
679. Amazons and Themyscira

"All I know is that Darkseid is the tyrannical ruler of Apokolips, a sadistic, aggressive and merciless tyrant who has invaded and conquered multiple worlds throughout the entire Multiverse. As the God of Tyranny, Darkseid seeks to enslave all things to his will." Diana explained.

"And now he wants earth?" Ragnarok asked.

"I don't know. But one thing is for sure, he will come here, sooner than later." She warned.

"Haha, let him then. I will show him what true terror feels like." Ragnarok jokingly said.

Diana needed to go back to Themyscira now, but she also didn't want to leave behind Ragnarok. She wanted to know him more.

"Ummm... hey, I am going back to my country. Would you like to come with me? Although it is an island of women-only and men aren't allowed, you should be fine there with your strength." She asked.

Ragnarok was not going to say no to this opportunity. "Hmmm... sure, lead the way then. It is a kind of an adventure too after all. Tell me about yourself, Lady Diana. I want to know more about you and your country. How is it that men are not allowed there? Don't the people of the world condemn you for that?"

"The world does not know about the existence of Themyscira as it is surrounded by magic that makes it invisible. It is also known as Paradise Island and is the second home of the Amazons, named after our prior home, Amazonia in what is now modern-day Turkey.

"The immortal Amazons were created over 3,000 years ago to teach the merits of virtue, love, and equality to the men of "Patriarch's World". We have a long history, spanning the creation of Amazons.

"Ares, the God of War, a chief opponent of the Amazons, manipulated his half-brother Heracles to gather forces and attack Themyscira, where Heracles and his forces succeeded in ransacking Themyscira and enslaving the Amazons. Through strength and savage cunning, the Amazons freed themselves, slaughtering most of their captors.

"Soon after, Antiope led a force of Amazons off into Greece, seeking vengeance on Heracles. As decreed by the goddesses, Hippolyta led the remaining Amazons to a remote island, where they were tasked with guarding Doom's Doorway, the rift leading to Hades as punishment for our failures as teachers. They named the island itself Themyscira, after their fallen capital, and began new lives, erecting buildings and monuments, and perfecting their skills as artisans and warriors." She told him the history while both of them went down toward the island's shore from the mountain.

"So you are like an all-female cult. But how do you reproduce?" Ragnarok asked.

Diana's face turned sad, "That is something I am not proud of. To reproduce and keep the Amazon race alive, the Themyscirans raid ships on the high seas and copulate with men. At the end of the mating, they take their lives and throw their corpses into the sea rather than marry them. Triumphant, the Amazons return to Paradise Island and wait. Nine months later, some celebrate the birth of a daughter; some don't."

Ragnarok had a bad feeling about this. They were already so cruel to men they just get banged to get pregnant. "What do they do with their sons?"

She started, "They get discarded, called failures by the Amazons, sold. Compassionate of the fate of the boys, the Greek god Hephaestus has made an agreement with the Amazons that he would trade weapons made by him for those called failures. The Sons of Themyscira work in the Hephaestus' forge in the interior of Mount Etna, Italy.

"I did not accept that Hephaestus used them at work. So I tried to free my brothers, but they asked me to spare Hephaestus instead. They made me understand that I was making a horrible mistake. They owed the smith their lives. If it were not for him, all of them would have been thrown into the sea to die drowned, unloved, as Hephaestus' mother, the goddess Hera, did to him. Hephaestus wanted them and he raised them. In his forge, the Sons were artists, and they were happy." She iterated.

"How can a mother be so... unattached to her child that she carried for 9 months, regardless of their gender? This... this makes your people look like they lack feelings, compassion, something you were meant to hold to in the high regards. Weren't you all supposed to teach the merits of virtue, love, and equality?" Ragnarok asked.

She sighed, "I know, that is why I am trying to change things. I tried to bring the Sons closer to their Amazon mothers and sisters by creating a settlement for them on Paradise Island. We are headed there."

She seemed particularly excited to show Ragnarok her work.

"If you really did all this, then respect for you has increased in my head, Lady Diana." Ragnarok praised her.

She smiled, "Just call me Diana. After living among humans for so long, it feels weird to hear that."

"Hahaha... I understand. My people also call me God, but I don't like it. I'd rather hear them call me Boss or something." Ragnarok said.

"Hmm, I told you so much. But I still don't know enough about you. Would you care to shed some light on your mysterious self?" She asked.

"Of course, I am the God of all Dragons across the Omniverse. I rule from my planet called Dracheim. All Dragons there are sentient beings who think, invent and innovate." Ragnarok explained.

Diana, who had been thinking that God of Dragons was just a title all this time, now understood she was wrong.

"Why would dragons follow a humanoid god?" She inquired.

Ragnarok chuckled, "I also have a Dragon form, Diana. I am originally a Dragon. If I were to turn into my true form, this planet would get destroyed under my weight and then my gravitational pull."

"WHAT? That... how strong are you?" She asked.

"Enough to destroy worlds with a flick. But, I do understand that there are beings stronger than me too. Who can erase universes." he said, warning her before she thinks he's the almighty.

This was the first time Diana was hearing about this crazy power level. Max she could think about was Zeus level beings. But even that was small compared to this level.

By Zeus, she remembered something. "Did you know, there is a girl on Paradise Island, she was impregnated by Zeus."

Ragnarok shook his head, "These Olympian gods never learn. I hope they don't mess up too much this time or else they won't like it when he comes."

"Who comes?" Diana inquired.

"An old man, who can erase universes," Ragnarok replied.

Diana understood the meaning. He was talking about the supreme Gods or something.

"Oh look, we are close." She exclaimed as she pointed to an island from where fire smoke was coming.

But, slowly, as they got closer, their faces changed. The scene in front of them was horrifying. Dead bodies everywhere. Brutally killed, some missing legs, some arms and some heads.

Diana jumped from their boat and dashed to the small settlement. "NO NO NO NO... who did this?"

Ragnarok sighed, things never go as simple with him around. He felt bad for Diana though. He went closer and put his hand on her shoulder.

"We should find the culprit." He said.

[You can see Darkseid mural and Themyscira on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


GRANDPA UNIVERSE has ended and you can read all chapters on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

Thank you for your support!

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