

"(I shall take a leap of faith

I know of our err, our crimes that were passed to us from previous generations. However, I still feel the brunt of it's effects. There is no relief, nor respite. Only agony and oblivion. There is no future in our sights- only death.

Unimaginable death and sorrow laying beneath our feet.

We've tried, we have tried so hard to remove his hold but it is too strong. The old ways still wrap themselves around our necks like nooses. We can no longer breathe, only struggle until we are forced to give up.

Even now fires still burn on our homes, the whole of the kingdom and nearby villages suffer the never-ending feud created by a king of old. There is no way out and even my friend is reaching a point. I fear he would make a mistake, a costly one that will ruin the whole of Camelot.

We still are unable to uncover what secrets the orb has that we have recovered. Only we know it could be our salvation, it's a stretch but we have to try but- someone had to take the fall. Has to support the power of the orb until the very end.

This I have not told him for obvious reasons, he is selfish as he is selfless but I cannot put Camelot nor Guinevere in peril. He has someone who needs him but I, this is my curse.

My own doing for allowing things to get this far)" Merlia's hands shook as a painful sob left her distressed lips.

Covering her mouth with her left-hand wet hot tears immediately fell down her face from what she was reading. Disbelief could not describe what she was reading.

"(One last sacrifice won't kill me, but I fear for the future and the innocents that will be dragged with me. Sadly I can only do what I can for my kin and those supporting us.

If I can keep them safe from those who provoked, those who want us dead then it's a risk I am willing to make. I will be sad about not seeing the legacy continue but knowing that I could do this makes it all the more worth it.

Forgive me friend, I will never forget you both.


Silence continued to echo in the room despite the broken sobs that left Merlia's lips.

Her shoulders shook violently as Anberine whose face was filled with sorrow pulled her distressed friend into a tight hug, not caring if her top would get soaked with tears.

Seeing this however left Skye wondering what had been said, at the same time he grew uncomfortable from seeing them crying.

Once Merlia's crying lessoned to low sniffles, she cradled the letter to her chest and wiped her tears with her free sleeve.

"At least we found out something good" Anberine said softly as she gave Merlia a watery smile. Nodding sharply Merlia released a short happy laugh as her tears still fell down her reddened cheeks past her chin.

"Y-Yeah… thank you Prince Skye, although I can't believe I'm even saying this" she said with another short laugh as he frowned at her comment.

"Gee… you're welcome" he said in a monotone voice before releasing a small smile, it did feel… nice to be thanked.

Even if it wasn't what he expected nor did he expected to be thanked.

"So, what did it say?" realising he didn't know what Merlin had written, Merlia slowly passed the letter to the prince who quickly read it.

His brows went up quickly in surprise as he read the middle part of the letter.

"This had to be the reason why Merlin was considered a traitor by the Dark Dwellers" Skye muttered as he finished reading. Merlia as she heard this nodded softly due to being tired from crying.

"He allowed himself to take the fall without King Arthur knowing that in order to keep as much anger away from the King, he would have to do something deemed extreme in the eyes of others" Anberine agreed as she continued to hug Merlia who hiccupped softly while covering her mouth with her left sleeve.

"Even though we haven't found much, at least we found something that clears his name" Merlia said softly as a sad smile formed on her face, despite it being covered by her sleeve.

Anberine nodded with a smile while Skye observed them with a calm expression.

"I'll wait for you both outside" Skye said feeling more awkward being in the same room as them, seeing him go the girls remained silent until he vanished through the wall.

"Will you be okay?" Anberine asked Merlia gently who in turn released shuddered breaths, nodding softly Merlia looked up at Anberine's worried expression.

Seeing this she smiled as brightly as she could and held both Anberine's hands with her covered ones, not caring that it hid Anberine's fingertips.

"I will be" Merlia said with a determined voice before releasing another shuddered breath.

"This is… it's a lot to take in and my family, in a way it'll be hard to keep this quiet" Merlia explained lightly.

"My mother was always strong, she always appeared cold even when outside. At times it was hard to see her smile even once" Merlia commented as Anberine guided her to a chair, once seated the pair continued to talk.

Allowing the moonlight to bathe over them thanks to the windows that showed the fields outside.

"My father, he may have been tough but he was kind. It was hard for him given that we're descendants Merlin, but I'm sure after hearing this it would set his mind at ease. Even if it is just a bit, but-" Merlia slowly looked down with a helpless look on her face.

"You cannot tell anyone else outside the family" Anberine guessed, knowing that hardly anyone would believe a piece of paper.

Even if it proved to be genuine, knowing that centuries of hatred could never be soothed by one thing.

In a way it would just add more trouble, no doubt they would see Merlin more than a traitor.

A Sympathiser who allied himself with the King, trying to play the hero to be acknowledged for making a 'sacrifice' for a cause that impacted the lives of a country.

As stupid as the idea would be, it would be something to go on and very hard to let go of.

"At least your family will know the truth, that would be better than having the secret lost forever" Anberine commented, Merlia nodded in agreement.

"I should tell Mordred, it'll be hard at first but..." Merlia looked at the letter in her hands softly, indescribable joy and sorrow for her fallen ancestor filled her tired heart.

At least she could give him some comfort in knowing that he had a family who still cared, even in death.

That his message even though was never delivered to Arthur could still be read to his own kin for closure, it was better than being in the dark.

Living in resentment for a man who only sought to save his own.

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