

Cao Ren moved his gaze to the stand. He smiled at Chen Zi Quan. "I'll be waiting for you."

"Hey! I'm still here!" Lu Wan yelled. He looked like a child who has been forgotten by other people.

"Hahaha, we shall see later, Lu Wan."

"I don't have any plan on losing," Lu Wan declared.

"So do I," Chen Zi Quan stood up and walked into the arena. His eyes were glaring dagger to the young man. "Let's have a good fight."


The two of them soon entered the arena. The atmosphere was tense as the two of them didn't have any good relationship with one another. If one should say, they were already ready to kill each other if only the rules didn't prohibit killing.


As soon as the teacher said that, Lu Wan was the first to make a move as he swung his sword forward. Using every ounce of strength he had, he landed consecutive hits to Chen Zi Quan, which the latter blocked using his sword.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Next chapter