David's body spun. Boosted by the thrusters in his other feet. He redirected the thruster's boosted kick with a 360 inverted spin around.
His body suddenlyflew towards his opponent as he slammed the previously dodge kick back at his opponent's chest.
The person with the Samuel L Jackson mask had just folded his wings and had dropped to the ground with his wings folding back behind him when he suddenly saw David execute the perfect aerial maneuver with the Sky walker.
"Impossible!" his tone revealed the disbelief he felt. He had never seen such impossible movement before.
Such perfect maneuver was impossible to be performed by a new student. It required extreme control over the bodily muscles, and an even more precise of the Sky walker.
And it wasn't something a new student could have ever hoped to master. As it would require years of practice to reach such a perfect level.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: