David swiped his hands gently on the box. Instantly, it's component disassembled and after which it reassemble back.
But this time it formed a very light compartment backpack. Raising his eyebrows in surprise, David lifted the backpack and placed in onto his back.
The backpack instantly got a few notches flatter on his back. It was as though there was nothing in his back to begin with. It was very sleek and dark in colour as it merge from its previous color to a darker shade of black.
Making it the same as David's shirt colour.
If one saw it one might just thing it was a vest of some kind.
Xaviar's eyes flashed with a hint of greed within them when he saw this scene. This was an unexpected surprise. It seems that every loot zone was with a corresponding compartment park which means that.
In this zone, although the backpack was only a low level gadget, it was still a Gadget anyways and it has its own uses.
Noone would complain of having too much gadgets in hand.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: