
She felt her heart is a big hallow right now.

Xia Sha tried to work after the meeting. But her father's words keep disturbing her mind. She keeps losing her concentration and temper. Added with the lack of sleep, she ends up getting a headache.

When Xia Sha felt her stress is getting uncontrollable, she used to go to a solo karaoke and screams from the top of her lung. But because the Xiao family mention karaoke about her at that dinner, she suddenly didn't want to do that. 

"Boss, you should take a rest. You haven't slept since yesterday," Fu Qun reminded Xia Sha while making the fourth glass of coffee today. 

Xia Sha massage her temples take the coffee he made. 

"Can you make an appointment with our company lawyer?" She asked him another question instead of listening to him. 

Fu Qun nodded his head. 

"Okay, Then I'll head home early today," She takes her purse and stands up. Xia Sha felt her head spinning once she. She stops and leans to his desk, stabilizing her body.

Next chapter