
Four-Winged Chicken.

Tilting his head in slight mockery as he gazed at David, Nihyuh continued "Now I'm not so sure I can believe his words fully any longer."

When Nihyuh has still been practicing under his father and his clan, whenever things got to the point of bloodlines, they had always warned him to figure out the rank of his opponents bloodline and if it were higher than his, even if it were just a little, he should try his best to retreat. 

Tips words had been in his head since he could remember and ever since he had met David, he could vaguely see that David was somewhat special which lead him into thinking David had some sort of hereditary bloodline in him.

Which was one of the reason he had stuck to him till now. And now, he finally had te opportunity to test his father's words and his theories but he was very disappointed.

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