
War on the horizon

Ibios awoke with a start the sound of metal smacking metal made him nervous, looking around he noticed Pallas standing at the door of the stable. In her hand was a sword in a shield, she continued to smack the flat side of her sword against her shield.

"I'm up will you please stop that," Pallas paused hearing Ibios but continued as if she didn't.

Ibios sighed before standing up looking at Gale he couldn't help but roll his eyes, he had never slept next to a horse before but he hoped he would never be forced to do so again. Gale snored throughout, being a prince he was used to sleeping in a quiet environment. If he wasn't so exhausted he was sure he wouldn't have had such a good rest.

"Come now, If I hadn't awakened you, you'd miss breakfast," Ibios thoughts immediately stirred it had been weeks since he had a decent meal. Going on a journey was his dream he just wished he'd dreamed of bringing a reliable cook along with him.

Following Pallas, he quickly noticed Thebes was bustling with energy, even though it was the early hours of the morning. They soon entered a dusty Temple made of stone, entering through the front entrance Ibios quickly touched his nose.

He could smell the food, the smell was enough for him to speed past Pallas taking a seat he didn't hold back. Grabbing a piece of barley cake he quickly took a bite before digging into his eggs and porridge.

"Ibios we must first greet Prometheus," Ibios paused looking at Pallas his eyes showed his unwillingness. "The food will still be here when we're done."

Nodding Ibios took another bite of his barley cake before grabbing some grapes and following after Pallas. Stairs led up the temple Ibios frowned looking down the smell of food no longer filled his nostrils. They soon reached the top entering a room the first thing Ibios noticed was the long table, maps and little figurines sat atop it. Turning his attention he noticed a male with long blonde hair and blue eyes he quickly recognized him Achilles. Sitting across from Achilles with a bronze cup in his hand was a middle-aged man, his fiery red hair reminded Ibios of the man he met at the crossroads. A long beard covered the lower half of his face his eyes were like flames.

"Prometheus I understand what you're saying but If we don't act now they will," Achilles paused turning around he noticed Pallas and Ibios. "Pallas I must thank you for convincing Patroclus to head home last night," Achilles turned his attention to Ibios.

"It's nice to see you again Ibios how was it being awakened by the most beautiful woman in all of Thebes?" Ibios now understood where Patroclus got his mischievousness from.

"It wasn't as amazing as you make it seem," Ibios frowned remembering the method Pallas had used to awake him earlier.

"You should feel lucky how many men can say Pallas of Athens awoke them for breakfast," Achilles patted his shoulder laughing loudly.

"Achilles... Where is he... Achilles!" A well-dressed man charged into the room, Ibios quickly noticed the gold around his wrist. "Achilles I've finally found you," The man caught his breath as Achilles handed him his bronze cup.

"Calm down my friend tell me the cause of your hysteria," Achilles waited as his friend sipped from the bronze cup.

"They're here the army of Corinth has arrived our scouts tell me they'll be here before nightfall," Achilles's smile dropped as he heard that looking to Prometheus Ibios could practically feel the tension rise between the two.

"King Thersander, prepare to defend Thebes to our last dying breath," Achilles said nothing else as he led Thersander out of the room.

Silence pervaded the room as Ibios thought about what he had heard when he had first entered the room Achilles was pushing Prometheus to make some kind of move before someone else did.

"Ibios of troy meet Prometheus," Pallas said shaking Ibios from his thoughts.

"No need for such customs Pallas, have a seat both of you we have much to talk about."

"Ibios I'm sure you've figured it out by now?"

Pallas raised an eyebrow hearing that before turning her attention to Ibios.

Ibios nodded taking a long look at the man sitting before him, "I met you yesterday at the crossroads If you had told me yesterday you were Prometheus I would have laughed."

Prometheus nodded crossing his hands he put on a friendly smile, "You may ask your questions."

"Why were you at the crossroads yesterday?"

"The coin," Prometheus raised his hand as the gold coin gifted to Ibios by Kronus appeared in his hand. " I'm sure my uncle Kronus told you that you would only be able to use this coin once."

Ibios nodded hearing that it was true Kronus did mention he would only be able to use the coin once.

"He was telling the truth but only half, you see this coin is like an eye, one of Kronus's eyes," Prometheus turned the coin around showing the golden eye imprinted on the coin. "This coin would allow him to watch your every move," Ibios was shocked, he knew Kronus was planning something but he had never considered the coin he had used to escape would be used to spy on him.

"With me the coin becomes useless and Kronus will have no way to spy on you, but that leaves a bigger problem."

"The Gods have grown restless your very existence threatens their livelihood your deal with Kronus worries them," Prometheus dropped his smile looking at ibios.

"I.. Kronus agreed to free me as long as I considered freeing him in the future," Ibios paused looking at Pallas expecting her to show some kind of emotion. She didn't so he turned back to Prometheus, "But I would never do that, I'm not capable of doing so even if I wanted to which I don't."

"The Gods aren't good with patience I'll hold them off for as long as possible but even I'm not capable of keeping them at bay forever."

Ibios nodded becoming flustered he wanted nothing more than to go home it wasn't his fault he made a deal with Kronus. Hera pushed him into that hell without caring for his life, he began to wish he had stayed in Troy where he was well protected.

"There may be another way though," Pallas voice resembled the sweetest of melodies allowing Ibios to calm himself.

"You've thought of something Pallas?" Ibios asked from his seat.

"Mortals will never believe a mortal is capable freeing Kronus from Tartarus, this has to be about something else. You making a deal with Kronus is a slap to their faces, as long as you can offer them a sacrifice, or something that can catch their eye, I believe they'll forgive you."

"Pallas I told you it was too dangerous," Prometheus shook his head looking at Pallas.

"What's too dangerous?" Ibios asked grasping at straws, he survived a meeting with Kronus he was sure nothing could be nearly as dangerous.

"Prometheus has a map, it holds 10 items that while alone are worth very little but once put together even the Gods would have to accept it."

Ibios eyes lit up turning his head to Prometheus he could see the man shake his head. "Ibios I refuse to send you on such a quest It would only lead to your death."

"I'll die anyway, I've angered the Gods this is my only chance!"

Prometheus sighed, "Fine, but only if Pallas agrees to go with you," Ibios turned his head to Pallas prepared to drop to his knees begging.

"I'll go it was my idea anyway," Pallas spoke.

Ibios was surprised before a smile appeared on his face.

"One more thing Ibios, I realize you wish to see your family in Troy but I would advise against it. I'll do my best to keep the Gods at bay, but if you journey to Troy you'll be putting your family in danger." Prometheus said.

Ibios nodded his wish was to journey home but he would never do so at the expense of his own family.

"You should prepare, the gods may lose patience at any moment the sooner you gather the 10 items the sooner you prove your innocence."

Ibios once again nodded but with the war coming for Thebes he wasn't sure if leaving now would be for the best.

"I know what you're thinking don't worry Achilles is more than capable of dealing with this war not to mention help from an unexpected Ally will be arriving soon," Prometheus had only told Ibios this much to keep his mind at ease.

"We leave by noon," Pallas didn't say much else turning to Prometheus she nodded before leaving to prepare.

"Follow me young Ibios," Prometheus led the way down the stairs of the temple, Ibios frowned once he saw Prometheus stop at the entrance.

Waving his hand a secret entrance appeared Prometheus gave Ibios a small smile as he led the way down the newly revealed stairs. Turning around Ibios was surprised to see the entrance close behind him.

Prometheus led him to a small room he stopped in front of a circular platform before a speck of flame appeared in his hand lighting the room up allowing Ibios to see it clearly. On the Wall hung a bird most likely an eagle.

Looking at the wall Ibios was amazed by the paintings that filled the wall, the first painting described the birth of the titans, the second foretold the defeat of the titans by the Gods of Olympus, the third one left Ibios confused. He looked like the sun burning in all it's glory but something about it just didn't feel right.

"These are amazing," Ibios spoke his mind as he was engrossed in the paintings.

"Something I do in my free time," Prometheus spoke humbly before stopping before a shelf that held a multitude of scrolls. Moving his hand over a couple of scrolls Prometheus finally decided which scroll to pick waving it at Ibios he walked over to the flames that brightened the room.

"This is the map Pallas was referring to," Prometheus unrolled the Scroll showing Ibios the map.

On the left side of the map, ten items were depicted ranging from the heart of a titan to the fang of a Hydra. Each Item could be found on the actual map, Prometheus rolled the map up setting it to the side before returning his attention to Ibios.

"This is a dangerous quest if you want to survive you'll need this," Prometheus wasn't talking about the map as he raised his hand a tiny speck of flame floated above his pointer finger. "This will be the third time I've gifted fire to mankind, let's hope I won't be punished this time."

Ibios could feel the playfulness in the voice of Prometheus he wasn't sure how he was supposed to use this flame.

"Step forward," Prometheus said.

Ibios did so standing closer to the flame he realized the heat coming from the flame felt almost as hot as the pits of Tartarus.

"This is going to hurt but you'll end up better off because of it," Prometheus gave Ibios a sad smile and before Ibios could ask what he meant by that the flame flew off of Prometheus fingertips entering the forehead of Ibios.

The small speck of flame could roast a boar from the inside out but with Prometheus control, Ibios wouldn't suffer the same fate. Sweat began to drip from the head of Ibios as he could practically feel his inside's burning. He dropped to his knees gripping his stomach as he could feel his insides bubbling.

Prometheus furrowed his brows looking at Ibios the pain he was going through must have been unimaginable for humans, Prometheus had been through worst which was why he believed Ibios would fight through it.

Time slowly passed as that speck of flame had spread throughout the whole body Ibios before stopping on the right side of his heart.

Ibios's chiton was drenched in sweat as he breathed heavily on the ground it was finally over.

"You did good," Prometheus didn't say much else allowing Ibios to catch his breath.

Hours Later

Ibios stood outside the gates of Thebes, next to him stood Gale, Prometheus had given him a spear and a shield. The map was enclosed inside of a leather casing Ibios had pushed it inside the saddlebag hanging off the side of Gale.

Ibios stood in the shade waiting on Pallas, luckily he didn't have to wait long before Pallas showed up dressed like an amazonian warrior only none of her gear was with her. Ibios was confused he had never seen Pallas without a bow in her hands.

"Are you ready?" Ibios locked eyes with Pallas who had stopped right in front of him, her hands on her waist.

A frown graced the face of Pallas as her eyes narrowed looking at Ibios, "Did you really think I would be willing to travel alongside you?" Pallas had an evil glint in her eye.

Ibios was surprised considering it was Pallas who had put forth the idea of going on such a quest, "Look Pallas if you don't want to go I completely understand you've helped me enough already."

"Of course I don't want to go, you're a bastard, not to mention you smell like horse manure," Ibios frowned hearing that raising his hand to his nose he sniffed, he smelled perfectly fine. Turning his attention to Gale he gave the horse a questioning look. Gale neighed in response, Ibios didn't speak horse but he was sure she was saying it wasn't her that smelled like shit.

Pallas didn't say anything else turning around an evil smile appeared on her face.

Ibios could only scratch his head in confusion, climbing atop of Gale they followed the road through the forest journeying back to the crossroads.

Minutes Later

Pallas arrived at the Gates of Thebes dressed in a brilliant bronze plated armor, her breastplate perfectly showed off her bust as her leather skirt only went as far as her knees. A bow dark as midnight could be seen on her back and a sword hung at her waist. A black stallion followed behind her, he was the only horse she was sure could keep up with Gale.

She stopped outside the gates surprised that Ibios hadn't arrived, so she waited as seconds turned to minutes and eventually she had been there for an hour. Standing up she guided the stallion back to the stables before turning towards the temple of Prometheus.

Climbing the steps she found Prometheus sipping wine looking out past the horizon. He noticed her enter turning around he frowned, "Pallas what are you doing here?"

"Ibios never showed, I've checked with the guards it seems he's left without me," Pallas poured herself a cup.

"Troubling indeed," Prometheus closed his eyes before opening them with a frown on his face. "It seems Ibios must handle the first couple items on his own, you'll have the chance to meet up with him later. For now, you should help Achilles finish this war."

Pallas nodded sipping her wine she wondered how ibios would handle himself.

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