The entire jungle continued to remain deadly silent. Except from the sobbing of some students, the place was eerie silent.
Another air splitting sound echoed out in the jungle. Phyllida's eyes narrowed. She then leaned forwards slightly.
The air trembled and then a bright flash of light shone sparked through space.
Purple fluids splattered in all direction as a tentacle the size of a grown arm dropped on the ground, twitching around crazily, letting out an awful smell.
The students were shocked at seeing the tentacle. "The fvck is that!?" The female blonde student in the group exclaimed as she hesitantly walked forwards and kicked at the tentacle which twitched even more violently with her near it.
What was even or surprising was the fact that every single drop of purplish fluid that spills in the floor of the jungle correded the ground with a sizzling sound. Letting out stinky smell with its release of smoke.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: