
577. Final Goodbyes

One thing Alexander knew was that abrupt goodbyes hurt very much. When you suddenly lose someone without being able to say goodbye, when you suddenly find out that the person you used to see every day will never be speaking now hurts a lot.

So, he took out an item from his dimensional pocket that he had not used in a lot of time. It was the resurrection stone. It doesn't really resurrect anyone, but it does give you the chance to say one last goodbye.

"Winry, look up," Alexander said and called the spirits of Winry's parents.

Two blue lights came out of the ring and took the forms of two individuals, one male, and one female. Their faces looked so kind that it was unbelievable that someone could muster enough hatred to kill them.

Winry looked shocked while staring at the two figures. She still remembered their faces from the last time she saw them leaving for the war.

"Mom? Dad?" She voiced with her already hoarse voice from all the crying.

"Winry... Our little Winry." Sarah Rockbell, Winry's mother, called her name kindly.

It was a spirit so it couldn't touch her but she still went closer to her face. "Don't cry, my lovely daughter. Look how big you have gotten, and beautiful too."

Yuriy Rockbell, Winry's father, also joined, "Yes, Winry. Don't cry. What's happened has happened, you can not lament it forever. Life must go on.

"We are in the heavens and live here. God Universe allowed us to meet you one last time so we can properly say goodbye to you."

Winry cried, even louder than before. But, eventually, she calmed down after being patted by Edward for a while.

"Mom, dad, grandma is fine. She has taught me automail engineering. I am very proficient in it now." She started telling them about her daily life.

"Aww... You have grown so much. What about a boyfriend, did you find one yet?" Her mother asked.

Winry's face turned red as she glanced at Edward. Her mother saw this movement and chuckled.

"Haha, oh, Edward, you have grown so big, ah Alphonse too. I'm happy that you're taking care of Winry." She said.

"MOM, it's me who usually takes care of them. They are too reckless." Winry complained.

"Well, boys are like that, Winry. I remember the first time I met your mother was because I was recklessly climbing a tree and fell on her when she was passing from under the branch." Her father said.

"Fine, boys are stupid you mean." She huffed, making everyone chuckle.

Alexander had to make sure he didn't keep the spirits with him for too long because it would make them go crazy.

Winry's mother saw Alexander nodding at her so she understood what it meant.

"Sweety, listen. Mom and Dad are proud of you. Don't worry about us, we are living in heaven comfortably. You take care of yourself okay? Edward, take care of my little daughter will you?" She said.

Edward flustered but managed to reply, "I will, ma'am."

With that, the two figures again disappeared. After that, Alexander called for Trisha Elric.

The kind-looking woman's spirit materialised in front of everyone. All three, Edward, Alphonse, and Hohenheim were left speechless.

"Trisha?" Hohenheim called her.

"Mom," the two brothers added.

Trisha smiled at them and spoke, "I'm happy that you are fine, even though you had a very rough childhood. I'm sorry I couldn't stay by your side, Ed and Al."

"No, mother. It wasn't your fault." Alphonse said.

Hohenheim nodded and said, "It should be me who should apologize, Trisha. I promised to you that we would die together. But I wasn't even there to support you in your worst time."

Trisha went closer to her husband, "Don't say that, we both know why you went away. You cared about us and that was why you were ready to fight for us.

"You have suffered enough, even in such a long life, you never had a moment of peace. I wish for you to settle down now. Be the father Ed and Al always wanted you to be. You will have to be their father and mother both, as I was their mother and father both.

"Be happy, dear. A smile suits you. Why else would I fall for some nobody who appeared out of nowhere in my village." She jokingly said.

Hohenheim smiled, "Yes, I promise to be the best parent for them. But I must defeat the Dwarf first."

Trisha chuckled, "You literally have a god walking among you. Why would you have to fight? Dear, trust me when I tell you to trust God Universe. He is the solution to all your problems."

"You mean, he's really a god?" Hohenheim asked.

"Of course, everyone in the heaven knows about him. He's very high in the god hierarchy. You should respect him." She advised him.

Then she turned towards her two sons. She wanted to hug them but it was futile.

"My two goofballs. I love you so much. Ed, I've seen you still avoid drinking milk. If you keep doing this, how will you grow?" She asked.

"Come on mom, anything but talking about milk. Its smell makes me wanna puke." Edward barked.

"Hahaha... You didn't change at all." Trisha started laughing.

Alphonse, meanwhile, nearly teared up. "I miss you, mom."

"Mom, forgive us we harmed you even after you had left. That day, we made you stuck in that corpse." Edward said with a grief-stricken face.

But suddenly, Alphonse jumped up, "No brother. That was not mother. I remember every that happens that day when I saw the truth. I... It was me inside that corpse. I remember seeing your face, you were calling for me."

It shocked Edward who had continuously thought that he caused more pain to his mother by doing that transmutation. It was a constant mental strain on him. On top of that, he also blamed himself for Alphonse losing his body.


"That is why you don't go directly to practising without complete theoretical knowledge." Alexander reprimanded them.

Trisha agreed, "Indeed. But I guess you have learned your lesson now. I hope you will not do something foolish like that again."

"I will make sure of that, Trisha," Hohenheim added.

After a few more minutes of talking, this reunion also ended. It was an emotional yet satisfying goodbye. Now, they all would not be regretting over something for the rest of their lives.

Only Scar was left and Alexander did call his brother's soul. It then turned out to be a full angry lecture for Scar.

"How can you use my arm for killing so many people, many of them didn't even have anything to do with the Ishval Civil War." He reprimanded Scar.

"But they are Alchemists, they are heathens." Scar argued.

"SHUT UP... you yourself are using Alchemy to kill people. If they are heathens, then what are you? A demon?" He asked Scar.

"Listen, you have destroyed enough lives, if I were in your place, I would have gone to find the Ishvalans in exile and help them with my power. Yet you chose the path of vengeance that gives you nothing but more sorrow."

He was reprimanded for his actions and using Alchemy to hurt people. Eventually, he calmed down and said goodbye. Scar mostly stayed quiet the whole time.

"Okay, it's time to catch the bad man. Let's go." Alexander shouted and led the way out.

[A/N: Hey, guys. I am on my way home. I will be travelling so I can only write 1 chapter. So, there will only be 1 chapter today and tomorrow. After that, I will resume to normal schedule. Thank you for reading]

[You can see Winry's parents and Trisha on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora*

Thank you for your support!

"My butt is itchy." - A random Gorilla

1 Stone = 1 Mystery Box. (Warning: Items range from a banana to a murderous loli.)

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