Near thousand-kilometer class behemoth was accelerating and whirling in anguish in the midst of space. Feiry hot Force energy was creating large energy tides as it'slava chains flung around.
At present, tens of thousands of gigantic holes were opening around the Sunfire celestial's body, shooting out hot blazing fluids that soon froze into black ice in the coldness of vacuum. It was the outcome as it underwent accelerated metabolism to banished a foreign object in its body—but even such extreme repelling reaction was helpless against that foreign object.
Soon, the Sunfire celestial stopped its forward dash and roll and stayed motionless in space as if it was dead, seemingly losing all vigor with thick Force shields over its body beginning to dissipate. But soon it started to struggle again, its layers of lava, flesh and Force mineral veins contorting into one and forming endless creases. The curling chains too became straight protrusions out from its body.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: