
Chapter 48

Sarada sighed as she stared up at a very devious Bulma. She glanced at the clock for a moment and sighed again. She closed her eyes for a moment before staring up at her girlfriend. This girl can never get enough , can she? Sarada was not even going to question how she ended up shirtless. She wasn't even going to question why Bulma's shirt was unbuttoned. She was lost in whatever the two had been doing until that moment. Bulma is very distracting and times flies when Sarada allows herself to enjoy her. Seriously. An hour flew by just like that. She promised her brother she would come cheer him on at the tournament. She would be late if she let Bulma have her way. But she really couldn't deny the girl when she gave her a very convincing look. She cursed in her mind for being so easy to manipulate. At least the only person capable of that is Bulma. She didn't know if that was such a good thing though. Bulma can be pretty devious.

"We'll be late"

Bulma didn't seem concerned by the statement. She just planted a quick kiss to Sarada's lips with a smile.

"You do know that we are not allowed to view the fights until the finalist have been decided, right? "

Sarada nodded. She knew that, but she could always find a way to watch her brother. But here she was, staring into blue eyes.


"Even so"

Bulma hummed as she rested her forehead against Sarada's. She was amused at the moment. Sarada wanted her to get off her, but her tail was around her waist and keeping her where she was. She knew that Sarada noticed and the girl seemed annoyed with herself. The rational part of her was telling she should go cheer for her brother. The other unknown part was trying to convince her to stick around for just a while longer.

"I'm starting to despise my tail"

"That's mean. I like your tail. It let's me know how you really feel and want" Bulma said as she toyed with one of Sarada's spiked ends.

"Why did you have take my shirt off? "

Bulma held in a giggle and buried her face in the crook of Sarada's neck.

"Because I wanted to" Bulma kissed her neck. "Besides, you're the one who unbuttoned my shirt"

Sarada adopted a sly smile at the memory. She remembered very well. Although it wasn't her intention to begin with. She just ended up doing it. Everything started off innocent. They were both working on a new project. One thing lead to the next and for some reason Bulma was furiously ticking her. Why was she doing that? Sarada didn't remember. She remembered saying something that seemed to offend Bulma. That lead to the tickle attack.

Ah well, at some point the innocence was gone and so was her shirt.

She got distracted and was sure to end up in the same state with Bulma biting at her neck.

"Bulma don't you start" Sarada warned. She moved to get Bulma off her only for the girl to pin her arms and attach something to her wrist. Sarada raised an eyebrow in question. "What exactly did you put on me? "


"Well wha-" Sarada was cut off by an involuntary moan when Bulma sucked on her flesh. She cursed Bulma for what she had done, but couldn't break out of her grip. She didn't have her usual strenght and realization dawned on her.

"You did not"

A giggle was her answer.

"For crying out loud"

She started to protest only to be silenced by a knowing tongue. She shuddered at the feeling and closed her eyes. She cursed again. Bulma was playing dirty. She would have to get her back when she could.

Bulma was very happy with herself. She glanced at the clock and smiled. An hour was more than enough to have some fun. Her attention was then back on the girl under her. She loosened her grip on her hands slightly, but was still firm enough to make sure she didn't get the chance to move.

She heard Sarada mutter something about revenge. Oh she looked forward it. She eyed her neck. She didn't like the fact that her mark was gone. She grinned brightly at an idea.

Sarada was trying desperately to keep herself calm enough to have enough control of her ki. It was already pulsing. She couldn't understand how Bulma could make her careful control slip, but it was. She hadn't reinforced her room yet and would rather not spend days working on the damage she would cause. She let out a breath, trying and failing to ignore the raging heat within as Bulma added another bruise to the others she had created. Sarada loved it but could not give in fully. That would be disastrous.

Bulma noted the moan she pulled from Sarada when she kissed her just bellow her ear. Her tail had tightened around her as well. She seems to have found a key spot. Of course she decided to use her tongue. Of course she decided to suck and bite until Sarada was panting beneath her. Of course she enjoyed the feel of Sarada losing more and more control of herself and her ki.

"You're playing dirty"

Bulma giggled at the accusation and nuzzled into the girl under her. She was so warm and she tasted amazing. Bulma was happy she convinced her to use her strawberry shampoo. She smelled amazing.

"I'm being fair"

"No you're not" Sarada mumbled into Bulma's hair. She was not being fair at all.

"Am too" Bulma bit down on her collar bone and let her hands wander. She was being very fair in her book. She let Sarada's hands go free and the girl made no move to stop anything.

Sarada was very focused on what Bulma was doing despite herself. She needed to pa more attention to her ki, but she could not. She stifled whatever sound threatened leave her mouth when Bulma gripped her hips and pushed her deeper into her bed.

"Bulma" she whispered. "Don't press against me like th-"

Bulma didn't let her finish because she did just what Sarada was telling her not to and proceeded to connect their lips, swallowing the moan Sarada rewarded her.

She claimed a victory and was very proud of it.


Gine was seated in the kitchen, drinking the cocoa Panchy made her. The blonde woman was humming to herself as she prepared some more treats for everyone. Gine wasn't joining the activity because Panchy advised her to rest. She was seven months pregnant and was told to rest often. She sighed, oh well. She was watching Panchy but she was focused on the way Sarada's ki was very unsteady. It was low then it Was high and it kept going higher and higher. But then sometimes it would drop only for it to skyrocket again. It was as if Sarada was struggling to suppress her ki. Which is odd seeing as Sarada was a master of control.

And then it stopped just a few seconds ago.

A very happy Bulma strode into the kitchen followed by a very flushed Sarada who looked defeated.

"Heya" Bulma beamed as she walked out the kitchen, ready to leave for the tournament.

"Are you ok, Sarada? "Gine asked her daughter.

Sarada glanced at her and her eyes were clouded for a moment. She blinked it away and shook her head. She sighed and tugged on the collar of her shirt. Gine raised an eyebrow when she spotted multiple red marks littering her neck.

"Bulma" is all the girl said as she followed after said girl.

"It seems Bulma had her fun with Sarada"

Panchy smiled sweetly at the comment.


Bardock had a scowl on his face as he leaned against a tree. He was watching the humans mull around at the tournament. Apparently he was not allowed to watch his son fight yet because it was the preliminary round. That's ridiculous. But here he was under a tree, mad at some humans. He knew his son would come out victorious in all the matches, but he wanted to watch.

"This is annoying"

"What did I tell you Sarada? "

Bardock looked up when he heard a familair voice. He saw Bulma and his daughter jump off a cloud and landed right in front of him.

"Yeah, yeah" Sarada waved the other off. "Hey dad"

"Hey" he raised an eyebrow. "Explain to me why you let your girl have her way with you"

Sarada sighed at that and sat in the grass, not looking at any of the two near her. Her hickies were very obvious and Bulma made her wear a low collar shirt just to show them off.

"Woman, explain why my daughter's in a bad mood"

"My name is Bulma" she said blankly. "And she's not in a bad mood. She's most likely embarrassed or something"

"I still think she should not allow you to be so dominant " Bardock said as he folded his arms.

"You're one to talk" Bulma scoffed.

"What are you trying to say woman? I'm the man in my family " Bardock said with hard eyes.

"Well what I'm saying is that you totally shake in you saiyan boots when Gine gets angry" Bulma said casually.

"I do not"

"Yes, you do. I caught such a scene on camera and stored it away for future use" there was a darkness in her eyes when she said that and the smile on he face was unsettling to the man.

Sarada had seen the look on her face and smiled proudly.

"Blackmail" she whispered to herself with a nod. "Man, I love her"

"What exactly do you plan on doing with that tape? "Barock was suspicious.

"Nothing much" Bulma shrugged.

"I don't believe that"

"You're right not to"

The two eyed eachother for a moment. Both unwilling to break their gazes and give in. Bardock scowled and looked away. Bulma smiled in victory, totally smug.

"This isn't over"

There was an air around the two that made Sarada smile. They seem to be on good terms with eachother but they had their moments. She didn't understand what exactly they seemed to have against each other sometimes but it was fun to watch them bicker.

"How old are you? "


"In two years then"

"Three, Sarada is a year younger"

"No one cares about that"

"Sarada apparently does"

"Disregard her" Bardock said casually. "I know you two can create some device to produce a biological child. You will most likely carry it when that happens"

"You're bringing this up, why? "


Sarada was understanding what her father was trying to tell Bulma and she had a feeling in the back of her head. Bulma may not have caught it but she did. She aimed a glare at her father and he smiled as if he hadn't just told Bulma it was ok to do such a thing even without Sarada's permission to do so.

"You're a terrible father"

"Say what you want, I'm still your father"

"Am I missing something? "Bulma asked sensing that there were some unspoken words hanging in the air.

"Yes" father and daughter replied but made no move to inform her of what she had missed.

She sighed.

"Care to change that? "


She rolled her eyes at their answer. She thought over the conversation, trying to catch what she had missed. She thought long and hard about it. She couldn't find anything. Her conversation with bardock was a bit odd but nothing seemed totally wrong with it.

Sarada was glad Bulma didn't figure out what was behind Bardock's words. Things were better that way.

"Why are neither of you taking part in this tournament? " Bardock suddenly asked.

"Pointless" Sarada said. "I have no interest in this tournament."

"Same here" Bulma said. "My only challenge is Sarada and if she is not part of the tournament then there is no need for me to compete. "

"What about you? "Sarada asked her father. "I was sure you would have jumped at this"

"I doubt I would face any real challenge other than Kakarot. " Bardock said with a shrug. "I prefer watching him win right now"

"Huh" Bulma smirked. "You're not a completely terrible father "

Bardock glared at the bold girl. "Woman , don't go insulting my competence as a father"

"The truth hurts"

Bardock's glare intensified but then he looked away and smiled.

"You're bold, I like that"

"And you're not so bad yourself "

"You're relationship is questionable " Sarada said to the two. "But at least you get along in your own weird way"

Yo, so sorry for taking my time. I just happened to stumble upon an interesting fanfiction that grabbed my attention for some time.

So yeah. I hope you enjoy.

Archer out

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