4 World 1

All of us still very worried about what he meant by science experiment, but that didn't stop the giant worm hole to form behind us. Then we got sucked into the worm, but it took what seemed like hours for me to wake up. When I finally did wake I saw that I was on the roof just as before, but everyone else was gone. I saw a back pack in front of where I was sitting it had a note in it. The note read 'Zeko in order to get back to friends you must carry out what ever the people in this world want. Good luck, Future dad'. 'What the fuck does he mean by future dad? Never mind that but I guess time to go' I thought. I grabbed the bag as I headed to leave the roof.

Walking through the school I realized that without Corey and Tera I was alone. "Is the whore looking for more?" I heard voice as I was pushed down to the floor. "Tera?" I asked as I looked up." Who gave you the right to say my name?" Tera said flipping her hair which was now not in her usual pigtails, instead was wavy and full. Tera began to kick me repeatedly while Corey watched from behind just as timid as before. "What the fuck do you think you're doing" I hear as I loose consciousness.

After hours and hours of sleeping I awaken in the nurse's office to see a sleeping boy. "H-hey" I said waiting for him to awaken from his peaceful sleep. The boy woke his face was fairly familiar "oh Zeze you're awake!" The familiar boy said. "Who are you?" I asked him. "Ahh Amnesia I see I'm Vexit or Vex for short!". My eyes widened 'What?!' I thought he changed alot he's alot more open and lively his blonde hair messy as always and bright blue eyes seemed to sparkle. The door opened suddenly with a yelling Alex the same as normal "Where is she?!" He yelled. "Hey hey quiet down this is no way for a prom king to act." Vex said trying to calm him down. Alex sat next to Vex "so umm heh do you uhh want be my prom date?" Alex asked. "What?!" I yelled surprised "Fine if your serious". His face looked like his mind was doing a happy dance.

An hour passed before I was able to go home. I got my bag while Vex and Alex waited for me. We talked as we walked. "So"I said awkwardly leading onto something. "What's up?" They both asked in sync before we all laughed at it. "Anyway Vex, you and Corey maybe?" I asked in mind shipping it. "What?!" Vex said nervously "I-i" Vex tried speaking unable to. "Yep knew it! Good job Zeze" Alex said laughing. "I-i no ok?" Vex could barely even say. "You sure~" I teased." "Yes I'm sure! Now if you'll excuse me I'll be going home!" Vex said running off to his house. "Well its just you and me now king~" I said teasing once again. After awhile of us just talking we eventually reached my house. "Well it's my stop I guess I should go cya!" I said walking into the house. When I got in I decided to just sleep and like that the days went by so fast Vex and Corey actually became a thing.

As fast as I knew it prom night came and I went with Alex as his date along with the others Corey and Vex. The night went on everyone was happy until the queen and king announcement. "I would to give the gift of prom king and queen to Zeko and Alex!" The principal said congratulating us. After the night was over and I got back home I saw a bag and a note on it. The note read 'Good job you completed the first world you'll be sent back to the others now'. It read as I got sucked into the black hole...
