
Phyllida - Black Grade technique?

Phyllida walked quite elegantly towards the ring. She is one you could call the epitome of beauty. An ebony skinned beauty. A perfection in itself.

There isn't such a thing as racism in this world, who would have time for that when the world was still hanging by a thread.

The REBs are threatening humanity and you still have the time and energy to discriminate against one's race, are you mad? It seems like something is wrong with your brain.

If others were to find out, he or she would be severely cut off from the world.

If a race was to evolve the first and fastest after the REBs, it would be the race with the least amount of enhancements done to its body. Only those who are blank can have their Genetic codes rewritten. Only a blank paper can something useful be written or drawn on.

Phyllida wore a blue short dress which hugged her upper body, showing off her bountiful figure that was tempting to burst out and a long blue leggings that popped up her perfectly shaped behind


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