
Get Together

So this was where Yuki lived, Arata thought as he walked up to the front door. The house wasn't anything special on the outside. It would seem that her family was primarily in the middle in terms of wealth. Which made him wonder why they moved to the states only to then move back here for a short while.

The boy knocked on the door and in a short while, someone answered it. At first, he assumed it was the girl he was here for who opened the door. However, something was different about her personality.

"Ara?" She glowed up. "It's so wonderful to see you dropping by." The way she was acting was nothing like the Yuki he knew. Probably because this wasn't Yuki.

"Mom!" The correct girl meekly shouted down the stairs. "I told you I was going to answer the door for my friends." Yuki ran down the steps to get to him as quick as possible. "Come on, let's get to my room."

"Oh, but I haven't talked to your old friend in years." Her mother stopped them. Arata couldn't believe this mother was his friend's mom. She looked more like an older sister than a parent. They nearly looked identical save for the size difference. "It really is nice to see you again Ara." She continued to refer to his nickname, which was a little embarrassing.

"Mom, I said you can't call him that. I don't even call him that anymore." Yuki's skin was getting a nice contrast from her white hair as she was getting more anxious.

"But you wouldn't stop calling him Ara when you were younger. I remember when we'd be eating at the dinner table, and you'd tell us all about the adventures you went on." The longer this was going on, the more flustered Yuki was getting with him hearing about this. "He was your only friend, and I'm sorry we had to separate you two like that."

"Pl-please, we gotta get to my room." She ended this conversation abruptly and pulled Arata along. Which wasn't that easy with her small frame, so it was more like she was guiding him to the right room. Once they were in the privacy of her room, she breathed a deep sigh. "Mom can be really embarrassing sometimes." The girl covered her face with her hands to hide the redness growing on her cheeks.

"I guess moms are just like that." He could related given to his own mother's actions with his friends. Now that he could catch his own breath, the boy was able to take a good look at his surroundings. This was the first time he had ever been in Yuki's room. Actually, this was the first time he was in a girl's room alone with said girl. Though that wasn't going to last long.

Perhaps not so surprising about her decor would be that it was not that different than how he set up his own stuff. After all, they were both otaku and thus liked the same things. Yuki had posters strung along all the walls, mostly of shojo films and magical girls. Plus there was a bookshelf that had an entire row dedicated to figurines of all her favorite characters.

"Nice room." He complimented. This was a lot more impressive than his, probably because he had to pay for all the things he got outside of gifts. She was a lot more fortunate than him, but that wasn't what was on her mind.

"Oh no, but what about Matsu?" Yuki asked with stress on her voice. She was already panicking on how that other girl was going to react.

"Relax." He put a hand on top of her head to stop her from freaking out. "Matsu's the last person to make fun of anyone for what they like. Plus, I'm sure she'll keep it private if that's what you want." Of course, Arata had already come out about his own hobby. Albeit it was kind of forced out. Still, he wanted to help her be a little more open with her likes and dislikes.

"I hope so…" She spoke with no confidence. Though it wasn't just the idea of Matsu learning about the truth. Having Arata pat the top of her head drew quite a bit of attention in her mind. She had to come up with something to get him to stop it without directly asking. "Speaking of her, how did you all meet her anyway?"

"It's a funny story…" Looking back, it was a little silly how she joined along him at around the same time he was being blackmailed by Erina. Even more funny that she was the girl he attempted to defend from being bullied that resulted him with a trip to the hospital.

"That doesn't sound very funny at all." Yuki didn't agreed with that assessment. Especially him being beaten up happened shortly after her leaving to go to America.

"I mean, it could be taken as funny." This was a little bit of a defense mechanism from him. Since some of his friends had a good laugh about him being beaten up by girls. "Anyway, since we're still waiting on the others. Maybe you can pull out the book we're working on?"

"Actually, I already started writing notes about it." She directed him towards her desk. On it, she had the book opened about halfway with a few pages of notes written about it. "I was already working on it earlier today. Hopefully this is good enough."

"Great." She was really on top of things. "Just don't too much though, this is still a group project." It would be unfair to put the entire load on this small girl.

"I just wanted to make sure we get a good grade, that's all." Yuki didn't want to be the one to let everyone down. So she wanted to make sure that neither her cousin or Arata would be burdened by her.

While they were chatting, they heard another knock on the door. In a flash, Yuki dashed out of her room to ensure her mother wouldn't answer it again. Her actions really caught Arata off-guard, so he only gingerly made his way to the top of the stairs to see who it was that arrived.

As it turned out, both Matsu and Yogi came right at the same time. Yogi gave his cousin a nice tight hug, while Matsu practically leaped into Arata's arms.

"Looks like the four of us will be alone together." She greeted him with that trademarked smile.

"Looks like it." He replied, knowing exactly why she would say that. Considering her feelings for him, Arata wondered how long it would be until she would make a true confession to him. Even with all the time he had spent mulling it over, he was still uncertain about how he felt about her. It was made even more challenging considering the other girls vying for him.

There seemed to be something holding him back, but he couldn't explain why.

So all of them entered her room. It was a moment of anticipation for Yuki, as she waited to see Matsu's reaction to the room. Fortunately for her, it was a very positive one.

"Oh wow." Matsu was enamored with what she was seeing. "You have such a pretty room."

"Th-thank you." Yuki breathed a major sigh of relief hearing that. "Is it fine if you don't t-tell anyone about this?"

"Don't know why you want to hide all this, but sure." She responded with a dumb look at all of them. It was very easy to convince of her anything.

However, it would turn out they wouldn't be staying in this room for very long. Yuki's mom entered the room to ask for their help.

"Honey, something's come up at work." She told them. "But I already started with dinner, so could you possibly finish the cooking for when your father and I return?"

"B-but mom… We're kind of about to start on our homework."

"I'm sorry, but I really need to get going."

"It's cool." Yogi always was ready to hop on any challenge. It kind of reminded Arata of his own father. "We can do both at the same time. It's a bit of a light assignment anyway." That was true. The presentation they needed to give tomorrow was only going to last a couple of minutes anyway. Just showing the themes of the story and how it is portrayed.

"I guess it's fine." Arata tipped the scales in her mother's favor. "We can do both, how hard could it be?"

Maybe he shouldn't be saying that when Matsu and Yogi are considered part of the team.

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