
One Gadget, Two Microchips And One Gold

Fergus only smiled bitterly as he hurriedly explained. "Please do not mind her, she was only worried for me. To be honest, she is pretty nice if you met her under different circumstances." "I remember now, the box, lets see what's in the box. " Clover shouted excitedly as he recollected what he had forgotten previously, jumping down from the tree tall tree. Fergus smiled. Nodding at David to lay the box out. David squinted his eyes and a sinister smile surfaced on his face. "What box are you talking about?" although he spoke softly, his words were almost like thunder to the five students ears. Clover blinked his eyes in surprise as he stared at David, April took up a battle stance while circulating her blood. The remaining two guys were also surprised but they slowly took a battle stance, surrounding David within them. Only Fergus had a relaxed smile. Which only served to annoy David more. It was as if he had known David was only testing them.

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