

I WAS just so excited as if it was my first day of school. I didn't actually know why I was so excited but I had a feeling that I would do great this year. I took my backpack and then walked downstairs. Charles, Wizvi's dad took his car keys and then drove us to school. Wizvi and I said bye to him and then walked inside the school. There was something new to the school. I noticed that there was no popular gang out there.

"Are they planning something stupid?" Wizvi asked.

"I don't know. They better not." I said grinning.

I never had a good impression on the popular group. They always thought that I was good for nothing. It wasn't something like that. I just didn't like them because Frank was the boss. He was the star in our school. Two reason: his grandfather was the chairman of this school and still is and he gets all the girls. His grandfather, Mr. Michael Ro was a gentleman. He always liked me for my good results and nice manners.

"So, what do you think will be the results of our GCSE exams of the first sitting?" Wizvi asked as I opened my locker.

"I really don't know, I don't remember how I did my exams." I said thinking.

"Hey Abby." A voice bloomed behind us.

We turned around and not so nice starting but it was Frank's. I sighed annoyed and so that I don't spoil my mood, I smiled at him.

"Hello... Frank." I said and walked past him.

"I was just wondering..." Frank was saying but I cut him off.

"Whatever you were wondering, I am not in." I said.

"Come on, Abby. Don't be a spoil sport." Frank said turning me around.

"Don't....touch....me and I don't wanna talk to you." I said yanking my hand from him.

"Grandpa's calling you." Frank said crossing his arms.

"You could have said it earlier." I said irritated.

"I was going to say but you never let me." He said smirking and for the first he had a point.

Wizvi and I rolled eyes and I went to Mr. Michael's room.

"May I come in, grandpa?" I asked giggling.

"Sure, sure dear." Mr. Michael's voice chirped.

I call him grandpa. He said that he always wished for a granddaughter but he never got one so he thinks that I am his granddaughter.

"Why did you call me?" I said as I sat down.

"Your results, honey. I just wanted to give you personally." He said handing me the envelop.

I opened the envelope up and was really happy to see my results.


Ms. Abby Custodio,

We're really glad that you did a very good results in your examination of GCSE. We hope that you will do like this in your next three subjects.

Practical Physical Science - A

Practical Biology - A

Calculus - A

Principal of Physics - A

Chemistry - A

Physics - A

Biology - A

Genetics - A

Botany/Zoology - A

Human Anatomy - A

Psychology - A

Physical Science - A

We wish you luck for your next exam- Environmental Science, Earth and Space Science, Physical Education.

AS I saw the name of Physical Education, I frowned. The worst subject of studies. Mr. Michael noticed it and chuckled. I couldn't help but smile.

"You know, Abby...you are the first girl I have seen who has taken every subject of Science and as for you also took Maths and P.E." He said.

"P.E. was never my favorite, grandpa. I didn't have an option." I said and he laughed.

"I wish Frank was like you...good marks in his exams but he turned out to be the opposite." Mr. Michael's sighed.

"I'm sorry. He needs to be attention towards his studies more." I said.

"Yes, that is why I want you to keep an eye on him for me." Mr. Michael said and my jaw dropped.

"Me? But..." I was cut off by him.

"I could have said it to Seth but he is too busy. So, may I count on you?" Mr. Michael asked hopefully.

"I don't know...maybe." I answered and he hugged me.

"I knew it." He said and kissed my cheek.

I sighed and then smiled at him. I walked to my class, Environmental Science or E.S. I sat in my class as my head was totally roaming around how to actually keep an eye on him. The class ended soon and I went to the library to study. I had only 4 months till exam and I couldn't help but study more and more.

"How could you study all day?" Someone asked and it was none other than Frank. Gosh.

I WALKED into the library to find Abby and there you go she was there...studying. I was so annoyed seeing her with her books once again.

"How could you study all day?" I asked and she turned around.

She wasn't really happy to see me. Sorry, babe. I sat next to her.

"If you are here to disturb me then please go away." She said and I pouted.

"How could you say me to go?" I said like a baby.

"They say I say everyone else to go." She said in a matter-of-fact tone. Smart ass.

"Okay." I said and was going away.

I knew she'd call me and as soon as my thoughts stopped her voice stopped.

"You...can stay." She said confused.

"Thanks." I said and hopped to the next chair.

But I just wonder why she told me to stay. Well, better for me.

"Hey, would you like to go to the coffee with me today?" I asked.

"Actually...no...no, wait...yeah sure." Abby replied.

Am I dreaming? I guess not. Oh God, today's my lucky day.

"Sure, I will pick you up at 4?" I asked her raising my eyebrow.

"5 would be better." She said smiling.

"Great then. 5." I said and waved her bye.

I was just getting into my game, sweet heart. You don't know my tricks and you're too stupid to fall for them. I walked out like a boss.

Next chapter