making that call behind prison bars hahahah."

"Yeah exactly my point he's crazy that's why I was wondering if he really is your brother? Maybe he's adopted? Or probably he got switched from another baby when he was just newly born?"

Teakyun laughed. "Don't worry he really is my brother. He's also smart he just doesn't want to think much and his mind works better when it comes to crazy stuff. He can also get serious but it's not something that anyone would want to see." When they are done having their dinner there, Theo and Teakyun decided to go to Teakyun's parents house to stay there. In the car Theo keeps on glancing over Teakyun.

"Baby if you're going to keep staring at me I might melt from your gaze." Teakyun said his eyes are still on the road. His right hand traveled to get Theo's hand squeezing it.

"Tea, you see..... you know that I have to go home right?" Theo waited for the answer.

"Yeah so what's of it?" Teakyun asked calmly which somehow surprises Theo.

"Dad and Mom are already worried and they want me to go home and they are only giving me three days so probably the day aftee tomorrow me and the others will fly to go home. I'll have to leave you here for the meantime. Let me handle them first. Let me fix it first." Teakyun and his family are like water and oil they don't mix together. Back then when they were just starting his family made it clear that they don't like the Alpha but Teakyun is not the kind of person to put up with pursuing in convincing other people for too long that's why it is also one of the reasons why the two resorted to eloped. That's why he wanted to handle things first because he knows Teakyun, he doesn't want to deal with his family.

Theo can see how Teakyun's jaw stiffened. "I'll go with you."

"What?!" Theo is in shock right now.

"You know my parents doesn't like you."

"Yeah and they are also my parents considering that you are still married to me." Theo's brow arced.

"Teakyun, I know you don't want to deal with them...."

"That was before when I was still naive and stupid but after what happened I saw how much they mean to you. I never thought that I will end up hurting you just because I steal you away from them that your guilt was eating you up that time. And I was deeply hurt when you choose to be with him during your last moment but it also made me think that if you weren't torn between us and them then we could have probably shared your last moment together. We could have probably cheer you up to motivate you even more. They could have probably beat the sense out of me much earlier when I start becoming a jerk to you....."

"Tea---kyun." Theo just looked at the man in front of him and tears starts to form to his eyes. He can't believe he's hearing this from him.

"I want to properly take your hands away from them. I want to rebuild my relationship with them. I don't want to see you getting torn between me and them."

"They will probably going to kill you, you know that right."

Teakyun brought Theo's hand to his lips. "You are worth risking my life with." Teakyun drive till they reach the mansion. He was surprised to see everyone even Nicolas, Drake and Zai. There seems to be a party inside the mansion and everyone that he knows are there, there are also people who he doesn't know, he thought that they are Teakyun's parents friends and associates.

"Theo, welcome back!" Rebecca hug him "Mother."

"I thought my son was just joking when he says that you two are finally ok now!" Theo smile.

"Yeah we are Mother." The party went on.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Theo turned around to look at the man who put his arms over his shoulder and pulled him closer to him.


"Remember when we were still dating back then?" Theo nod "Hmmm"

"I told you that if you ever say yes to be my lover I will give the stars to you?" Theo nodded smiling.

"Yeah which never happens by the way." Theo pointed out.

"If I bring you the stars will you say yes to my question?"

Theo turn to his side to pinch Teakyun's cheek. "What is it that your thinking again?"

"I will give you my promise." And in that instant the lights went out the whole place was filled with darkness. You can hear the gasping of the people and then suddenly tiny lights appeared in the midst of darkness that they are like stars in the sky when he looked up start constellation filled the once ceiling.

"Theo I know I already promised you things before but I didn't fulfill them. I told you that I will love and cherish you forever but that forever only lasted for a short while, I promise to be proud of you but I never introduce you as my wife to others, I took you to party before as my muse but not as my wife but now I promise you just like the first one I promised you that I will fulfill all my promises to you even those from the past and all promises that I will make in the future." Theo can hear gasp, murmuring and whispering of people around them.

"I will do everything you want just please say yes to my question again." Then a spot light suddenly were lighted on them. When Their turned around to look at Teakyun he's already kneeling in one knee. "Will you marry me again, this time let's make it official with both our family and friends present?" Theo hold his mouth. He couldn't say anything, his sobs are getting louder and his tears keeps on streaming as he nods to say yes to his husband once again. Teakyun got up and put the red diamond square cut ring that is filled with little black diamonds around its shanks.

Theo looked at it and it was beautiful, it's color complements to the tan color of his skin. He hug Teakyun. "Thank you." Theo said.

"No I should be the one who should be thankful, I want to renew our vows this time with everyone's permission and everyone's presence. I won't hide you again, such rare beauty as you should be shown to everyone." Theo slightly hit Teakyun to his arms.

The party went on and the two simply enjoy the party, there are still a lot of people whispering they couldn't believe that the eldest son of the Shun's and the heir of his father's Company will be tied up to an Omega.

"Rebecca aren't you going to object to your son's proposal?" one of the ladies said. "If you want I can introduce my daughter to him. I can guarantee you that my daughter has a good breed, educational and family background."

Rebecca laughed at what the woman just said. "What's your name again?"

"Talcott, Mrs. Talcott" The woman awkwardly answer trying to save herself from shame because Rebecca Shun doesn't know her but she act so familiarly casual to her.

"You see Mrs. Talcott we are not looking for a dog with a good breed after all we are not animals that needs good breeding so others would want us. We do not after good genes that already runs in our veins look at my son you can tell just by how handsome. Everything? We do have that my son is smart enough to run all his father's Company all by himself and background my son's background is so big and great that I think no one would dare to tell him who to marry or not beside Theo and him have already been married they just want to officiate things. I think I need to ready myself for a next wedding or is it that I'm going to have another grandchild soon but they just got together again so that can't be possible. Ow who cares what matter is they are together again."

Everyone on the table just look at Rebecca talking to herself excitedly.

"Mother." Dexter kiss her on her cheek. The women on the table look at Dexter. They none of them knows him cause the wedding was strictly for close family members and friends only so only a few people knows about him. Only those close friends and business partners of his in law's were invited and their other relatives.

"So who is this fine young man?" Rebecca hold Dexter's hand and didn't mind the question, she first asked Dexter.

"So have you taken all your guards and nanny with you?" Dexter nod he just came back after giving Lee his dinner. After the wedding Dexter stayed with his in law's as per the request of them from him since Lee is still in the prison. They add more guards and they also assigned nannies for him after knowing that he's pregnant.

"Yes mother but two are enough."

"Come on now son I'll let you two decide after Lee got released but as long as you are living with us you need to be guarded thoroughly about the nannies that is something I won't take away. I specifically told them to take care of your condition. Come on do this for mother can you?" Rebecca smiled sweetly at Dexter, she knows the alpha can't say no to that kind of face.

"Alright mother but after I gave birth no more nannies, I want take care of the baby by myself." Dexter said.

"One nanny son, to assist you." Rebecca bargain.

"Ok, ok, just one mother after I give birth. Hays no wonder Father can't win against you."

Rebecca laughed. "Lee can't also win against you hahaha. it's for your own good too son. Now go and enjoy yourself, we also invited your friend Maica I think she's somewhere. Go have fun make my son envious by missing the fun." Dexter kiss the cheek of his in law before leaving.

"He's calling you mother?"

"He's pregnant?"

"But he's an Alpha."

"Yes he's my youngest Son's wife and he's pregnant with my grandchild."

"How can you let your son knocked up an Alpha male that has no background for all you know he might be just after your son's wealth!" One of the women said.

Rebecca sighed, "I don't even know who you people are and why my son invited you all. I do understand that he wants to let everyone know about his wife Theo but I can't stand you hypocrites spouting nonsense." Rebecca sip to her red wine that matches her newly done blood red nails

"You see I'm their mother, if those people are not good for both of my sons then I'm the first one to object the marriage but I know those kids.... Omega? Alpha male?.... Background and statuses.... You see they don't matter. Those two are the best match for my boys. They don't love them for their money. Dexter insisted for a prenuptial agreement before he agreed to marry my youngest, Lee doesn't want to but since Dexter is far more important he agrees to his decision. Theo didn't take anything with him not even a single cent when my son and him broke up. Those two are already an official member of our family insulting them also means putting an insult to Shun's" Rebecca got up. "Ladies enjoy the night and I will enjoy the rest of my night with my man."

"Teakyun care to introduce me to that beauty here."

"Ow Chairman Miller I'm glad that you were able to make it here." Teakyun said.

"I'm surprise I thought he's dead?" Theo smiled awkwardly, he knows who the man is. It's the man that always likes to talk with his husband and totally admires their relationship before.

"Yeah I thought so too so when I found out that he's not I pursue him but I'm glad he actually gave an asshole jerk like me a chance, right baby?" Theo's face became hot red because of too much embarrassment when Teakyun called him baby in front of the Chairman.

"Hahaha the beauty here is already shy." Chairman Miller said. Theo hides his face to his Husband's chest, Teakyun smile and place a soft kiss on his head. Teakyun looked around. "It seems like your two bodyguards are not around?"

"Ow Aiden is doing some work and George is also busy with work and helping Aiden out with something together with his wife. But the kids gave me a set of guards, I even have a GPS on my body. Hahaha those two really are over protective on me."

"I'm not lucky with my love life but I guess I'm lucky to my children. So when do you plan to come back to the FC?"

"I think I still need to extend my leave I still need to court my in laws. They pretty much hate me." Teakyun said.

Theo hit him lightly. "No they don't." he said. Teakyun smile. "Of course they don't."

"Well good luck to you on that young man." Chairman Miller said.

Teakyun kiss Theo's head. "Baby why don't you go over to where the others are. We will just talked about something, don't worry it won't take long." Teakyun felt Theo nod before pulling out from his hug. he was still not far when Teakyun called him. "Baby my kiss?" Theo looked left and right before placing a quick peck on his lips and run away from them.

"Getting cozy are we? Back then he just simply stands there beside you but I already find the gesture sweet but this time I think even the ants will envy you two because of your too much sweetness." Chairman Miller commented.

"That's what my baby deserves, I wish I could've done it years back then."

"I'm happy for the two of you back when I first saw you two but now I am so much happier. You even proposed in front of these people I'm betting that you don't even know half of them."

"Not even the 1/4 of these people hahaha" Teakyun said. "I only invited them so they will know who Theo is to my life. I don't want them looking down on him."

"Your showing him off to everyone."

"I'm not just showing him off to everyone but I'm also putting my name on him so others will know that he is not someone they can mess up with."

"But you know protection doesn't just end with your name and status."

"Yeah I'm taking care of it." Chairman Miller tap him his shoulder.

"At least I'm happy to know that you are now learning."

"Yeah him leaving me opened my eyes."

"Better make his parents say yes to you sooner, my son is already readying to launch his plans, he already found good people so It's almost done, by next week they will start handling cases again."

"Aiden really is quick. He really is something else." Chairman Miller saw that sparks of admiration that Teakyun has for his son.

"Yeah of course he is my son. I personally trained him but Tea you need to remember that you are a married man." Teakyun laughed.

"I admire Aiden for his talents and work but anything more than that no." Teakyun looked at the laughing face of Theo and said. "My heart already belongs to someone."

"Hahahaha I was just joking." Said the Chairman "but I saw just how much you admire my son." Chairman Miller looked to where Teakyun is looking and saw Theo. He smiled and felt happy for the two. The two continued to talked about business.

Theo excused himself he walked over to the buffet table to get himself with something to eat.

"I can't believe that the school slut manage to trick a big fish." Theo felt his body froze he turned his head to his side and looked at the woman who he can still remember. She's one of those bullies who puts tacks to his shoes and other stuff.

"How will he react if he knows that a lot of guys already had a taste of you?"

"T-Tell him...." Theo tried to gather his strength, he doesn't want to live in the past. He and Teakyun agreed that they will move on and won't let the past drag them down.

"I-If y-you w-want go and tell him." Even with his trembling voice he still tried to fight the woman.

"So your acting tough now? Just because someone big proposed to you, you're talking back to me now? If he knows just how dirty you are I'm sure he will take back his proposal to you....."

"Take back what?" Theo turned around to see who it was.

"Mother?" Theo said.

"Son, what's happening here?" Rebecca asked, she came as soon as he saw Theo's pale face.

"Nothing Mother don't worry." Rebecca eyed the woman from head to toe.

"Ma'am I'm just telling him to tell you and your son the truth about him. He is our school slut, he will gladly have s*x with just anyone..." Rebecca raised her hand to make her stop talking.

"Everything you are telling us now we know all about it. His husband knows about it too but I guess your version is the twisted version. My son Theo is the victim, that was not consensual you all know that. If it weren't for the years that passed Teakyun will probably reopen the case and I can assure you that everyone involved will dearly pay. So you should be thankful that it has been more than a decade that the case can't be reopen again." Theo can see how the color on the woman's face suddenly disappear.

"There are many ways to get back to them mother." Theo felt two arms snaked around his waist.

"Baby are you alright? Do you know her?" Teakyun asked.

"She's scarring Theo telling us about the school incident." His mother explained.

"Ow that incident again. Why do they keep bringing that thing up even if that was decades ago?" Teakyun sighed. "Baby go to Nick I'll just talked to her." But Theo hold his hand.

"I don't want to go, can I stay here?" Theo plead, he's scared that the woman might say unnecessary things that will put them to the same situation as before.

"Lady I'm really pissed by the fact that you scarred my wife because of that thing, you reminded him if his past and threatened to exposed it. That is not a good things to say. Don't make me any angry than I'm already am or you won't like it if you make me angry..... Ow tell that to all your friends I will take them on personally."

After the party the two retired to their room and after they are done cleaning themselves they lay on their bed. "Aren't you embarrassed?" Theo asked, his back is face his husband.

"Why should I? They should be the one who should be embarrassed. I love you and I will fight for you no matter what they say I will only listen to you." Theo turned around to face Teakyun, he hold his face and kiss him. The light kiss became deeper and deeper till Teakyun push him to lay on his back and got on top of him. His mouth went to his neck kissing and sucking his skin. His hand went under his shirt and start fondling his breast pinching his nipple. The sensations brought by Teakyun's actions sends electricity to his body that's making his body hot that made Theo release a loud moan. That moan made Teakyun get back to his senses. He immidiately stopped, this is the reason that nothing happens for the passed days that they have been together. Teakyun always restrains himself.

"Baby you should go to sleep first I'll just go out for a bit." Teakyun was about to get up when Theo hold his hand to stop him.

"It's ok." Theo smile. "Baby we just got engaged, I mean the arrangement is not in order but it's the first time that you actually proposed to me so I think this calls for a celebration. Make Love to me."

"Are you sure?" Theo nodded even though what Nick told him still scares him but it's Teakyun so it's going to be just fine.

"Yeah, your my husband." Teakyun captured Theo's lips kiss him deep taking his top clothe, he went down to kiss and suck his breast. "Hmmmm, aah aaahhh Tea.... hhhhmmm"

Teakyun smile at his wife's reaction. His hand travel south and took out his pajama together with his underwear. His eyes got stock to that place. Theo who felt very expose cover that part of him but Teakyun pull his hands out.

"Baby you shaved?" Theo covered his whole face because of embarrassment. Because of what Nicolas said it made him think on what do guys prepare today. So when they were on their way he search the internet for tips and shaving is one of them. So when he was cleaning himself the thought suddenly crossed his mind and tried it. After doing so he really felt embarrassed and decided not to do it with Teakyun as long as it still hasn't grown yet but the thought slipped his mind because of the heat of the moment that he totally forgot that he shave himself clean down there.

"So sexy makes me want to eat you whole." Teakyun said. Theo felt Teakyun pull his legs apart. "I can see everything, Baby you didn't left anything."

"Teakyun! hhhhmmm aaahhh." He couldn't say anything, like what Teakyun said he did eat him hole and seconds later he felt Teakyun's long two fingers inside him, it hurt him a little that eventually replace by pleasure. "Tea, aaahhhh Baby aaahhh more, more.... It's good damn! aaahhh...." His hands unconsciously reached down only to pull Teakyun's hair... "Baby faster I'm close hhhhmmmm aaahhhhhhhh!" Theo had his released but the heat on his body is not subsiding it actually getting higher and higher that's making his breath shallow. He watch how his husband kneel up and took of his top shirt. Theo can't help but admire his sculpted body. Teakyun next lowered his sweat pants and underwear showing his full erect glory. Theo gulp, he hadn't seen it for so long but it's size is something that will definitely going to make him run. Then Nicolas thoughts suddenly crossed his mind.

"Are you ready? You can still back out you know that." Theo looked at little Tea.

"No I don't think that pet of yours is ready to back down without putting a fight first." Theo said that made Teakyun laugh.

"Don't worry about this one I can manage this." After saying that Teakyun was about to pull his pants up when Theo stop his hand.

"I'm ready and I know you are too."

"Baby I'm not in a hurry, I can wait. It's enough for me that I had a taste of you. Once I'm inside of you I fear I won't be able to stop anymore."

Theo can see the fear to his husband's eyes. "Teakyun it's ok I want this." Teakyun grab both of his legs and spread him. exposing his hole that is now dripping wet.

"Tell me when you change you mind I will stop right away." Theo pulled him for a kiss.

"Put it in Baby." Theo said with his husky sexy voice that made Teakyun loss his mind so he pushed himself inside. Theo grab Teakyun and bite his shoulder because of the pain. Teakyun noticed it and just let him bite him, he stopped mid way to let him get used to his size. When Theo let go of his shoulder that's when push through again till he's fully inside.

"Baby can you tell that I'm inside of you now." Theo blushed.

Teakyun start moving that made Theo almost loss his mind because of the pure pleasure that only Teakyun can give him. "Aaaahhhhh Tea faster, uuummm so deep, so good aaaahhhh there."

"Baby you're wetter than usual." Theo can also feel that, he doesn't know why maybe it's because after years he's finally making love with his Alpha. His body is getting hotter and hotter till.

"Damn it Theo you are having your heat." Teakyun blurted out. *Heat? So that's why I feel so hot* he thought.

"Your suppressant?" Teakyun said in panic.

"Tea you are my Alpha you can make this heat calm down. Now move!" Teakyun start moving the room was filled with moanings of two people.

"Fuck Baby you are so tight and hot as fuck. Damn it!"

"Teakyun aaahhh harder Baby."

Teakyun can feel himself swelling and he knows that he is already near, he plans to release all his seed inside

"Theo Baby I'm coming..."

"Tea it hurts!" Theo said.

"I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to, I mean I'm super horny and turned on that I lost control."

"What do you mean?" Theo asked.

"I think I knot you."

"You, you know how to knot?" Teakyun nod "I hundred percent can control it it's just that I lost control." Though not all Alphas has the capability to knot, those who had this capability doesn't usually do it.

That morning Theo came out of their room limping and his neck and collar bones are filled his love bite. All eyes are on the two.

"I'm guessing that the two of you had a good night sleep?" Dong-ha ask. Theo cough the juice he's drinking.

"Here." Teakyun assist his wife and glared at his Dad.

"Dad by the way we will fly out of the country tomorrow." Teakyun informed his Father.

"What?! what about our business? You can't just leave, your is not due to be released for another 3 days."

"You can do it Dad, FIGHTING!"

"How can your mom and me make another child if you two are keep filling up all the work to me?!" Dong-ha complain.

"What?! You and Mom are still planning to have another baby?"

"Yes why?" Rebecca answered

"But you are already in your fifties. Dad can you still perform?"

"Are you questioning my capabilities? To whom did you think you owe yours sexual stamina?" Theo cough again because of the what his father in law just said.

"I'm still not menopause so that means we can still make another siblings for you two." Teakyun couldn't believe what he's hearing.

Theo now wonder if Zai's suspicion is actually the other way around maybe it was Teakyun who's adopted and not Lee cause it's clear that his in law's are both crazy.


Terrence looked at the Doctor who's examining his son in the ICU. It has been a week since his son's bone marrow transplant also the reason why the kids, Chester and his parents weren't able to attend Lee's wedding. When the Doctor step out of the room Terrence immidiately went to asked the Doctor.

"How is his condition Doc?" Terrence asked the Doctor.

"The operation is a success though we still need to observe how his body going to react to your marrow. You should also take a rest." The Doctor explained.

"Doc I was wondering if you know something who can help someone who is suffering from a traumatic nightmares from a past experience." The Doctor looked at him.

"I can give you a referral letter to a friend of mine who handles cases as that. She is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst at the same time." The doctor explained.

"Thank you Doctor." Terrence finally made a decision. Chester needs professional help. He won't be able to over come it just by himself. He won't be able to move forward when he has a past that's weighing him down. He just hopes that this could really help his wife, he hopes for Chester to get pass through this and he hopes that his family will get pass through it.

"What happened to your hair?" The Doctor asked she has been eyeing Terrence hair and wonder what's gotten into the Alpha's head for him to color his hair neon orange.

"The wife of my friend got angry cause I colored his husband's hair on their wedding day. I was blackmail to color my hair or my reputation." The Doctor looked at him weirdly.

"Ok I'll leave you here for a while."

"Can't we still go to see him personally?" Terrence asked.

"I'm afraid not as the moment. Your son's body is still recovering and adopting. His body is vulnerable and susceptible to any form of infection so we need to be very careful with him."

"I understand." Terrence thanked the Doctor and watched his son from a far. Terrence is loosing patience, investigation done by the authorities are taking way too Long with little to no progress at all. All they lead evidence leads to that two men who his wife with in the car were the culprit but Terrence is not convinced, he thought something's missing but doesn't know what it was. When his parents came to switch with him Terrence went straight home. He went inside the room of his kids and saw Chester sleeping soundly. Their relationship didn't progress as a matter of fact the Omega became even more distant with him like he's scared with him.

He sit next to him brushing his hair. "I hope I'm making the right decision taking you there, this might relieve bad memories that you are trying to repress but I'll be with you every step of the way. I promise you that." Terrence got up and went out of the room as soon as the door shut close Chester's eyes opened.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to but..... but...." A lot of things run to Chester's mind that scares him but what scares him more is the fact that Terrence will come to hate him. So he distance himself to him.

When the morning comes Chester doesn't know what happened he just finds himself on Terrence car driving to somewhere he doesn't even know. After an hour of driving they reached a small building. They went in and they were lead to the second floor. Chester initially back away after realizing where they are but Terrence hold him. "Take me home."

"I can't kitten, you need help." Terrence said.

"No, please don't make me do this." Chester plead.

"You need help, I will be with you we will face your horror together. Even that man we will face him and defeat him."

Chester's eyes wide open. "You knew." He said in a whisper.

"Yes." Terrence answered and that made Chester's tears drop.

"You must be disgusted with me?" The patients in the hallway looked at them.

"Let's go somewhere private." Terrence said.

When Terrence asked him to go somewhere private Chester wasn't expecting that they will end up in a motel. "I'm sorry this must feel awkward to you but this is the nearest place and I don't want us to go home like this." Terrence apologize.

"That's ok....." Silence followed till Chester broken the silence. "So you knew."

"Yeah, I have to. I told you that I want to start over again with you but that wouldn't be possible if you are still getting drag down by your past."

"You must be disgusted with me." Terrence hold Chester's face.

"Kitten look at me in the eyes. Tell me do I look like I disgust you?" Terrence asked.

"Regardless. I don't even know if I was really violated or was it consensual." Terrence laugh loud.

"Chester you are begging in your sleep for someone to stop. You are frightened, wounded and beaten. That doesn't looked like consensual to me."

"But.....but..." Chester's tears flow down his tears.

"He said no one would want me again." Chester hug himself. "I couldn't see his face but his words are stock on my mind, things the he did to me. I don't know how many times. I couldn't remember everything but sometimes I remember new things and that's when it occur to me that it happened a lot of times. He said I'm filthy that no Alpha would ever want me again." Terrence hug him.

"Sssshhhhhh..... I love you Kitten, have just a little faith with me that's all I'm asking. Don't keep it all to yourself." Chester cry and cry till he calms down.

"Terrence your a good man. I don't think you should stay married to me."

"Why do you think so?" The two are now laying on the bed, Chester is using Terrence chest as his pillow.

"Cause I'm dirty."

"That won't change the fact that I love you. Don't push it Chester. How about you? Your answer at the camp is that still up?" Chester didn't answer.

"I don't deserve your love."

"My question is if you love me or not and not whether you deserve it or not. Cause as far as I know I'm the one who should be asking whether I deserve your love or not cause I have done a lot of bad things."

"Chester you told me that you love me before, Do you still love me now?" Terrence asked.

"I love you but I'm scared."

"It's Ok to be scared just have a little faith in me cause I won't leave you." Chester sit up and kiss Terrence.

"Let's do it, do the therapy." Terrence smile widen.

"So that means?" Chester nodded.

"How about us? Our relationship?" Chester's bitting his lips.

"Don't bite your lips kitten or I might eat that whole." Terrence warned he really is tempted to ravish that pinkish lips of him.

"If your ok with a person like me...."

"Do you really need to asked? You have given birth to three of my children. Whatever happens to you in the past I can accept it wholely but you have to promise not to leave me again. So do you love me?"

"I love you Terrence."

"Are you ready to start our family over again?"

"Yes." Terrence kiss Chester softly on his lips.

"Then my wife from now on you are exclusively belongs only to me."

To be continued.....


Chapter 29 Sneak Peek...

"Where am I?" Bea shout then she felt someone slapped her.

"Shut up!" Said the voice of a man.

"Don't damage the goods, the boss said to take it easy with her. The boss really is brilliant for coming up with that kind of plan." Said the other one.

"Don you know who I am?" Bea shout again.

Next chapter