
One Winged Hero

Author: SageGrimm
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 103.1K Views
  • 11 Chs
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Sorry, but due to complications I had to cancel this novel. I recently moved to a new house and had alot of different things I needed to take care. I really hate to do it, but I gotta do what I gotta do. Sorry.

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Chapter 1I'm on Dawn Island!?

The sun shines brightly through the window stirring me from my sleep. Outside I can hear the people going about their morning, preparing for another day of hard work to ensure their lifestyle.

Birds are chirping happily welcoming the morning while seagulls han be heard scouring the shores for an early morning meal.

Wait a minute!


I live hundreds of miles from the ocean! I cannot possibly be anywhere near the ocean right?

Opening my eyes quickly, I hop from the bed and rush to the surprisingly high window and look out.

Instead of a nice rural forested town in the American Southwest, with all of the technological comfort and wonders of modern society. I look out the window only to find...

"Where the fuck am I?" I ask myself, my eyes blinking rapidly as I try and make sense of my situation.

The buildings and houses are mostly built with wood and numerous windmills litter the village. From my position I can clearly see the ocean.

"It's the ocean! I live impossibly far from the ocean, this can't be real right?"

It makes absolutely no sense. I sit back down on the bed to try and recall what I remember the day prior.

I woke up, did my daily hygienics, got dressed, went to school, studied and discussed with my teacher my plans for graduation, went to my part-time job, went home and watched some anime, played a few games, then went to bed around 11pm.

Nothing else substantial happened in that time. I did recall enjoying the Final Fantasy 7 Remake along with the Resident Evil 3 Remake trailers.

Nothing more or less...

"To think I was only a few days from graduation. Now look at me... Da fuck!?" I shout out in surprise when I notice how tiny and smooth my hands look.

Jumping off the bed I pat myself down and examine my body. I am a fucking kid again!

Tiny arms, legs, and taking a peek down into my pants... I sigh.

"Thank god I'm just a kid and not in some gender-bent bullshit." I say in relief. If I did not have my little brother down there, I would be in depression. Although the imagination of groping myself did pass through my head.

What? You wouldn't grope yourself if you woke in a girl's body when you grow up?

Nevermind that! I am in a place where there is none of the technology I am comfortable with exists. Hell, even the people I see walking around outside are wearing clothes you would see common in the 1700-1800s.

I even see someone with a flintlock pistol holstered to his belt.

I notice a ship in the distance passing by and notice the black flag fluttering above the sails. Is that a pirate's ship?

I'm gonna lose my shit if I meet Jack Sparrow himself!

Should I join his crew? Would the drunk bastard even recruit a kid my age? Do I even want to join a pirate like him who attracts the worst possible threats in all the seas?

I mean there is Salazar with his ghost crew, Barbossa and the skeleton grew, and lets not forget Davy fucking Jones!

"How old am I anyways?" I ask myself as I look over my youthful figure once again. If I had to guess, around 5 or 6 years of age.

I will find out later. For now I need to get my bearings before anything.

While I am focused on my current dilemma I hear the door opening and a young woman's voice call out.

"Oh! Your awake!" The woman says happily with a kind smile.

When I finally see her I am admittedly shocked to say the least. A fictional character is currently standing in the doorway.

I'm not seeing her through a television screen or in a manga, but in person.

Dark green hair, brown eyes, wearing a kerchief on her head. She is Makino, the young woman who owns the "Partys Bar" in Foosha Village from the One Piece series.

"Oh great!" I say to myself in realization, "I am on Dawn Island!"

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RaccoonLeague · Anime & Comics
389 Chs