

David's eyes glowed, staring forwards a few kilometres, he saw Su Ming.

Her situation was even worse than his, her entire arm left arm had vaporized, her chest sunken, her body bleeding profusely as she laid motionless on the ground.

Her chest rose and fell barely indicating she was alive. She was currently unconscious but the most astonishing fact was that her body was healing at a rapid pace.

Her chest which had been crushed flat against her spinal cord was starting to recover and a tiny tissue was wriggling out of her vanished arm.

David couldn't help by be surprised. This lady's legacy body was truly astonishing. Without the help of blood or anything, her body was regenerating on its own while he required blood to heal.

She should have almost reached the integrated Phaser. The integration between man and beast. The moment man fully becomes the real beast thereby obtaining the full strength the beast once had while it was alive.


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