
Repeated Chapter!

"BANG!" "BANG!!" "BANG!!!"

The entirety of space instantly shattered as the two men fought continuously. 

Despite being in space where there was no oxygen neither was there a platform to stand on, the two seem to have their methods. It was as though they didn't need much oxygen to sustain their body and the fact that they weren't being squeezed by the pressure in space revealed that the two people were absolute monsters. 

David was accumulating pressure with the muscles underneath his feet to walk in space. His muscles were vibrating at very high frequency, firing incredibly amount of pressure that pressed downwards at the space, using the distortion caused by the vibration, he used it to walk. It was unknown how the Young man was walking on though. 

At this moment was unknown who was at the winning end or at the losing end and if one looked closely at the claws of the young man, one could see it was been chipped of bit by bit by David's blade strikes. 


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