
Chapter 40: After two years of waiting, Finally!

Author's Note:

I'm sorry for the late update. I was running an errand yesterday so I was out like the whole day walking and walking doing some errands.

I will be releasing two chapters today and will try to release the third one a little bit later so that I could fulfill my promise of 3 Chapters. I'm sorry it took long for every chapters contains about 5,000 words per each so yeah.

Enjoy Reading. I'll release the third one later today. Thank you and Enjoy reading.


Liam found himself sitting in one of the clinics inside the Hospital waiting for the results. The Doctor started to examined and taking various medical samples from his body as soon as he told him his symptoms. The Doctor explained that the test were made to rule out other possibilities of sickness. Liam can see people keep glancing over his Husband and silently giggling as they do. He can't help but sighed deeply. *How hard can it be to have a handsome husband who others have been drooling over.* Liam thought in his mind. He can't helped but feel jealous and sensitive these passed months.

Their attention was caught when the nurse asked them to come inside. "Mrs. Montero, the results are here and fortunately they all came in negative which means that you are ok. There's just two more tests we want to do but before we proceed we want to make sure that the procedure will be applicable to you so please answer my question honestly." Liam can't understand but nod in response to the Doctor.

"When was the last time you had your heat?" Liam was caught of guard. A lot of things happened that he already forgot about his heat.

"I-I think f-four months ago Doc."

"How often do you and your husband have sex?" Liam blush and Lance know that Liam is getting embarrassed over the question.

"We are a healthy married couple so we do it frequently. But we hadn't done it for approximately two months for some personal reasons." Lance calmly answered.

"Then when was the last time that you two had sex then?"

"L-Last night" It was Liam who answered this time. he's blushing all over

"Mr. Montero are you releasing inside of your wife or are you two using any contraceptives?"

"No we don't, I don't use things such as that to my wife. It's not like we have to." Lance said.

"Ok then the two test can wait but first we need to check weather you are pregnant or not. It will be harmful for the baby if we do an x-ray on you if ever you are indeed pregnant." The Doctor explained. He was already instructing his nurse when Liam suddenly speak.

"But that's impossible I have little to none chances to get pregnant, I was in an accident two years ago." The Doctor looked at him.

"But little chances can't eliminate your chances in getting pregnant specially if your husband is saying that you two are actively doing it without protection and in your record it was said that your husband is a rare dominant Alpha which means his capability in getting someone impregnate is higher than most Alphas. So we need to check if you are indeed pregnant before we proceed to other things. We can't afford to endangered a life just because we didn't bother checking right?"

"Doctor please have my wife checked." Lance gave his permission. He was feeling ecstatic with the idea that finally the two of them can be a parent again.

"B-but--- Lance what if I'm not what I-If we got disappointed again?" Liam asked he doesn't want to see that sad look on his husband's face whenever they fail in trying and he doesn't want to lift his hopes too high and get drag down again if it's not true.

"That's OK at Least we tried. It won't hurt to hope even just for a little right wife?" Lance place a kiss on his temple to calm him down. Minutes later a nurse came to take Liam's blood.

"Four months of no heat why haven't I noticed?" Lance said to himself. He wants to smack his head with his fist for not even noticing it.

"Well you noticed remember the time when you want me to come with you to your one week business trip because you are worried that I might have my heat when you are not around? You told me it has been two months but I still haven't had it."

Liam explained.

"Oh right yeah then after that because of the issues that we just had it kind of slipped out of my mind. But Love four months is just too long don't you think? Maybe you are indeed pregnant." Lance said excitedly. Liam can see the light in Lance eyes.

"Don't expect too much, You know how my condition is." The only thing Liam can do is not to make his Husband hope for it too much he just doesn't want him to feel sad.

"Well thinking that you maybe are pregnant is so much better than thinking that you maybe have an underlying sickness." Lance tsked. He can't even imagine how miserable he will be if Liam is indeed with a sickness than with a child.

The two just keep talking when the Doctor Finally asked for the couple.

"Well I already sent your result to one of my colleagues, from here on he will be the one to explain and handle the case of your wife." The Doctor called one of his nurses and asked her to lead them the way.

When they get inside the clinic the nurse explained to the Doctor who they are. He looked at the chart results and went over them. "Good day Mr. and Mrs. Montero, I'm Doctor Euenho and you two were endorsed to me by my colleague Doctor Jung. So shall we start?" The Doctor asked.

"Can I asked Mrs. Montero to get inside the room?" Liam got up and the Doctor hand him something.

"Please wear this and take off your pants and underwear." Liam went inside the bathroom and do what he was told. After that the nurse assisted him in a room that looks more like an observation room that has reclining bed inside, in the Doctor's clinic. His Husband was left inside the Doctor's clinic.

It took the Doctor and Liam a little while before the two finally stepped out of the room.

"So how is my wife Doctor? Is there anything wrong with him?" Lance asked one question after the other.

"Well there's nothing wrong with him as a matter of fact your wife is pregnant. So congratulations to the both of you." The Doctor calmly brought them the good news which made Liam faint.

Lance quickly hold him and the Doctor offer them one of the beds inside.

"He must have been very surprised. Don't worry he'll regain his consciousness. So I'll just going to tell you about my findings." The Doctor explained.

"His case is very special, we need to pullout his old records from two years ago to double check. Luckily he was admitted here when the miscarriage happened so pulling out the records was not that hard. When the test results of his blood came I need to check if the baby is doing good inside specially it seems that none of you two had noticed that he has been eighteen weeks pregnant—Yes almost five. The womb scars are still there and thankfully the fetus planted itself to the part where there is no scar or damage tissue cause if not the chances of miscarriage will be very high." The Doctor continuedly explain.

"So is my baby and wife ok? Won't there be any problem with his pregnancy in the future?" Lance asked in worry.

"No both the mother and the child are fine. Your child planted it self to your wife's unscarred part of his womb and the fetus hold is strong so it will be fine. Just avoid too much stress and of course other things that pregnant person should not be doing. He needs to eat plenty of nutritious foods and get plenty of rest cause it seems he's not getting enough of those this explained why the fetus is small considering it is almost five months. I'll prescribe him vitamins and drinks to keep him and the baby healthy."

"One more thing Doc. Is sexual activities ok? I mean I don't want to sounds like a pervert but I'm just a man who's in love with his wife and that kind of thing also mean I always want him." Lance went straight to the point. He wants to make sure that doing it won't be harmful for both his wife and child.

Lance heard the Doctor laugh. "Don't worry Mr. Montero a lot of expectant father also asked the same question. So to answer that yes, it is ok just don't do something extreme and please make sure that your wife will attend all his check ups. Next week I'll have you both be scheduled for the ultrasound."

Lance carried Liam to his car and took his wife with him to the office.


Liam woke up seeing the ceiling he is not familiar with which made him to quickly sit up straight. He then noticed that he is in Lance office. *Has he been sleeping on the couch* Liam thought.

He quickly search his mind on what happened. "It must have been just a dream." Liam murmur. "There's no way I'm pregnant." Liam feel his stomach that slightly have become bigger and he can feel tears coming from his eyes. "How I wish it's true though." Then he felt two strong arms that hug him from behind and whispered to his ears. "But it is true, we are going to be parents soon." Liam turned his face to his Husband and saw him smiling. "Is it?" Liam can't believe it but Lance nod only confirms it that made him cry even more. "Sssshhhhhh, don't cry it won't be good for our baby."

"Yeah, yeah I will stop crying. So what did the Doctor say?" Liam asked excitedly.

"Well he said that my swimmers really are awesome." Liam quickly hit his chest.

"Hey stopped joking"

"I'm not joking though, why? don't you think my swimmers are amazing?" Liam blush. "I do but just get to the important part."

"Well that's the most important part if my swimmers aren't amazing they wouldn't impregnate you---- aw aw ouch love stop hitting me ouch." Liam keeps on hitting Lance which made the Alpha winced in pain. "You. won't. stop. joking."

"Ok Ok Ok I'll stop so stop hitting me." Lance pout and begun to whisper something. "He's hurting me now, He used to love me so much but now he just hits me, what a brute." Liam upon hearing it raised his hand ready to hit him once more. Lance immidiately lifted his hands in defense. "I concede, I yield!" Lance shout which made his wife laugh at the sight of him.

"So what did the doctor say?" Liam asked still laughing.

"The Doctor said that we are four months pregnant— well about 14 weeks. So after five more months I will be able to taste breast milk while making love with you. I was kind of feeling envious to Terrence because he gets to experience that with his wife. Now I finally got my chan---" Liam throw him the throw pillows. He can see his wife's flushed face. "You perv! You won't be getting any once I give birth!"

"Hey that was just a joke! I was just trying to lighten the mood cause you'll start crying again knowing how emotional you are. Love please don't do this to me please?" Lance said I defense but he did take note at the back of his mind to make sure to do that once Liam have given birth. It is not everyday that he will get a chance to taste his wife's milk.

"So we are four months pregnant? So that explains all the throwing up and the faintings."

"Yeah so about you working I think you should not for awhile till the morning sickness and the faintings stops. After things are normal again then you can start working in the shop but one of the maids should go with you." Lance knows how much Liam loves working and he doesn't want to make him stop but their baby is far more important.

Liam agreed to what his Husband suggested.

"I think we should tell Mom and Dad about this." Liam excitedly said to his Husband. But Lance is saying otherwise. He doesn't want to inform his parents that the two of them will be parents again. He is still sulking over the fact that his parents didn't even helped him in finding his wife's where about and that they contributed in blocking all his investigators. Beside he just got his wife back he wants to make sure to make up for all the lost time. So he made up his mind to postpone it for a while.

"No! I think we should not tell them for a while. I mean I still want to have and enjoy you all to myself." Lance wraps his hands around his wife and hug him. "They will try to steal your time and attention away from me. Specially Mom, if she ever finds out that you are pregnant she will go all gaga about it." Lance break the hug and looked at Liam with his puppy eyes begging him to agree with him. "So please, Don't tell her for a little while, just for me please?" Liam knows that the moment Lance pulled out that puppy eyes look he knew he couldn't say no so in the end he agreed. He will just let the Alpha handle his own mother when the time comes.

"Oh by the way the Doctor gave us a permission to continuedly have sex. He said it won't be harmful for you or for the Baby." Liam can't believe what his Husband just said with that goofy smile on Lance face. Liam can't helped but to hit him using a throw pillows, he just want to wipe that goofy smile. The two are laughing and just laughing while Liam keeps on hitting Lance and Lance trying to shield himself using his hands. They never thought they could still have a chance to be a complete Family. But Lance is more than happy to get his wife back and have a chance to be a father to their unborn child.


Lee is sitting quietly while looking at his lover's home it is a typical batchelor's pad, with it's grey metallic mat color paint on the walls and cream white paint on the ceilings, cream white sofa that compliments the walls paint. In front of the sofa place a wide scream TV and small table. The flooring is tiled with wood lick design and texture giving the place a fresh cool aesthetic. On the left side of the living room just passed the walls is the kitchen and on the front straight from the living room is the bed room. The pad was not big but it's just enough to house someone like Derek who is always out for an adventure.

Lee laugh at the thought that the composed and serious Derek is actually someone who gets easily annoyed with simple things that it seems that his meer presence is already enough to make the Alpha frown.

"Why are you smiling like an idiot? Stop that you are creeping me out." Dexter said placing down on the table the clubhouse sandwich he prepared for the two of them.

"Ow nothing I was just wondering how ugly your cumming face would looked like if we have sex." Lee said trying his best to get on the Alpha's nerve.

Dexter grab the sandwich and forcedly plug it to Lee's mouth. "Just shut up and eat! it's just hunger talking."

"Aw fuck!"

"Who said you can curse?!" Lee looked at him with an *what the heck look?*

"You are prohibiting me from cursing when you yourself curses too? Aw my lips that hurts." Dexter sprang his arms across the couch backrest and lean closer to Lee.

"You see I'm the kind of person who doesn't want to date someone who curses a lot. I might be cursing some words too that rarely happens but you, you are like a cursing machine who can't utter a sentence without cursing."

Lee lean in closer to Dexter's face making them only inches apart from each other's faces. "So what are you saying that you'll do if I utter a cursing word in my sentence?"

Dexter hold Lee's chin and run his thumb finger to Lee's lips. "Then forget about our deal! I stand by my rules and that's I don't date people who is like a cursing machine."

"Then no cursing, I'm easy to talk with. Everything for you Dexy honey..... everything for you." Dexter smiled and back off. We continue eating his sandwich.

"Are you free this weekend?" Dexter asked. Lee looked at him with a questioning look.

"I'm actually quite busy by weekend but for you I can make time. Why are you asking" Lee said in a flirtatious way. Dexter tsked from Lee's breeze moves.

Dexter just ignore the Alphas flirtatious gesture. "Nothing I just want to ask you on a date. Since we are both seeing each other it is only normal to go on dates right?" Dexter saw how the word date made the other alpha froze on his seat.

"D...D-date y-you say?" Lee asked.

"Yeah why?...." Dexter looked at him suspiciously his eyes are narrowing scrutinizing every detailed expression on Lee's face.

"Why are you stuttering? Don't you want to go in a date with me?" Dexter asked. "Maybe you are embarrass to go on a date with a man who's in clutch." Dexter added sounding hurt and sad, he even looked down and lost.

Dexter heave a sigh. "I do understand, it's ok if you refuse."

"N-no, I would love to. Dexy honey let's go on a date, don't be so sad. We will go on a date." Lee said trying to lighten up the mood but to his surprise the alpha quickly regained energy and looked at him with smile and promise.

"No backsies you already agreed so on weekend we will go on a date." Lee can only scratch his head.

Lee already left Dexter's place but the moment the alpha was already out in his house the smile on Dexter's face suddenly fell off and replaced with a sad and hurt look on his face. He went over to where his telephone is place and played the previous message left. (Hi Dex it is me Maica. I know we may have a little misunderstanding because of my rejection to your confession, but I hope you understand that despite that I still want us to be friends. I still want my best friend to be there at my wedding. Please call me back when you hear this.) The message was followed by the beeping sounds which resonates in the whole house.

Dexter close sit down on the couch and leaned back his head to the couch backrest his eyes are closed while talking to his self. "Am I doing the right thing? Will using Lee as a rebound can stop the pain? Will I be able to forget her if I could learn to love Lee?" Dexter laugh at his own thought. Never in his dream he could imagine him using other people's affection towards him just so he could forget his own affection to his best friend.


Chester is now sitting on their boss's coffee and pastries restaurant not as an employee but as a customer. His Husband still wouldn't let him go to work telling him that it might be dangerous for him and the baby. The owner of the shop fully understood the situation and allowed him to come back once after he gave birth and is fully recovered.

Chester was sipping a smoothie when Liam excitedly hug him from behind which made Chester yelp in surprised that got the attention of their other co-employees which later on also run towards them.

"Liam what happened to you? You just suddenly disappeared." One of the girls said

"Yeah you just run off and since then you didn't report to work." The other guy added.

"Are you going to work with us again?".

"Yeah I'll be working here again soon but I need to be very careful cause." Liam bit his lips.

"Cause I'm pregnant." He said shyly. The girls inside sqeal upon hearing the news and the guys just congratulate him. Chester on the other hand hug him.

"I'm so happy for you, you have been waiting for a long time and now finally."

"Yeah, me and Lance are really happy with the news but he wants to keep this a secret from Mom and Dad so please don't tell your husband." Liam asked Chester. Knowing Chester's husband he sometimes tend to suddenly spill all the beans out when he got too carried away.

"Wait so you two finally got back together? Wait hold on I just remembered you young man owe me an explanation. Why did you lie to me?!" Chester cross his arms in front just a little on the top of his is bulging stomach.

"I'm sorry Chess, I was really emotionally wrecked that night and facing my husband is not an option for me. I don't want to drag you guys to our marriage problem that's why I decided on my own. I'm very sorry. I tried to visit you in your apartment but it was under renovation. I asked Terrence and he told me that you will be visiting the cafe today, that's why I went here." Liam explained looking all worry with his friends reaction.

Chester blows a loud breath. "Come here." Chester pulled Liam into a hug. "That's ok I do understand but please next time you plan to run away again please take note that you still have a friend who worries about whether you are still breathing and alive somewhere. What are friends for if I can't even be there when you need a friend the most." Tears starts brimming to Liam's eyes, he tried so hard to fought back the tears as he doesn't want his reunion to his friend to become like a scene from a drama series.

It didn't take long before the two finally broke the hug. "So how are you?" Chester said wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Awe you two are really sweet if we didn't know best that the two of you already are married we will mistaken you two to be lover's instead of friends." Commented by one of the staff.

"Yeah but that aside. Liam how have you been?" Asked the other one.

"I'm good and happy. I both have my husband back and I'm also going to be a mother again." Liam said looking at his tummy which is already showing a baby bump but still not showing much from his clothes.

"So when did you just found out?" Chester asked.

"Just the other day." Liam answered. The other staff congratulate him.

"How long are you?" All eyes went to the owner who is walking towards them.

"Sir good day." Liam said bowing a little to their boss to show respect.

"Welcome back Liam." Pierce said giving him a warm smile. He missed this, Liam misses everything in that cafe but most specially the warmth of the people working in there, they don't make you feel any different from them specially their boss even though he is an Alpha.

"Thank you Sir." Liam smiled back.

"So Liam how long are you expecting?" Chester asked the same question as Pierce.

"F-four months well the Doctor said I'm 18 weeks pregnant." The owner have to close the shop early so that they could celebrate and catch up for their two employees who visited the shop. The small celebration didn't ended late for the two needs to go home and rest early giving their condition.

While waiting for their Husbands to arrive the two continued talking, filling in each other with what happened in that more than two months that Liam's been gone missing.

"Terry decided to have the place renovated. He bought the apartment next to us and had the walls in between removed. He wanted to give everyone a good space to live comfortably specially now that our family is growing." Chester said caressing his tummy in circular motion.

"That explains why you are not there when I came to visit. So where are you staying now? And Theo how is he?" Liam asked.

"At Mom's house. Theo is ok as a matter of fact he's been more cheerful these days and Mom has been constantly taking Theo outside, I just have no idea where they are going Everytime."

"I just wish I could talked to him again one of these days. My first meeting with him didn't go well though you asked me that I could be of any help to improve Theo's health but in the end I was not able to even bother asking him if he's ok the first time we met." Liam said

"Don't worry Theo understands, he knows that you were having a hard time back then." Chester assured Liam. He doesn't want the Omega to feel guilty about what happened when he knows how emotional pregnant Omega can be.

"You think so?" Liam asked looking at Chester straight to his eyes.

"I know so." Chester said.

"When you come back to your apartment I'll bring you guys something to make up for all the trouble I cost you and also to make friends with Theo." Liam said

They were still at it when Terrence came riding in a bicycle wearing an expensive suit. Clearly the expensive suit and bicycle doesn't go well together but Terrence looks like someone who is endorsing the Bicycle in a sexy and alluring manner.

"Hey Liam, came here to get my wife. Here kitten wear this and this — safety first." Terrence said handing Chester a helmet and bicycles protection gears.

"What are the two of you doing?.... Wait Chester are you going to ride on his bicycle?" Liam asked in shocked.

"Yeah why?" Chester said laughing.

"Don't ask this is his crazy idea. I'm just being a supportive husband" Terrence said while strapping his wife's elbow pads and knee pads. "But just because I'm riding in his crazy idea I will disregard safety. His safety should always comes first that's why....." Terrence was still talking while putting all the protective gear on his wife when Chester cut him off.

"I'm wearing this hideous things. He is so dead set in making me wear all these just so I could ride on his bicycle." Chester pout.

"Don't pout Kitten or I'll kiss you here to wipe that pout on your lips." Terrence said adjusting the strap on his chin pads. "Safety first specially you are almost in your nineth month." Terrence added.

"But you will be careful in your driving right? so why need all these exaggerated protective gears. I look weird" Chester said sounding like a child sulking on the corner for not getting what he wants.

"That's a given but it won't hurt to be very extra careful." Terrence gave Chester a peck on his lips. "Now don't sulk or our baby will come out with a frown on his face."

Liam is happy at the sight of the two he can't help but laugh a Little. "Terrence you really changed a lot ever since meeting Chess. You've been caring and loving which is far from your playboy image."

"He better or else me and the kids will leave him." Chester answer that made the Alpha frown.

"Do you think I'll let you and the kids go?! Beside I won't even do something stupid that will make you and the kids run away from me so stop thinking about it." Chester narrowed his eyes to his Husband's response.

"Really? Won't you be tempted?" Chester asked.

"Even if you place in front of me naked man or woman I won't get tempted. Why would I when I already have an amazing wife that no one can compare with. I answer your question so don't think unnecessary things. "Terrence said confidently without blinking an eye.

"Kitten as much as I want to assure and put your mind at ease but it's getting really late we need to get home before dinner time and we are riding on a bicycle so might as well peddle now." Terrence added while putting the helmet on Chester's head.

Chester laugh. "Ok, Ok.... Say the magic words first."

"What magic words?" Terrence asked confused to such words.

"That one I requested earlier in the morning before you went to work." Chester explained. The Alpha's thinking expression lighten up indicating that he already remembers. Without words Terrence went over to his bicycle to ride on it and looked at Chester before saying in a low seductive. "Hey Pretty want to go for a ride? Jump in."

Liam laugh at the two of them they who is doing such a weird thing. They are like doing a scripted play without a camera and Terrence play a pervert man trying to hit on a pregnant Omega.

"Chester you're making your husband sounds like a gigolo who is hitting on a pregnant man." Liam commented at Chester's request.

"Yeah well he lost the bet and he pretty do much everything I asked. Isn't that right Terry."

"Yeah Kitten, people are watching already thinking I'm some kind of pervert from pulling out a Barbie girl lyrics on you. Lets go and spare your husband from shame." Terrence said asking his wife.

Chester was still laughing when a beautiful dominant Omega male with oozing sweet Pheromones walk towards hi Husband. He looks like someone who lives in upper society or so by the way he walks and clothes himself.

"I can't help but notice you, though you are in a bicycle your looks and body says otherwise. I'll be getting to the point — I like people like you, so do you want to have coffee with me? I just park my car over there just a cross the street." The Omega male said without even looking at them.

"Hmm let me see." Terrence pose as if thinking an answer to his offer which made Chester's eye brows twitch. *It looks like this playboy even considering taking the offer hhhmmm* Chester thought.

"Ahem..." Chester fake a caugh. "Hi, with regards to your question I'll be answering on behalf of this useless man — so for an answer that would be a big No."

The Omega eyed him from head to toe. "And who might you be? I believe the one I'm talking and inviting is the man in front of me so what right do you have?" Chester's patience is already wearing thin and Terrence new that it might snap any minute now if he continues to tease his wife.

"He is my wife so he has all the rights. Since he said no then the answer is no. Hop in now Kitten let's go home." Chester raised one of his eye brows before passing by in front of the Omega to sit at the back seat of the bicycle.

"Just looked for another guy you can invite with." Terrence looked at Liam. "Liam we will be going now. My wife is already angry I can already see smokes coming out of his nostrils..... ouch why hit me kitten?"

"Just drive, I'll teach you some lessons when we get home....Liam bye see you. Send my regards to your husband and also congratulations." Chester said before the two finally left. The Omega was left dumbfounded by the scene he just witnessed.

"What are you looking at?" The Omega cranky said to him. He didn't wait for his answer and just suddenly left.

Next chapter