

A few feets underneath the soil, David couldn't see a thing as it was completely dark with no lights coming through but he wasn't hoping for that anyways.

Even the illumination coming from his holographic image was of little to no help at all.

Oscillating every part of his muscles except those at his feet, the surrounding soil disintegrated into dust.

David had only 8 seconds left before his stamina drains.

Stomping his foot against the ground, his figure was like a phantom as he dash through the ground like a fish swimming in the river.

There was little resistance on his way and as soon as the rocks came into contact with his skin, they disintegrate to dust, the resistance they provided was just a little bit greater than the air resistance.

Which meant his speed underneath the ground was only a bit slower than on land.

Using this opportunity, David dashed through the ground like a soil.


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