
reincarnated in naruto as kankuro

Author: ipar_noob
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 46K Views
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A puppeteer dies and is reincarnated in naruto as kankuro, the brother of gaara. follow kankuro on his adventures thru the world of naruto to have fun and become strong. cover is not mine don't own naruto or any of the characters

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Chapter 1dying and birth

NOTICE: as some of you may notice allot has changed in the first chapter. but I think it is better this way as to not make the mc to OP and focus more on the puppet part than natural chakra and an insane amount of normal chakra. It suits the story better that he doesn't wipe the floor with everyone and is more reliant on clever tricks to become strong than a huge amount of chakra. But I did give him some stuff here that he will later in the story will utilize with his puppets because that's his thing, puppets. Not being stupidly overpowered.

'Where am I, Why is it so dark here? What happened? Why am I here? The last thing I remember is that I was working on a new puppet after my granddaughter left to go back home after watching some anime with me.'

He thought

'Man I loved anime but that anime she showed me was disgusting! What's wrong with her to watch something like boku no pico with me, although I love anime especially Naruto, I loved that show. It was always fun to watch Naruto together with my granddaughter. We watched the show 2 times. Yes those are some good memories, those are the best 16 years in my entire 71 year life.'

As he was thinking about his life how he himself had a rough life, how he was bullied in school for loving puppets. how his mother died when he was 6, how his father became an abusive drinker and abused him from 6 to 16 when his father died of an heart attack. To which he got al the money his father had been saving. And it was just enough to open a puppet store where he could sell his puppets. Where he met a girl and had a son with the girl and when the son was 2 she left him for another men who made more money and took his son with her. This broke his heart which made him lose all sense and only focusing on puppets for years till he became a well-known puppet maker and was famous in the world of puppeteers. But it was not a nice life countless days whiteout sleep while making puppets but his love for puppets kept him going. till his son came back in his life with a beautiful wife and daughter. Where he got to hear how his mom and his adoptive dad neglected him when they had another kid of their own, and how he ran away with a girl and had a daughter when he was 18 but nowhere to go and no money. Of course as any good father would do he helped him get an apartment nearby and get him and his girlfriend into a good college. It was expensive but he had the money from years of hard work and puppet making. He also always took care of his granddaughter when they were in college or working. Their bond grew they were 1 happy family. Eventually they graduated and got a job and bought an house nearby. Just like that the happiest 16 years of his life.

'Maybe I died of exhaustion from not sleeping for 3 days. Well my son did always tell me that I should take more rest or I would die from exhausted, looks like he was right. Its just regretful that I couldn't properly say goodbye to my family but there is no other way and everyone's got to die one day right?'

'Is this purgatory? Because it definitely is not hell or heaven its just empty black space! I hope I don't stay here for eternity that would be less than favorable to say the least.'

And at that moment he felt like he was being pulled into a black hole but instead of a black hole he was being pulled in a bright hole.

'what the hell is this! Am I being pulled to heaven!'

In all the excitement he blacked out and when he woke he felt like his ass was on fire.

'what the hell! Which stupid donkey spanked my ass! Ill get you for that!'

But all he heard where the cries of a baby. it took him a while to realize it was him who was making the sound.

'does this mean I'm reincarnated'

He slowly began feeling his body and he indeed felt a body albeit he had a lack of control of his body he could feel he had a body.

'wow this must really mean I reincarnated! Lets try opening my eyes I still haven't seen anything since this experience'

And when he opened his eyes it's like he had been color blind his entire life and got the best pair of color correction glasses that came from god himself. When he opened his eyes he saw so many colors just floating around like mist. And he saw what seemed like more dense shaped colors. It looked just like the mist but more dense.

'this is truly a sight to behold truly beautiful. but what is al this? What is al this mist? And what are those denser mist clouds? One is standing up straight and the other is laying sideways. Could they be people?'

As he was saying that he suddenly got moved to the to the dense mist cloud that was laying sideways. And he was handed over to the mist cloud laying sideways. and when he turned around he saw that he was being carried by another mist cloud. And now he was being held by the mist cloud laying sideways he could feel his body stopping with crying in the gentle of the mist cloud. Then the mist clouds began talking in a oddly familiar language that he couldn't understand.

'what's this language it sound an awful lot like Japanese. Wait a minute this is Japanese! To bad I can't speak it. But why can't I see normal? Are my eyes that bad have i been dealt a bad cart in life with a bad body. Let's first try focusing on the misty cloud that's holding me. and then come to conclusions'

When he began to focus really hard on trying too see the misty clouds better the dense mist slowly disappeared, and made place for a women in her late 20's with a gentle smile and eyes blue as deep as the ocean whit light brown hair. she was a beautiful women but by the looks of it she was really tired. And when he began looking around he saw an old lady with grey hair an robes on. he couldn't see much more detail because baby eyes can't see very well yet. And the last person in the room who was the furthest away was what seemed like a man with dull purple hair. After looking at al the people in the room he thought relieved that he wasn't blind or something it was just somthing he didn't understand yet. but he was sure that it would al come later and he began to listen he couldn't understand much of the words but what he did understand was a name he heard and he hoped with al his soul it was his name.


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