

Going deeper into the sanctum was proven to be more difficult.

Leena found herself alone going against the interrogators and the droids, soldiers, with their blasters and lightsabers – Lord Sern was forced to ignite her other lightsaber.

The Sith who served Darth Vengean struggled to keep their ground against the apprentice of Baras. It was rather beautiful – the relationship between a Master and an apprentice. To train an apprentice meant teaching everything they knew, and if all went according to plan, one day the apprentice will become more powerful than the Master and would eventually go for the kill.

The kill could be even seen as a sadistic form of love. A brutal, unconventional expression of love from the Master to apprentice. But not all Sith Lords share this resolve – the grasp of power can be easily abused and blind an individual.

Through passion, strength.

The Sith code has fueled those who needed power, a creed that was lived on, and was believed in. For the galaxy believed that there are two groups of being that could grasp the Force, the Jedi, and the Sith. As the Jedi were trained and raised to be peacekeepers – the Sith are reputed to be clever and capable warriors.

After dismantling the droids and slaughtering the interrogators – she found herself facing the other apprentices, Sith Lords in their own right.

Lord Ovakar was the first to go against the upstart Lord. "You've chosen death, Sern."

She remained silent as she held her lightsabers tight, standing on the defensive position. Like her, Lord Ovakar wielded two blades – he had this smirk on his lips, he was delighted to have someone such as Lord Sern in his presence. Her reputation proceeds her, the weapon Baras had under his belt – a woman whose exploits are known across the galaxy.

Vengean's apprentice jumped towards her with the use of the Force, holding two of his lightsabers as both of them began to engage in combat. Leena went on to stubbornly stand on her ground, receiving blow after blow – Ovakar's aggressiveness has always been some sort of strength like the other Sith Lords in the Empire and at the same time, it was also a form of weakness to those who allow pure rage to fuel them without the use of their heads.

Her skills as a duelist were on par with the best of the Dark Lords, those she slew before were proof. So many have stood in her way, so many have fallen – and Ovakar was no exception for her. Leena pushed him across the room with the Force, raising her hand as she had a firm, tight grasp of his neck.

"A failure for an apprentice makes a foolish Master, Ovakar and Vengean are next." The sound of his neck snapping echoed across the empty room. Leena took the key from the body of the Sith Lord, proceeding to unlock the first door – leading the way to the compound's central ring.

Lord Ganarog was in the middle, protected by forcefields and protected by several Sith and security droids to annihilate her.

Leena proceeded to ignite a single lightsaber as the Sith interrogators were preparing for their offensive attacks towards this traitor of an apprentice. "You will not leave here alive!"

Leena had marked herself for death. She managed to dodge the attack of the interrogator and slammed his body against the wall with the use of the Force, igniting her other lightsaber as she threw it right across his chest. When the other Sith tried to go for the kill, there was this wave of energy she felt, something strong and like before – it was frightening and dangerous.

It felt like time had slowed down while she proceeded to a normal pace, going fast as she sliced down the Sith Lords that stood in her way. For a good few seconds, time went back to normal – Lord Sern reached out her hand, bringing one of the remaining interrogators to come to her at a rapid pace as she held her with the Force, stabbing her blade right through her heart and dropping the corpse and went onto dismantling the droids.

Reaching out her hand to summon her other lightsaber that laid still on the floor. Lord Sern calmly turned her gaze at the other apprentice in the compound, meditating – channeling his hatred through the dark side of the Force.

Her very strength invites challenges, and challenge ignites conflict.

Lord Ganarog opened his eyes as he felt the presence of Lord Sern drawing closer to where he was. He turned his attention to see a woman with a cold gaze, corrupted by the dark side of the Force. Standing up, the Sith Lord quietly observed the woman who stood before him. To hear the whispers of raw, untamed power – a Sith like him knew he had to see it for himself.

He felt the death of those Sith who did their duties and defended their Master, but for a single Sith Lord to cause such causalities.

Through strength, power.

He felt a dragon sleeping inside of her still. The moment he ignited his lightsaber, Lord Sern did not hesitate to launch her attack. The moment their blades met, Ganarog dug his heels deep and stood his ground. Having this feeling of adrenalin rush through his body, feeling the sheer excitement of a worthy opponent for his strength.

This woman who came for his Master's head, there was something to her – a kind of power no one ever imagined. And yet it was detained, trapped, inside of her without even realizing it. Perhaps he was wrong, perhaps Baras's apprentice knew what she is, what she could be if she only had the mindset of it – and like so many other Sith who wielded such power, pretended to be weak so her opponents may grow arrogant.

It was a fatal mistake.

A clever combatant can impose her will on the enemy, buts she does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on her. Her ability with a lightsaber was deemed remarkable by those who have observed her, followed her exploits across the galaxy – to be the Sith, Zylas never was.

Through the darkness, there was only ambition for vengeance has guided her to this point. And she did not allow such weaknesses to overwhelm her. For that power she wields was her right and her weapon – the darkness has claimed it.

Finding an opening against Lord Sern was difficult for him, the more he engaged with her, the more he struggled.

A simple slip of paranoia ultimately made him feel the lightsaber through his stomach. Turning off her lightsaber, Leena proceeded to take the key for the next compound door – Vengean's presence was growing. The deeper she proceeded the more bodies that were piling up in her name.

It was rather tiresome that she did most of the work throughout the years, Baras's loyal apprentice.

Lord Koryst is a more complicated opponent. A Sith Lord who wields a double-bladed lightsaber and yet arrogance was his weakness. Leena raised her hand, having the Sith Lord floating in midair, struggling to breathe with his attention on the woman. He knew those eyes – he was no stranger to them.

The look of bloodlust and hate, the dark side was consuming her. Leena wanted more even though she shouldn't.

Pulling him close, Lord Sern immediately ignited her lightsaber against him. She didn't have time to engage in any more battles, she felt the power that was growing in Darth Vengean. Hate and suffering have always been the fuel of the Sith, she allowed herself to be seduced by the dark side of the Force. For mercy is not granted to those who make others suffer.

She took the last key from the corpse and proceeded to open the third door. She could feel it, his every power, his every hate, right on the other side of the metal door.

Leena stopped, allowing the agony to remain. It was a simple choice, and she led herself to a difficult path.

"You're every bit as proficient as Baras said." Lord Draahg spoke. Having the apprentice turn her attention to the man who let her did all of the work.

Leena couldn't help but narrow her eyes at him. "I don't like false praise, Draahg."

"Then believe that it's… sincere." He humbly spoke. It's always the humbled ones she had to look out for. "I almost didn't make it. There were traps in the passages. I got the key. But Darth Vengean probably knows we're coming."

"We will take him down whether he is prepared or not." And she expected him to be prepared.

"I will feed off your confidence." He nodded, turning to the door and proceeded to insert the key to the inner sanctum. There was something about him that Leena could never trust, the fact that he stood by Baras. "If I should fall. I want you to know it was an honor to fight and die alongside you."

"Who said I will die?" Lord Sern went ahead, having Draahg follow.

She could sense his power, the Master of her Master – the presence of a man who had dedicated his life to the dark side stood there before them. He was a warrior, unlike his traitorous apprentice Baras. She could feel this sheer will inside of him, the fact that the cost of such carelessness to go against him could lead to catastrophe.

Baras wasn't stupid, it was considered clever to send his most promising pupil at the same time – his pure undoing. Vengean smiled at the sight of Lord Sern alone and her newfound friend. "Ah, the apprentices of Darth Baras. Draahg, I will enjoy bleeding you anew. And you…" He turned his full attention to the girl. "Before you arrived, Baras was a but a bit player. He would be nowhere without you."

"That assessment is where our common ground ends, Vengean." She knew her value, what she could offer, what she could do if she only put her mind to it. But she grew patient with her plans, her wants. She wanted their head and nothing else.

"Your talents are wasted on that man. It sickens me. Your Master doesn't deserve you. He's a coward. Pushing buttons from the darkness. You and I are people of action." Vengean couldn't dare lie about how his apprentice had become. This child, Zylas's daughter was a Sith of her right. A Sith who could bend the galaxy at her might if she wanted to.

But her ambitions were all too simple. "Sounds like you want to forge an alliance with me."

"No, that hadn't crossed my mind. I can handle Baras on my own." Vengean met her gaze. He could feel it – the darkness brewing in her, the dragon who had slumbered in the void, slowly waking up. "Still, it tickles me to imagine your Master's expression if I came at him with you by my side."

"Hah!" Draahg crossed his arms with an amused expression. "Why would anyone leave Baras for someone so easily duped? So easily exposed?"

Leena remained silent. "Enough of you. No, I will show everyone what it means to cross me. Baras and everything with his stink must perish."

"I'm interested to see who is superior." Said Lord Sern with pure interest.

"Allow me to open your eyes to the obvious." The Dark Lord finally ignited his lightsaber. "You both die now!"

Lord Sern couldn't help but chuckle in amusement, Draahg was surprised to hear the sudden laugh coming from her. Her eyes showed the pure sight of amusement. Leena took her lightsaber from her belt, "Then how do you wish to die, Vengean? Combat…" and ignited it. "Or on your knees?"

Overconfidence would get her killed.

With the push of the Force, Vengean had Draahg uncommission when he met a hard slam against the wall. Allowing the real duel between two warriors of their right. The Dark Lord did not hesitate to lunge himself towards the young Sern.

Having to feel the aggression through his attacks alone was enough to force Leena to stand on the defensive. Dodging every attack, he had to offer, he had to admit that her form was excellent, her pacing was enough to keep up to a Dark Lord of his stature.

"You were the perfect apprentice!" Vengean shouted as they exchanged blows. "If you weren't a coward yourself, then you would have been freed from your Master's shackles – instead you serve him as a lapdog!"

Peace is a lie.

There is only passion.

"I remember that look on Zylas's face when she was killed – while you and your brothers stood there and watched." Leena had no memory of how her mother died, but the mere mention of it fueled her anger to the bitter end. Lord Sern took the opportunity to raise her hand, having Vengean struggle to breathe – but instead of breaking his neck like the last of his apprentices – she threw him to the other side of the sanctum.

"TELL ME WHO KILLED HER!" She screamed, allowing her corrupted eyes to turn to a much darker color. The dragon was inside of her indeed – the cold kind, the dead kind. The more her hatred was fed, the more it woke up.

Leena had her free hand stretched out – allowing the Force to bring her other lightsaber towards her. Vengean's smile grew wider at this expected outcome. She was there, walking towards him with the cold look in her eyes. The eyes of a child screaming for vengeance for the suffering she endured.

The Dark Lord remained silent, but the dragon inside of her whispered in her darkest moment which pulled her deeper into the void.

Vengean stood up, with his lightsaber at hand. He was amused by what he had seen – the sheer power inside of her, perhaps he could get the last laugh out of this. He had no quarrel with Lord Sern, his only focus was to have this final cruelty for his apprentice – Baras.

Through passion, strength.

Leena rushed towards him with the might of two blades – their exchanges were rapidly dangerous, even for the might of a Dark Lord. "That's it! Let your rage fuel your path to vengeance!"

Leena proceeded to push harder as their blades were blocking one another. "Tell. Me. Who. Killed. HER!"

"Dig deep Lord Sern," The Dark Lord's wicked smile grew bigger, as he continued to feel every growing power within her. "Deep down inside, you know who killed her."

Vengean took his chance and pushed her with the Force, allowing the Sith Lord to have her weapons out of reach.

And for the first time in years, she opened her eyes at the first sight of a different kind of pain. The hatred burns her, and it has always burned her – she could hear those footsteps growing closer, the ignited lightsaber echoed through the sanctum. Her breathing became hard, somewhat harsh – the power escaping inside of her has already become raw.

She cannot stop it.

No one could stop it. Through strength, power. And through power, she gains the victory.

The Sith Lord stood up and took a different kind of lightsaber from her belt, something that she failed to surrender to her Master. Leena had pulled him close with the Force, stabbing him right through Baras's blade ignited before them – there was this screaming force of dark power that when she tried to speak, another voice spoke for her. "Do not worry, Vengean… Baras will be next."

Vengean then spoke his last words. "Then…. Your training… is complete."

When he finally fell, she saw this one horrifying moment in which she finally understood – that there was no dragon. That it was not the influence of the dark side that pushed her so deep into the void. That it was only her.

Only Leena Sern. She, alone allowed all of the sufferings to happen. She suffered because when she could have had the future and peace she wanted – she only thought of a single path to achieve it. She only thought about herself. Leena finally understood the cold trap of the dark side of the Force.

How the Sith came to be so cruel.

Putting back Baras's lightsaber, she reached out her hands, having to hold the lightsabers she had. She turned around to find Draahg standing up, starring at the resting corpse right on her feet. He felt something different from her, she became something more powerful than what Baras could ever project.

She took Vengean's lightsaber from his dead hand.

"For years," He spoke as he finally met her eyes. "I've dreamed of vanquishing Darth Vengean. Glad to have had a hand in it. He fought hard and well."

The Sith Lord couldn't help but narrow her eyes at him, he didn't even lift a single finger in this fight. "I didn't even break a sweat."

"You were remarkable." He didn't need to know how it happened as long as it was done. "I have no delusion I would have survived this battle if it wasn't for you. This is your victory. You, Baras, and I will be unstoppable."

"Someday, this will be our fate."

"I predict that day won't come for a very long time." Thoughts like this could kill a Sith and she knew it. It's what got Arrun killed in the first place. "There are things I must clean up here for Baras. I will meet you back in his chambers."

Leaving the sanctum brought out the worst in her. The sweet innocence she had here on Dromund Kaas – that was all gone. She did what Baras said, she continued to build her power base, made a name for herself, and deep down inside of her – if the time came where she finally had to face Baras, she would not come back to him alive.

She refused to let that happen.

When she entered the chambers of her Master, he immediately acknowledged her. "Look upon me, apprentice. You have never seen me so pleased. And look around these chambers one last time. The humble trappings of yesterday. Without dismantling of Darth Vengean complete. I assume his seat on the Dark Council and return to Korriban."

"Have our efforts propelled the Council toward full-scale war?"

"Indeed." He nodded. "Plan Zero and Vengean's doomed to attempt to claim the fringe worlds have triggered war! The Treater of Coruscant is no more! We ascend together, apprentice. Only our combined strengths can propel us to the height of power. Ah, the third side of this triumvirate arrives. Lord Draahg, welcome home."

"It's been a long time, Master. I'm ready to join the front line." He bowed.

"I won't need your help on the battlefield." Lord Sern addressed.

"Don't worry," Baras assured his apprentice. "I know you are at your best when given free rein. Now that I'm on the Dark Council, we are perfectly positioned to bring the Republic to its knees, to shape the galaxy as we wish. Go and enjoy this victory, my apprentices. But be ready for my call. I will not sit idle long."

'You won't breathe for long.'

Next chapter