
Chapter 8: Reus Solo Concert At Hage Village!

After finishing breakfast, Reus helps Sister Lily and Oldman to do the dishes. after that he relaxes for a moment outside the church while enjoying the heavenly natural scenery. Reus honestly just realized the natural beauty in the village of Hage, for three days he only focused on Sister Lily and the magic experiment. he remembered that, he felt like he wasn't himself, then he ended up laughing at himself.

Spacious grassland, rice that is almost everywhere, air that is without pollution, medieval style houses, and of course the skull that is too large to be able to cover the sunlight that perfects the beauty of this Hage Village. (A / N: Damnit, I envy Reus who lives in that beautiful place)

He thought that this place might be suitable place for him when retire and enjoy his old age with his family. he in the future decided to buy land around the church to build his future home.

Thinking about his future, he came to think of a way to make his reputation known throughout the Clover Kingdoms or perhaps in the whole world, he also had the desire to make his own squadron and he would focus on protecting this village.

Somehow Reus really liked this village, maybe it was because of the calm and comfortable atmosphere, or because he didn't think too much about it. he just laughed and decided he would think about it in the future.

Reus then whistled while checking [System Shop] if he (System) sold guitars or violins, if he (system) sold them he would buy them. but he promised not to rely too much on the system, he had faith that the system would slow down its growth. he said to himself 'Just this one time' over and over until he finally bought a violin and then took it from his inventory after that he started thinking about what song he should play.

After that he remembered {Fairy Tail Theme} and {Sadness and Sorrow} he really liked both, so he decided to play it. (A / N: Why can he play the violin? Before being cursed he was considered a genius in the field of music, he mastered almost all of the instruments that made him interested)

(A / N: ▶Fairy Tail Theme⏸️)

Reus then stood up and made preparations, he also took a deep breath and then slowly took it out, after repeating it several times finally Reus was in a {Zone} (A / N: LOL) condition and slowly playing his violin.

<POV Villagers>

Oldman 1 (20 years): Hmm, what sound is that? [ask him]

Oldman 2 (24 years old): Don't know, that the voice is from the church. [he answers while pointing at the church]

Milf 2 (Himitsu): Yes, also this sound makes our body feel like resting. [she answers while her body is squeezing]

Milf 1 (Dame~): right~, let's quickly go to the church to see who is playing this beautiful music~. [she answers while ~Ufufu~ comes out of her mouth]

All: On the way boss! [they answer at once and run to the church]

When running on the road, the four met a lot of people who came running toward the direction where the beautiful music was.

From grandparents, grandmothers, ladies and gentlemen, widows, widowers, brothers and sisters, Noble (orange-red haired), beggar (black-haired and smoking), killer (wearing green clothes like whip grasshoppers), pickpockets (fat, blond men wearing masks) until the grandmother's hooded red (disguise) basically all residents who live or are in the village of Hage ran toward the beautiful music.

Two or three minutes they all finally arrived at the church and saw a small blond red-haired boy playing a strange instrument (A / N: I l don't know if the black clover manga / anime has a violin).

Closing his eyes, he danced slowly along the scales, and a few moments later every look that went towards the child suddenly changed his background to a large prairie and there was a large building with a symbol like a {tailed fairy}, they were all shocked and began to admire the building and its scenery while enjoying the beautiful music.

(A / N: ▶Sadness and Sorrow⏸️)

A few minutes later the song turned a little darker. that beautiful background soon changed to a dark hidden village because it was soaked in rainwater. again they were all shocked by this sudden change, just a minute ago they were all enjoying the beauty of the vast meadows and the beautiful music.

Now they are in a hidden village that is dark because it is soaked in rain water, even though they know this is only their own imagination, but they are convinced that the trait possessed by the child is very high, even the magic emp- *Cough* grandmother in a red hooded hood is trapped in her imagination.

After that they only enjoyed the music played by the little boy. if the first music is to appreciate beauty and struggle, then in the second music the little boy tell about his sadness and sense of despair.

They all cried and the tears followed the fall of the rain, the little boy performed his second song so much that he felt like he was experiencing it (A / N: he did experience it). the little boy also began to cry as if he recalled his memories with his parents, even though he didn't know the names of the two but he still remembered the faces of the two of them, he cried and wanted to meet them, but he felt that now was still impossible for him.

Despite crying and recalling his memories, the little boy continued to play the music without caring about his own feelings.

After a few minutes he finally stopped and slowly opened his eyes.

(A / N: * BAMM *)

<Normal POV>

[Clap] [Clap] [Clap] [Clap] [Clap] 99x

'Encore!' always heard in the ears of Reus, Reus felt that he had found a way to get a reputation throughout the kingdom of clover, he then bowed his body and he apologized to all of them for not being able to play anymore, he told them all tomorrow he might come back to play it.

After hearing his words, everyone was more eager to welcome tomorrow, especially the red-hooded grandmother whose eyes sparkled as if finding something valuable, after which everything broke up and Reus was finally able to rest, he also saw Sister Lily, Oldman, Asta, Yuno, came to see him playing violin.

He greeted them all, Sister Lily praised Reus and had a red mark on her cheek. while oldman has an evil plan to use Reus to help finance the church and orphanage. Asta and Yuno praised Reus and started calling Reus by adding 'aniki' behind it. Reus was initially quite upset with Asta and Yuno, but because he was exhausted he let it go and lay back under a tree while enjoying the beautiful scenery in the village of Hage.


"The biggest enemy of the writer is his own fan," Linos.

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