Kenneth Ian Samuels has lived a life of privilege with no real responsibilities. He thinks his life of drinking, gambling and meaningless sex is perfect the way it is until his parents upgrade his sexbot for him.
He couldn't believe he'd lost his house in a poker game. He has other houses. He'd been born with a platinum spoon in his mouth, as they still like to say. Yet this modest two bedroom, two and half bath house on the edge of this small dessert town was his favorite, the one he resided in. He just wants to kick himself for allowing himself to be hustled out of his favorite home.
Kenneth Ian Samuels' parents, Henry and Sonja, hadn't meant to spoil him so badly, but they had. He's their only child and conceiving him had been expensive. Henry is a clone of the man he called father, a man who had been too busy amassing his fortune to form any real relationships with females, take a wife and have a family the old fashioned way. So, he cloned himself an heir.
But Henry Samuels wanted a more traditional family, a nuclear family with a wife and children. As a young man he decided he would find a wife and he did via a dating agency. Henry had hoped for at least two children with his beautiful wife. The problem was as a clone, a copy of the original, he had weak sperm. Plus, his lovely wife, Sonja, was already forty-five.
Forty-five's not old when people live to be one hundred fifty. Yet it's still past those prime baby making years for human females. And even though Sonja had the forethought to have a couple dozen of her eggs frozen when she was in her twenties, they still had trouble. So when they final attempt to implant an embryo took and she was finally pregnant, they counted their blessings and prayed she wouldn't miscarry. Kenneth was born a healthy, hardy baby boy, and they were absolutely thrilled.
Kenneth can't say he didn't have loving attentive parents. He was an only child who found other children annoying. So they bought him a robotic sibling to play with, a boy made to resemble himself. It would laugh at his jokes even when they weren't funny. It played games his way so he always won.
Kenneth only ever made one real friend, Milo, a genius with similar passions for vehicles, engines, robotics, etc. In their teens, when they became interested in girls, Kenneth asked for an upgrade to his favorite toy that he had called Rob as a boy. The upgrade he requested surprised his mother more than it did his father. So for his sixteenth birthday, they got him the upgrade he wanted for his robotic playmate.
The upgrade turned the five-foot tall robot that looked like a ten-year old boy, into a five-foot tall teenage girl, a sexbot. Kenneth picked out blond hair, blue eyes and large breasts. His parents weren't too surprised by his peripheral choices. Henry would never admit it in front of his wife for fear of hurting her feelings, but his fantasies when he was a young man were often of fair skinned blondes.
The upgrade gave the robot every orifice a real girl has. But a robot doesn't say no. The robot didn't expect to be his girlfriend. He didn't have to worry about its feelings. It couldn't get pregnant and he could do anything he wanted to it. It spoke to greet him in the morning and when he returned home. Other than that, it usually only spoke when spoken to. It kept his room clean for him and it would cook for him if he told it to. Other than that, it just sat and waited for him to tell it what he wanted.
When Kenneth was in his mid-twenties, he took his favorite toy to Milo and had it aged to look like it was in its twenties so he wouldn't look like a perv that was into young girls. But robots remain a safe way for people with not so normal desires to satisfy themselves without harming anyone or breaking any laws.
Kenneth is now forty and he's still not a people person. Unlike Milo, he's never had a girlfriend. He's been with a few real women. And he'll admit there's nothing like the feel and smell of a real woman. But he won't admit his fear of commitment and real responsibility.
His parents are worried about him. Plus, they want grandchildren. And looks aren't the problem. Kenneth is extremely good looking. He's tall with a lean muscular build, smooth jet black hair that's on the long side, deep brown eyes with a slightly Asian slant that twinkle when he smiles, a dazzling smile and naturally light tan skin. Women are definitely attracted to him, but he really doesn't know how to talk to women. He offends them quite quickly and frequently. Kenneth has a very direct nature.
His one true bad habit is gambling. Robotic playmates don't complain about your bad habits. But he's really pissed at himself. He's lost his favorite house in a card game and he still owes Duke money. He did have a lot of cash on him that night. Duke said he'ld be satisfied with half the money if Kenneth gave him his favorite toy.
Kenneth doesn't mind sharing Molly. If Duke had wanted to borrow Molly for a night, Kenneth would have been okay with that. But Kenneth is not giving up his favorite toy.
"Molly, go wait in the garage for me," orders Kenneth.
"Yes, Kenny," and it obeys.
A few minutes later Duke arrives with his attorney and the paper work for the house.
"Where's that sweet little robotic playmate of yours," asks Duke calm, cool and collected behind his pitch black sunglasses that Kenneth has rarely seen him take off.
"In the garage." Then Kenneth lies, "It's malfunctioning. I've got to take it to Milo. Don't worry. I'll have your credits transferred to your account by the end of the week."
"We can forget the credits you owe me if you let me have that sweet little robot of yours," says Duke smiling slyly.
Kenneth signs over ownership of the house, "I told you, Duke. It's malfunctioning. I'm taking it to Milo now. Enjoy your new house."
Kenneth goes to the garage and climbs onto his motorcycle, "Come on, Molly. Let's go." And it climbs onto the motorcycle behind him.
He drives to Milo's. It's a two story building. The lower half is Milo's Robotics and Robotic Accessories, of which Kenneth is actually half owner. The upper half is a three bedroom flat where Milo lives with his girlfriend, Epi. Kenneth parks around back where the back entrance to the store is and the stairs leading to the second floor are located.
"Climb off, Molly," he orders and it climbs off the motorcycle. He climbs off, takes it by the wrist and leads it inside.
"Hi, Milo," Kenneth greets.
"Hey, Kenny. What's up?"
Kenneth sighs, "Signed the house over to Duke. He offered to forget the rest of the debt if I gave him Molly. It's not even a recent model. I haven't upgraded it in like fifteen years."
Milo smiles amused, "He's just messin' with you. He knows Molly's your favorite toy. It is over due for an upgrade though. I've got something new. Haven't used it yet for anybody. It's already been banned in some solar systems."
"Banned," questions Kenneth curious and interested.
Milo shrugs nonchalantly, "Something about making them too life like."
"Too life like," questions Kenneth in disbelief.
"This upgrade grows real living flesh over the robotic skeleton. Gives it real skin and hair. Programs in a personality," explains Milo. "So it will respond more like a real person. And real flesh means better sex."
Kenneth thinks for a moment, "Can I keep her a blond?"
Milo shakes his head, "Not available yet. But I have a picture of the model I have available." He hands the photo to Kenneth.
Kenneth looks at a headshot of a woman with wavy dark brown-black hair, brown slightly slanted eyes, nicely prominent cheekbones and a great smile in a round tan face. Her skin is a darker tan than his own skin.
"Wow," says Kenneth impressed.
"That's what I thought when I first looked at it," shares Milo. "It hits you right off that she's beautiful. But then you realize she's really cute too. Most women are either beautiful or cute. Not both. Whoever designed her is a genius."
"Some relative of yours, no doubt," Kenneth teases Milo.
Milo shrugs, "So, what do you think?"
Kenneth decides, "Let's do it. If I don't like it, you can always re-Molly it for me. So how long will it take?"
"About a week," answers Milo. "I'll call you when it's ready. Then you can swing by and pick it up.
Molly, take off your clothes."
"What position would you like, Milo," it asks removing its clothes.
"No positions, Molly. We're going to upgrade you.
Call you when its ready, Kenny."
"See you later, Milo."