
Part 14

Katara's POV:

The bright eyed girl woke from her sleep a little after 11pm to a soft knock at her door. With only one other person in the house, she answered with a smile , "Come on in."

Zuko entered the room with a smile, dressed in a night t shirt and shorts. He took a seat on the edge of the bed.

"I didn't wake you, did I?"

"No, no - Can't sleep I'm guessing?"

"Not a chance haha, I actually wanted to talk to you about something..."

"What's up?"

"Well I know we haven't had much time to catch up after, well everything. I just want to make sure you're okay."

"Hmph, if I said I'm okay I would be lying. Physically I'm fine, emotionally not so much..."

"I'm sorry about everything with your brother, Katara. We do have an attack setting out in the morning."

"I figured that... Sadly that's the best option right now. It just hurts to see how blinded he is. He's hurt and clearly violence is the only way he knows how to cope."

"Try to not let it bother you, you never needed to be dragged into this."

"I know, but I'll do everything in my power to help you with this, it's the least I can do."

"I'm just happy to see you safe."

"I mean it is all thanks to you."

"Hey, I can't take credit for everything I did have some help."

"I know, but you came even when I told you not to. That shows a lot about your character."

Zuko leaned over, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"I'll never let anything bad happen to you ever again, I promise."

She nodded with a smile, choosing to make a risky move.

"Will you stay with me tonight?"

The reasons were clear, she was completely isolated for so many days her nightmares terrified her. Every time she woke up she expected to be back in that cell. Her ulterior motive also clear, she craved to spend more time with the young Firelord.

Without the slightest bit of hesitation, Zuko nodded with a smile, climbing under the covers next to her. The two sat in silence for hours, Katara finding comfort in his presence. Close to drifting back to sleep, the girl cuddled up to him, head against his chest.

Zuko's POV:

Zuko woke feeling refreshed after his days of travel. Still quite early he noticed Katara was still sleeping. He slipped out from the covers, leaving her to sleep in. She definitely needed the extra sleep more than he would. Dressing in his robes for the day he moved to the living room, not surprised to see Iroh on the couch.

"Good morning, Zuko I hope you slept well."

Iroh poured a cup of tea for him, standing from his seat to offer it over.

"Thank you, uncle. Would you like something to eat?"

"Oh you cook now?"

"I can manage... I figured it would be nice to make something for Katara."

"Aha! A good woman can change a man in ways unknown. I noticed you two shared a room last night-"

"It's not like that uncle..."

"I do not mean to pester you, it warms my heart to see you happy."

Rolling his eyes, Zuko made his way into the kitchen. He was never given many opportunities to cook for himself, but secretly it was something he enjoyed. Choosing to stick with the basics he prepared pancakes, bacon, and toast. Halfway through Katara emerged from her room. Iroh instantly greeted her with a teasing remark, "Young Zuko woke up early just to make you breakfast-"


Katara giggled, "Luckily I'm starving."

She placed a kiss on his cheek before taking a seat with Iroh in the living room. Iroh called out to Zuko, just now deciding it was of importance.

"Zuko - by the way, all fleets shipped out, we are expecting a transmission from them late afternoon."

Rolling his eyes once more he placed all three plates on a tray, bringing them into the living room.

"I think under these circumstances we can break that stupid royal rule and eat out here."

Katara snickered after taking her first bite, "I never expected you as one who could cook."

"I guess I'm full of surprises, hey would you want to go on a little 'Royal Expedition' of sorts with me today? Just meeting with the citizens, handling the damage control?"

"I would love to."

All three finished their breakfast, Katara returning to her room to get ready. Of course Iroh had something to chime in about before taking his leave.

"Have fun today love birds, I must head out to wait on word regarding that transmission."

Next chapter