
159. A Missing Baby

In a certain building in New York. A little baby, maybe a year old was playing in his cradle. The baby had immense powers but no one knew about it as of yet.


He sneezed and suddenly vanished.


Alexander was in the Bar. They were having Rina's birthday party. Many people had come. X-Men, Odin, Ancient One, and all other Defenders of Universe. There were also all the people from Phixheim.

Rina didn't really have any big wish for a gift. She was happy as long as someone gave her something tasty. So everyone brought whatever they thought tasted the best.

To enjoy it more, Rina was in her small form. Her reasoning was that the gifts look bigger when she's small.


Suddenly a bubble bursting sound came above Alexander and a small baby dropped. He quickly caught the little guy.

He surprisingly looked at the baby and couldn't recognize it. "Hey, did anyone lose a baby?"

His words caught everyone's attention. Olivia quickly came and looked at him. Small chubby cheeks and blond hair. Looking at people with his blue eyes. Then he started stretching Alexander's beard and giggled.

Ancient One walked towards him.

"Do you know him, Yao?" he asked.

"Yes, but I can't tell you. What is going to happen in some days will be good for Earth and the Universe. This child will play a big role in the future too." She cryptically replied.

Alexander only nodded and didn't ask more and played with the baby, "Haha, how did you come here boy?"

Unknown to Alexander, a family was going crazy due to the sudden disappearance of the baby.


Baxter Building.

The Fantastic Four had gone for their truffle with Dr. Doom. Franklin Richards, son of Reed Richards and Sue Richards, was left under the care of Ancient Witch, Agatha Harkness.

Nobody had known that Franklin had superpowers at that time. When Agatha went to get some milk for little Franklin, the baby disappeared.

She frantically searched for him around the house but couldn't find him. It was hard to imagine that the little baby had teleported across the city.

"Agatha, we have returned." The Fantastic Four walked in.

Sue quickly looked for Franklin but didn't find him anywhere. "Agatha, where is Frank?"

"I am looking for him too. I went to get some milk and when I returned he disappeared. I checked and there was no intruder." She worriedly explained.

Reed and Sue got scared, "What! How could you let that happen?"

Reed quickly looked into the cameras and indeed Franklin disappeared. He went to Sue and calmed her down.

There was a reason why they were not too stressed about the situation. Things like these have happened many times with them. Just a month ago, Franklin was kidnapped by Dr. Doom as well.

"We will find him, Sue. I've put a small tracking bracelet on him, remember?" Reed assured her.

He opened the tracking system and looked for Franklin. A minute passed and still, no sign of his location came. Finally, he was starting to get anxious.


The reason Reed wasn't able to find Franklin was because Alexander had brought the kid into Phixheim.

Amy, Rina, and Medusa were showering love on him. Showing him different animals living there.

"Dada, I need to talk to you." Leo came to him.

"What is it, son?" Alexander asked.

"I want to go to Asgard. I asked Grandpa Odin and he said he'll teach me his kind of magic." Leo told.

Alexander nodded his head, Asgard's magic was a bit different and could be helpful. "Sure, son. Go ahead. Give Odin my thanks...wait, why do you have a bible in your hand?"

"Ah, I just wanted to know about Grandfather."

He opened the anywhere door for him. As soon as Leo left, Hela walked up to him.

"Where did you find that boy?" She inquired.

"I don't know. You weren't there. He just popped out of nowhere. Why do you ask?"

"I can feel immense energy from him. More than anyone I have ever seen." She said in a warning tone.

Alexander looked at giggling baby in Rina's arms. "He's probably an Above Omega Level Mutant. I'll look for his parents when I go out."


Alexander went out to find the parents of the baby. He was in his Jedi robe and the baby was strapped to his chest.

"So, let's find your parents." He whispered.

"Ghost, search for online images of this baby, and form a connection to the family." He ordered his A.I.

Alexander was expecting it to take time but Ghost replied instantly, "Sir, the baby is Franklin Richards, the son of Reed Richards and Sue Richards."

"I didn't know the Fantastic Four were here too. Alright, point me to Baxter Building then." He started walking.

"Ya ga ya ooo" Franklin started making happy noises.

"Haha, you're enjoying this aren't you?"


Back in the Baxter Building, the Fantastic Four were going crazy trying to find the lost child. Reed hadn't tried the GPS again, thinking that someone had taken it off.

"Don't worry, Sue. We'll find him." Reed tried to ease her.

"How? With your useless tech?" She lashed out.

Johnny Storm went ahead and checked the GPS without much hope. His eyes widened when he noticed the mark.

"Guys, open the door. Franklin's outside." He spoke.

Everyone looked at him in confusion. Reed ran up to the screen and confirmed.

*Ding Dong*

The doorbell rang. Agatha looked at the security feed.

Alexander spoke from the other side, "Hey there. I think this child lives here. He popped onto my lap out of nowhere."

Sue quickly ran and opened the door.

"Ma, Ma," Franklin tried to speak.

She squeezed Franklin in a tight hug. Reed, Ben, and Johnny quickly covered her as if trying to defend from Alexander.

"Not good, kids. Is this how you treat an old man?" Alexander shed some fake tears.

"Who are you?" Reed asked.

"Just a friend. Let me prove it." He walked to Ben aka the thing and tapped his finger on his chest.

Suddenly the stony texture of his body started to disappear and his stature became smaller. Soon he was back in his normal human form. Ben was surprised by the changes as he unbelievably looked at his hands with flesh again.

Reed also looked very surprised, he had been trying to help Ben for so long but nothing worked. Now here this man was, healing him with just a tap from the finger.

"HOW?" He confusedly asked.

"Haha... MAGIC" Alexander laughed.

"Yes, it was indeed magic." Agatha came forward.

"Who are you? I can feel great magic in you." She inquired.

"Ah, I'm just an old man. Ben can turn back to his stone form whenever he wants. You people should also take care of little Franklin. He's an Above Omega level Mutant. He can manipulate reality and has other psionic powers."

His words shocked both the parents as they hadn't noticed anything like that.

"Alright, I'll be on my way now. Bye Frank." He started leaving.

"Ga Ga" Franklin made noise. Alexander stopped and came back.

"Haha, I'll see you again someday, Franklin. Till then, take this. Never-ending honey pacifier." He put it in his mouth and left.

Once he was gone, Johnny spoke, "We didn't even ask for his name."

As they were speaking, the building started vibration.

"Earthquake?" Ben questioned.

"No, my warning systems didn't show anything. This is not natural. Let's take a look." Reed suggested.

But Sue denied going as she didn't want to leave Franklin alone.

So only Mister Fantastic, the Human Torch, and The Thing came to check.

Once out, they found a silver man on a silver surfing board. Making a hole in Earth. They also found the same old man walking towards the silver man.


Alexander was on his way back and found Silver Surfer, real name Norrin Radd. He guessed that Galactus must have sent him to find edible worlds.

Silver Surfer was one of the noblest and most tormented cosmic entities in the universe. He treasures freedom above all else but has often sacrificed his liberty for the greater good.

He served Galactus for several decades, enjoying exploring the wonders of the universe; however, it became increasingly difficult for Radd to find energy-rich worlds devoid of sentient life. The destruction of the first inhabited planet he offered to Galactus almost drove Norrin insane, forcing Galactus to alter the mind of his herald, submerging Radd's emotions and repressing past memories.

As a result, the Surfer became much more willing to lead Galactus to inhabited worlds such as Massikron, Elynore-143, Draven-Barr, and eventually Earth.

"What are you doing?" Alexander asked.

"Preparing the planet for my master." Silver Surfer replied.

Alexander shook his head and put his hand on Surfer's shoulder. "Not gonna happen, buddy."

He apparated to Uatu the Watcher at the moon with Surfer.

[You can see Fantastic Four and Silver Surfer on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Joakim Jönsson* and *Conrad*.

Thank you for your support!

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