
Author Note 10/26

Hello my lovely Chaos Minions!

Thank you so much for sticking with me for the last 7 months of insanity. It's been AMAZING, and I've loved every minute of it. And now, I have FOUR pieces of crazy news.

Big News ONE: I am afraid the time has come: Premium is here. I know many of you were hoping I'd be able to just sell the book hardcover and call it a day, but unfortunately, my contract with WebNovel doesn't work like that, and I have no say in making that a reality. I managed to hold off this long, but once I hit chapter 100, it was all over. I made sure they wouldn't put any of the chapters you've already read behind a pay wall, though, so don't worry about that.

TWO: WebNovel changed its rules recently, and now every new novel is required to use "Privilege." I'll be using only the lowest-tier 1-coin privilege for 2 chapters, so don't worry about it costing you a ton extra or anything, but I'm afraid I can't get out of using it. You, of course, don't need to purchase privilege to read my book! All chapters will be made available as more chapters release. I will be trying to write shorter chapters so they come out faster and don't cost too much, but I don't know how that will go. If you have to use Fast Passes for my longer chapters, I completely understand! If you can no longer keep reading because it's too expensive to pay for my book a chapter at a time, I also understand, and I'm so sorry. Hopefully one day WebNovel will decide to publish my book and you can buy it then!

Even if you can't keep reading, please feel free to join the Discord and keep up with the Chaos Community that way. Invite Code: hqJDEew

THREE: In other crazy news, the "Zeus F*cks the World, Both Literally and Figuratively" podcast is officially a GO! Some of you are aware I've always wanted to record a podcast where I tell the insane myths and legends I studied in college and put into my book, and now, it's actually going to be a reality! More details to come soon!

I also plan on hosting "Sessy Sessions" (either videos or live-streams, depending on my internet connection) where I discuss all things Writing and Literature, and I even plan on streaming while I write chapters so you can see how incredibly insane my brain actually is and how ridiculous my so-called "process" is. Next month, I'll post all my writer-related social media on Discord and also on my main WebNovel page and in an Author's Note.

FOUR: Finally, I am officially calling for any reader (or friend of a reader) who takes Art Commissions! I'm looking to commission a new Cover for the novel, as well as some fan-art pieces to turn into give-aways. If you are interested, please reach out to me on Discord (Seshata #9875) or comment with a link to your art.

Xx - Sessy

Your Devoted Chaotic Author God

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