
I can Understand

Days passed quietly. It was only a few days later that she met Lu Wan again because Qi Huan had arrived. He was late because he had to take care of some family matters before he could possibly come here.

"Senior Brother Lu, I'm coming in." Ye Jiao pushed the door open.

"Ah, welcome back," Qi Huan smiled. He was sitting on the chair with Lu Wan crouching on the corner of the room. Apparently, he was sulking when he found out that Qi Huan also has reached rank 3. Not only that, this boy was already in the middle of rank 3, almost reaching the late stage.

Eon Energy Master Rank 3 was divided into four ranks. First was early, which was the moment they reached that rank and slowly consolidated their power. Second was middle stage. At this stage, they would have much more Eon Energy and much better control. Also, it was commonly at this stage that Eon Energy Master Rank 3 was able to control their weapon well.

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