The new class one cheers died down upon the glare of the Senior Professor he then proceeded to call forth the other champions from other years.
It was finally the Third Year students and then, Freta came out to accept her rewards. And just like David had thought, she truly was the one but something seem to be wrong as that cheerful girl of back then had a more solemn look in her face.
It was as though she had suddenly matured and had experienced quite a few hardship or something. But then, he too had mature since they had last met so it was obvious she wasn't the only one who had had a hard time.
She then went back to her space in the line, which allowed David to be unable to see her. Davud shrugged and placed the thought at the back of his head. He was going to ask her when next they met. A few seconds later, the senior professor called out the Fifth year champion.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: