
To Dephi

Ibios watched through the golden ball as it shot through Tartarus, Ibios could only describe it as ghostly. Shooting through everything as if it wasn't real, the mountains remained unchanged as he exited the other side.

Seeing the water Ibios couldn't help but marvel at it, the light reflected off of it making it sparkle. The golden ball shot across the water like a pebble only it didn't stop until it reached land. Ibios wasn't prepared as the ball popped like a bubble, gravity acted fast dropping Ibios flat on his face.

Blowing dust Ibios looked up as the ball changed back into a coin before falling flat on the ground. Standing up he quickly picked up the coin checking his surroundings he found that he hadn't returned to Thrace as he expected.

Trees graced the land as he could hear birds chirping in the air, a path greeted his sight a dirt road created to allow merchants to transport their goods. following the path he reached a crossroads looking at the paths, he took a second to think.

"Travel north and you'll reach the city of Delphi, luckily for you today seems to be a slow day I've seen few travelers cross these roads." A middle-aged man stepped from behind the trees his eyes shined blue contrary to his fiery red hair and beard. "Travel east and you'll reach the city of Thebes, a visit and you'll be introduced to war and women. If you're looking for diplomacy and civilness continue east you'll eventually reach the beautiful city of Athens." The man continued as if it was a daily routine of his.

"Thank you, kind sir," Ibios thanked the man already deciding which path he'd take.

"No problem young lad, how about a little compensation for my hard work," Ibios frowned seeing the middle-aged man's eyes so focused on the gold coin in his hand. It shined brighter than any gold he had seen in his life even as a prince he had never seen gold shine so bright.

Considering Cronus's word from earlier Ibios knew it was practically useless now the best he could do was sell it for drachma. Tossing the coin to the middle-aged man Ibios turned to make his way to the city of Delphi.

"Thank you, young Ibios," Ibios paused hearing the middle-aged man utter his name he turned to look at the middle-aged man but he was already gone. Ibios couldn't help but frown it seemed the gods wouldn't leave him alone any time soon. In his short 14 years of life, he dreamed of meeting the gods but just in the last two days, he had met Hera and Cronus. not to mention the middle-aged that had just disappeared through unnatural means.

He continued north eventually noticing more and more people, it didn't take long for him to notice a line of people. Stepping behind the last person Ibios couldn't help but curse the middle-aged man who had said today was a slow day for the city of Delphi.

As the line shortened and Ibios took a step forward each time a person entered the temple he began to notice the bronze statues surrounding the temple. The craftsmen did beautifully recreating not only the gods but the mortal men. The temple of apollo itself looked amazing dressed in gold Ibios couldn't help but admire the temple. 'The one in troy still looks better' Ibios believed no place in Greece could face off against the beautifully designed troy. The walls themselves were created by Poseidon and Apollo.

Finally, it was Ibios chance to enter the Temple, the halls were dark and as he followed a priest into the temple he thought about what question he would ask.

Stopping at an opening the priest turned around to face him "Do you have your offering?"

Ibios frowned failing to realize he would need one, seeing Ibios's reaction to his question the Priest's forehead wrinkled as his jaw clenched.

"Allow him to enter," A voice echoed throughout the building causing the priest to stop in his tracks, "But Priestess we can't allow him to enter without making an offering to Apollo."

"The Pythia has spoken allow him entrance," The priest nodded stepping aside he performed a bow before allowing Ibios to enter.

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