
653. Hitler?

Hats came back with Rei. The first person she talked to was Senku. Senku also recognised her, but he did not know that this was the same robot his father was making.

However, it all became clear when she told him and others everything about herself. Since her creation to right now. She told them how she stayed alive, how she kept the ISS updated and also how she saved earth from destruction.

Just from this, everyone grew to respect Rei. But probably the one who respected Rei the most was Senku. He understood the crazy task required to make so many hydrogen bombs and save the earth while being in space and low on resources.

Senku chuckled, thinking what his father would have thought if he were to know that his creation saved the earth. He then decided to welcome Rei to his kingdom of science.

"Well, father made you, he made me too, biologically. So we're practically family. Welcome to the Kingdom of Science." Senku welcomed her.

Rei was happy and shook Senku's hand. Now that she had all the knowledge about biology, she knew how fragile humans were so she delicately shook everyone's hand.

Ajax also jumped in, "Rei, come with me to Phixheim later. Uncle Alfred can upgrade your body and mind to extreme levels. You will be basically like humans then. You will also be able to eat and taste."

"Really? I always wanted to know what food tasted like." Rei responded. Till now, all the food left by astronauts was just used as fuel by her.

After that, with the addition of crazy smart Rei, things became easier. Rei was much better when it came to electrical and computational work. They soon set up the mobile connection and started the phones.

It was winter anyway, so all of the people in the village were sure that Tsukasa wouldn't attack them. Senku also sent a phone to his friend, Oki. Despite Ajax telling Senku to call Oki back to the village and that there was no need for infiltration anymore, but Oki didn't listen. Senku believed Ajax but he had no idea how he could make someone understand that God was with him.

Anyway, after mobile phones and there being plenty of electricity, Senku and Ajax decided to start putting the permanent foundation of the Kingdom of Science. First, they were going to increase the standard of living of everyone and also focus on teaching kids. Rei happily agreed to teach the children.

To increase the standard of living of everyone, they needed 5 basic things.

1. Nutritious Food

2. Medical care and Hygiene

3. Education

4. Job

5. Security

Ajax talked to Senku about these, "As long as we have all this, no matter how big your kingdom gets, people will be happy. But, currently, we are at a point at which there is a lack of brain talent. Admit it, you and Rei alone can not bring back humanity to its feet. We need talented people for this. So, what I want you to do is tell me where I can find such people. Tell me if you know their faces or names. I will bring their stone and we will depetrify them."

Senku quickly gave some names of the scientists he knew about and some who worked with his father. Then he told him some names of teachers from his school that were actually good.

Ajax used Accio to bring them magically. Many of them were shattered and were missing pieces. These could not be repaired. Ajax couldn't magically produce the missing parts.

"What would happen if we revived them with a missing limb?" Ajax asked.

"I don't know. Most likely they won't have the limb. But I don't know if there will be wounds." Senku said.

"Let's try. I can heal them very quickly. Then, we will give them Cyberware. Making them is not hard with the help of Rei." Ajax advised.

Senku did not reject this idea. These were scientists they were talking about. These scientists were important as they were masters in different fields. Senku couldn't work alone on all subjects.

So, they tried the method. As Ajax said, upon depetrification, the missing limb turned into a bloody wound. Ajax quickly used magic to seal the wound and heal it.

Slowly, Senku had revived 15 scientists of his choice. All these also had families that needed to be revived, however, most of them were destroyed completely because of too many natural disasters. These 15 scientists were not all Senku's first choice either.

Many of these were revived because the favourite one's body was destroyed completely.

The whole winter season, everything improved immensely. Electricity, mobile, food processing, cloth processing, all kinds of things were being made there.

With time, Winter was near its end-run and Oki had texted that Tsukasa was planning to attack due to the constant improving might of Kingdom of Science.

"That's it, Senku. We are going to go and have a talk there. By we, I meant you and me only. Rei is, although superpowered now, should remain here to safeguard the village. I'm gonna beat this Tsukasa in his own game." Ajax decided.


Senku hated this. He was a man of science, he loved making stuff. These armed conflicts were just a distraction and a waste of time, but, these things needed to be addressed as the opponent was coming for his life.

"Okay, let's go." Senku nodded.

So, they wore some warm clothes and headed out. Many people from the village wanted to come but were denied. However, Thea, Suika, Gen Asagiri and Kohaku still secretly followed them.

They were caught by Ajax, but he brought them along. Along the way, Senku told him about the Tsukasa Empire. "The Tsukasa Empire was based on the philosophy of anarcho-primitivism, a political ideology that advocates a return to non-"civilized" ways of life through deindustrialization, abolition of the division of labour or specialisation and abandonment of technologies. He plans on destroying statues of old people too."

"Hmm, so he's an extremist. Well, I have experience in dealing with them. He also thinks he is very strong physically, so I think I'm going to be breaking his will and his body as well." Ajax said.

After travelling a bit they arrived at what used to be Roppongi Hills Mori Tower. Sometime in the past the tower collapsed and formed a weird-looking hill with caves.


As soon as they appeared, an arrow shot out of nowhere and touched Ajax. It just clanked and fell down.

"Only cowards attack from shadows. Are you a coward?" Ajax shouted. Hundreds of birds from nearby trees flew away. Tsukasa's people were probably depetrifying birds all this time.

Ajax's loud words reached every person's ears around the vicinity. Soon, Tsukasa came out. He was a very tall and muscular young man with wild, brown hair. Followed by another man with silver hair.

"Hah, did you come to surrender, Senku Ishigami?" Tsukasa questioned proudly.

"Nope, this guy wants to fight you. That's all." Senku bluntly said in a relaxed manner.

Tsukasa made an angry face, "I told you before. This stone world is a paradise left untouched by corruption. We can revive the innocent, young people. We can live together in nature, which doesn't belong to anyone else. This is an opportunity to cleanse humanity! Why do you not understand this simple thing? Why must you lust for the evil past of our world?"

Ajax shook his head in disappointment. "CLEANSE HUMANITY? Are you serious? You sound like Hitler right now."

"I see that you have made friends. Ishigami, you will regret this decision. You will see your friend die." Tsukasa warned.

Sanku carelessly just poked his nose, "Sure, best of luck."

[You can see Tsukasa on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

Thank you for your support!

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