
Coffee Shop?

Hi, Andrew sorry I took so long. You look fabulous, Jason. That is nice Andrew but you know I am a loyal bitch to George. HAHA! Wow, you got your regular, classic Andrew you will never change haha. Speaking of loyal who was that chick you were talking to Jason, I thought you only had feelings for George. Wow, Andrew you shouldn't judge so quickly. So who is she! Dam she is my sister! Ooh...Ok, I am sorry for judging. It's alright. Anyway Andrew why did you tell me to come to the coffee shop? I have a question don't be offended. Ok. Uhm how did you get your rate of 10? Well, Andrew! I know you're upset and mad at me Jason but please... Oh, Andrew sweetheart I am not mad hahaha. Well, my rate of 10 actually took a lot of work. But you should not listen to what people have to say cause your rate is fine Andrew. I know Jason but people should not have a rate or even be judged by there beauty no matter what. But there are people that are just bullshit. This government that we live in, is so FUCKED UP!

Hi author here don't shy but I will like you to comment on what you think about this book

I don't care if it is bad or not I just want to hear what you guys think.

I am actually thinking about starting a webtoon series for this story.


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