
642. Deadpool's Tears

But, Alexander was wrong. Douglas' Dimond scissors were not the last gifts. There was Deadpool left.

"WAAAIT..." Deadpool came running with a small silver chest.

"My sexy old man, here you go. I have poured all my heart into this gift so please accept it. But, only open it once I am gone." Deadpool said.

"What do you even do these days?" Alexander inquired.

Deadpool proudly replied, "I am helping you, honey. I am catching sinners from various worlds and taking them to hell."

What he didn't say was that he was leaving all the category 3 sinners so that they could get ripe to be booked under category 4. Category 3 were all sinners who would get back to reincarnation and Deadpool didn't like that.

"BOOBLESS... follow me. We are going to the next world." Deadpool left with his weird transportation method.

Alexander took a sigh of relief with his departure. "*Sigh* At least he left without creating a blunder."

"I think you should check the box first before rejoicing," Dobby advised.

Alexander suddenly got gloomy and looked at the box in his hand. "Okay, let's see what it is."

Olivia came closer to see what it was. Alexander slowly opened the box, worried that there might be some kind of a trap. But, nothing happened and he completely opened it.

However, what was inside didn't make him happy at all.

"WHAT THE... he wasn't lying when he said he poured his heart into this. He literally left his heart." Olivia exclaimed in shock.

"He left a message too." Alexander picked up the blood-soaked letter and read it.

"I know you must be worried about me but rest easy, I'm fine. I just grew another heart. Take care, my sexy old man (Kiss emoji)," Alexander read.

He was horrified, "He's getting delusional now. He thinks I like him too. Man, I am going to remove him from space and time once I become a higher god."

Alexander started a bonfire for kids to enjoy and sacrificed Deadpool's heart in it.

"OKAY... IT'S TIME TO EAT," he announced, making everyone happy.


Deadpool jumped into another world. This time, he didn't know where he was. It seemed he was on some kind of a mountain and there were a lot of gunshots sounding in the distance.

In front of him, two men were fist fighting in old-style clothes. One was blonde-haired and the other brown. The brown one seemed to be losing as he was breathing like a horse near his death.

"BOOBLESS... who are these two fools?" Deadpool asked. As a senior cader of Hell, he had the access to all the sinner souls in the multiverse.

Boobless took out a book and started reading. "T-They ar-e-e M-M-Micah Bell and Arthur M-M-Morg-a-an..."

[A/N: World is Red Dead Redemption 2. The scene is the ending of the main story.]

"Gimme that book. I will read it." Deadpool took it and saw two people's information. He in fact saw the whole life of these two. Micah Bell was a treacherous opportunist who betrayed his people and consistently put them in harm's way.

The second was Arthur Morgan, a confused wild deer, betrayed by his long time father figure Dutch. Finally on a path of redemption and goodness now that he has gotten tuberculosis and is dying. He started to see the world and the people for what they truly were.


He closed the book loudly, catching the attention of the two men wildly fighting. "We've got some nice drama going on here. BOOBLESS... give me my guns."

Boobless gave Desert Eagles to him.

Micah and Arthur Morgan stopped fighting and looked at Deadpool. They felt weird seeing him. A man wearing skin-tight red and black suit would weird anyone out in that era.

"Which circus clown are you now?" Micah asked impolitely.

*COGH COUGH COUGH COUGH* Arthur was in no condition to speak. He was badly beaten and was also in the last stretch of tuberculosis.

Deadpool replied in a jolly tone, "Oh, I am Captain delicious pants. Now, I have come to take you to hell as you are a category 4."

"HAHAHA, are you supposed to be some kind of Grim Reaper?" Micah asked.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH... Ah... you tell such funny jokes, dead man." Deadpool burst into crazy laughter scaring Micah a bit.

"No, no, Grim Reapers are the lowest runts of hell. Oh, I am from the top brass, just below Lucifer. Now it's time for you to sleep, muscular fat barbie."


Michah's body fell down with a large chunk of his head missing.


"Who.. *COUGH* are you?" Arthur asked from the ground.

Deadpool saw that Arthur was actually a Category 3 sinner. He was sad, but he decided to cultivate this guy for category 4.

Deadpool waved his hand and Micah's body got disintegrated. Then a white soul came out of it. It was caught by Deadpool in a flask with lid.

Arthur saw the whole thing. His breathing turned heavy. *Cough* "Goddamn... you... really are... the devil."

Deadpool chuckled, "Hehe, yeah. Wanna make a deal? I can take away your tuberculosis, also make your wanted status go away, give you money and knowledge you can use to get rich legally."

Arthur chuckled, "Hah, sounds too good to be true... what's the payment? My soul?"

But suddenly Arthur realised he didn't have trouble breathing and was also feeling much better.

"In a way, yes. We in hell divide people's sins into categories. 1 is pure, 2 is a light sinner who just gets a slap on the wrist, 3 are those who get punished in hell then again go to reincarnate as some random animal. After this comes the major league, the juicy stuff, 4 is eternal hell and 5 is the destruction of the soul. You are in 3, Arthur.

"Now, I have utmost faith in you that if I give you all these you will not leave this outlaw life of yours and keep on sinning and f*cking up. Soon, you will reach category 4 and that is when I catch you." Deadpool said.

Arthur sat up slowly, "So all I have to do is to not commit crimes and live like a good man?"

"Yes, but I know you can't do that. You are a wild deer. You can't be tamed, by yourself or someone else." Deadpool kept on brainwashing.

"Well, I accept your terms. I will prove your ass wrong, just watch me." Arthur resolutely said. He had already made the decision.

"Hoho, someone's excited. Okay then. Sign here," Deadpool gave him a Devils contract.

Arthur sighed it. In an instant, Arthur's records from all government agencies and bounty posters and registers disappeared. His name disappeared from many people's memories too. Then, knowledge of science and advanced mechanical engineering appeared inside Arthur's brain.

Deadpool gave him this so that Arthur can make weapons later and commit sin. Then, Deadpool gave 200,000 dollars to him, not directly but it was submitted to the bank under his name.

"Here you go, all done. Now quickly massacre some people and give me your juicy soul." Deadpool cheered him on.

"It's not gonna happen, buddy. I'm never gonna look back at this life. Enough lessons learned for one lifetime." Arthur said while getting up.

"ARTHUR..." Dutch came.

Deadpool saw him and got excited. *BOOM*

Dutch's headless dead body fell down in an instant. "Lottery..."

"Why did you do that??" Arthur asked in shock.

"Category 4. He's gonna get a nice welcome boiling oil bath in hell now and get tormented for eternity." Deadpool answered while removing the soul out of Dutch.

Arthur sighed, "Thanks for making me more resolute to be a good man. Well, I guess this marks the end now. I hope not to see you in this life again. Goodbye."

Arthur ran away soon after. Deadpool was left there standing, happily turning around and looking at all the Pinkertons who were after Arthur not long ago.

"Ohoho... I smell so many Category 4 here. BOOBLESS, let's go." He got excited.


Deadpool was wrong. He had scared Arthur too much. No man would want to go to Hell. Even less so if a man really knew that hell existed. In fact, considering that he knew he was a category 3. He wanted to do good and hoped to get to Category 2 at least.

Arthur had decided to never look back.

So, he went against all odds. Using his knowledge he didn't make guns, but instead machinery. He opened his own oil refinery and employed the Indians. It was a win-win. He started his own automobile company and made some of the world's first heavy-duty tractors. He later bought tens of thousands of hectares of land and started growing crops there.

Soon, he even started making cars and later private aircraft. He was the greatest tycoon of the new century and the living embodiment of the American dream.

He helped all the Indians with his money. He bought them lands to settle down. These were privately owned lands so the government couldn't interfere with them. Not to mention the halo given by Arthur's name was enough to keep all the bad folks away. Arthur's industries were so huge and influential that most people in the US and UK knew him by the nickname Big Arthur.

Then he found the opportunity for greatness. World War I started. He didn't make weapons or anything destructive. Instead, he started a medical equipment manufacturing plant. From there, he provided humanitarian aid across the world with his food and medical equipment.

He was already married now with a son and a daughter with Mary Linton. She got to live the life she dreamt of. He even helped John and his family and made little Jack a successful businessman. Sadie Adler was also helped and she got to open her own logistics company. He even helped the family of the man who gave him tuberculosis. He admitted that he was responsible for his own pain.

In the end, he ended up dying of old age and reaching heavens. He redeemed all his sins while being alive and even went further to become a kind soul. For every person he had killed, he had saved 1000 lives one way or another. He died like a good boah.

Deadpool could only cry alone in the office.

[You can see Arthur on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

Thank you for your support!

1 Stone = 1 Roasted, sweet Deadpool's heart. [Warning: Might cause temporary mental illness.]

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