
In The Flash (CW Show)

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Our MC wakes up in the Flash TV Series aired on CW, He doesn't have a power... yet. After the explosion, Our MC, Adam Black, finds himself with a great power. He personally always hated the fact heroes wouldn't kill deadly villains. Read as he becomes the strongest Anti-Hero in the Flash Series, maybe even all of DC Universes, but we might have to see. (Only Updates on Weekends.)

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Chapter 1Chapter 1: Wait, What?

In Earth Alpha-4-8-5, a very peculiar soul is walking out of a shady warehouse. He was 'peculiar' because he didn't have a superpower, or in this universe, a 'Borrowed Power'. Borrowed Powers were abilities used by nearly everybody after a large fight occured. Adam Black, the soul, knew the truth about the war though. The war criminal Mori Jin was actually a war HERO, he saved the earth from a threat larger than any other threat. The reason knew about this was he was living in Korea at the time. He was there for a assassination request paying a large sum, it was placed on the world president. Adam was so, SO close to killing the president, but he saw the power the president possessed and ran, he may have been confident in his powers but he wasn't stupid. He knew the president noticed him as he was running. He just let Adam keep running.

_15 Years Later_

I had retired from my 'guns for hire' job a few years ago on the day I saw the powers people could obtain. I had kept a low profile since then but I knew I couldn't hide forever. I was nearing the 60 Year mark and was still single, no kids, no relatives, no nothing. I had expected my death would come sooner than later so I started living my life to the fullest. I had done everything I wanted besides one thing,

Go Skydiving. Done

Go Scuba Diving. Done

Go To Australia. Done

Kill The President. Not Done.

I need to kill the president to complete my life goals, Mubong Park was my final target for my life.

A few days later, I left the grocery store and headed home with my stuff and parked outside my house. I put my groceries in my kitchen and ran back outside to get the other groceries and saw something unbelievable. Mubong Park and a man with spiky brown hair wearing a green coat with bandages over his eye, Daewi Han.

I ran back inside and got to my staircase. I opened the door under the staircase and did a sequence of knocks on the floor.


Knock Knock.


Knock Knock.

Simple yes. The floor opened up and a case came out, I opened the case and a sniper rifle modeled after a Ballista from Black Ops 2. I assembled the sniper, put the supressor on and put on two gauntlets that had barrels on them onto my hands.

I climbed up to my roof, even in my old age I was agile and nimble. I climbed up to the highest vantage point, aimed, steadied my breathing, and then a muffled *pew* came out and a bullet was sent flying at Mubong Park. There was something wrong though, the bullet hit and went through with no resistance and he just vanished into thin air as a puff of smoke. "Did you really think it would be that easy, Adam, or should I say Harbinger Of Death." I quickly whipped around and saw the man. I lift my arms up and use the gauntlets to launch dragon breath shells at him. He blocked it with a invisible force and I threw out a smoke grenade that covered the field in a thick smoke.

I felt something grab onto my neck, a cold tone rings out "I commend your efforts, but die now." Mubong raised his arm about to strike but froze, I had awakened a rare double borrowed power, Paralysis and Self-Destruct. I wasn't mentally deficient so I didn't do a monologue. I jumped at Mubong Park and yelled out in a mighty roar "COLLAPSING NEUTRON STAR!" Mubong had a look of genuine fear on his face, he couldn't cancel out my borrowed power like he thought he could. I latched onto him and then, boom, not very loud, but it leveled the building, the rest of the world was safe, all because of Daewi Han and his power, he created a barrier to protect the world from the bomb. Daewi was now collapsing onto the ground, blood flowing from his mouth, eyes, ears, and nose. The bomb managed to crack his barrier severely. (Like John breaking Arlos in UnOrdinary) Daewi felt something inside of him hurt.

Adam was now in a different space of beautiful scenery with a beautiful lady in front of him, she was perfect in every aspect to Adam, except personality and humor wise which are the most important things to Adam. "Hello little one. I can tell you want to know why you are here and I will tell you," she took a breath and continued, "you have died by self destructing and killing Mubong Park, and for doing so, I owe you a favor, as he nearly killed Jaecheondaesong, my soulmate, and as such, he requests that I give you a few wishes, 5, at the max of course. Please do take your time, there is no hurry and if you make short time decisions it could affect you harshly." Adam was severely pondering what he should wish for, many powerful abilities were out there but he didn't know which ones to choose.

Adam took some time and decided "A system for sure, always useful. Keep my fighting experience, Cloning Power, Majin Buu powers, make them grow with me though, too powerful from the start would be boring, and choose a power that will be randomly generated from the Particle Accelerator Explosion and the world is the Flash TV Show but I can fuse whatever worlds I want into it from the DC Universe." The goddess smiled, "Well though little one, I will give you my blessing in this world and a loving family that will always take care of you, you will also recieve one free item from the system shop every 10 Years, you will be born 25 years before the Particle Accelerator Explosion as Barrys' older brother by a few minutes (In Season 1 Episode 5, Plastique, Barry says he can't get drunk and that he is 25)"

I was about to thank the lady but a portal sucked me in and I vanished into it as a liquid enveloped me which lasted only a few seconds before I feel a suction force pull me out into a bright white room which I assumed was the hospital room I was slapped and started crying, it was just a baby urge, the man who was holding me passed me to his assistant as he yelled "There's another one!" After a few minutes he was holding a small baby that had a tuft of hair on his head.


Okay, Chapters will only come out on the weekends because reasons. Also, the power is already decided. Peace out

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