

The following morning Will acted like he hadn't used her as a human teddy bear and Hazel was a bit put out. Not even an apology for disrupting her sleep? She didn't want to pick a fight with him though; it was better to let the matter blow over and hope he didn't do it again.

He told her business probably would take a while again today and that she should take advantage of the hotel's pool. It was embarrassing to admit but Hazel didn't have that much swimming experience.

Her parents had put her in lessons the summer they were killed so she technically speaking knew the basics but hadn't really had the chance to put it into practice. Her uncle wasn't the type of person to take his niece to the pool.

Once or twice people from school had invited her swimming and she had gone along with them but she hadn't gone swimming at all since graduating from high school. Billy Lawson wasn't interested in going and she didn't ever want to go by herself.

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