
So much for man gotta do what man gotta do....

Xia Sha's leg moves very quickly. She tried to hold the tears that have been hanging on her eyes. She did not even care how many people she has bumped into. The big door was right before her eyes when she once again bumped into people.

This time it's actually hurt that she stopped walking. "Are you blind?" she snapped.

"Whoa, Whoa, calm down!" The man put his hand in front of his chest.

Xia Sha holds her tongue when she saw who bumped into her, or the other way around. Xia Sha merely nod her head slightly before pulling her long skirt and wanted to walk away again.

The man did not look surprised upon facing Xia Sha's vicious face. He casually follows her from behind, whistles a song along the way. Xia Sha stopped and turn her back. "Why are you following me?" she looks annoyed.

"Why are you following me?" The man faked an annoyed face.

Xia Sha furrow her eyebrow and turn around. She began to walk faster, but the man still following her steps. Xia Sha stomps her legs and turns her head around.

"Can you stop?" she scowls.

"Can you stop?" He mimicked her.

"It's not funny!" she narrowed her eyes and glare at him.

"It's not funny!" He follows her narrowing his eyes.

"Stardenburdenhardenbart" Xia Sha open wide her eyes, almost as if she was challenging him to follow him.

"Stardenburden… wait! Are you calling me a cat?" He pressed his lips in dissastification.

"I thought the CEO of a big corporation is very busy. But I see you still have times watching some TikTok videos huh?" Xia Sha sneers and walks away again, however this time it was slower than before.

"Um? I think you are messing me with another CEO. The only CEO you can name me is CEO of being snapped by beauty." He winked. Xia Sha knew she was playing with her so she gives him a side smiles.

"So CEO of being snapped by beauty, why are you following me around like a sick boy?" She said after collecting herself.

"Ah, so I'm a sick boy in your eyes. My images are so pitiful and you still treat me so badly. Are you even a human?" He raised his eyebrow cryptically.

Xia Sha hit his side body with an elbow. "Indeed a human, but not the ordinary one."

"Ah, yeah I forgot. You and your Queen Bee syndrome." The man tilted his head as he mocked Xia Sha. Xia Sha could not hold back her sniggers. Her shoulder finally relaxed afterward.

"Don't act like you did not enjoy dating with the Queen Bee in Imperial High School." Xia Sha flick her hair. Xiao Zhan laughed and patted her head.

"Don't act like you did not enjoy being with the hottest boy in the school." Xiao Zhan pretends to look smug too. Xia Sha sneer and slap him with some facts.

"You can only be the hottest when the Imperial four heavenly god graduated."

Xiao Zhan looks flabbergasted and stuttering replied to Xia Sha. "Can your blunt word hurt me more?"

"Ooops" Xia Sha close her mouth with her hand. They walked until they reached Xia Sha's car. Stopping on the midway, Xiao Zhan reaches out something from his pocket. Xia Sha look at him with curiosity but stop breathing when she saw what he was going to give her.

A sparkly necklace comes to her view. A very familiar one. She gasped.

"How could you find this?" She takes the necklace from Xiao Zhan's hand and examines it with her own eyes. Still looking disbelief. Xiao Zhan smiles mysteriously, throwing an open-ended sentence.

"You guess."

Xia Sha closed her mouth and carefully placed the necklace on her bag. Only then she squinted her eyes at Xiao Zhan. "Don't tell me after breaking up with me, you actually regret and jumped into the school pond to find this necklace?"

Xiao Zhan's eyes rounded perfectly, he crossed his arm on his chest. "I really admire your confidence in yourself."

"Thank you, I admire me too." Xia Sha replied shamelessly. She still could not believe the necklace from Shen grandmother come back to her possession today. Back then, whatever accessories and jewelry on-trend, she would buy it and wear it to school. However, never once she took of this necklace from her neck.

But that time, she caught Xiao Zhan hugging a girl near the pond. They were on a break, as she would call it, but Xiao Zhan insists he has made it clear to cut it off with her. Of course, she was furious beyond control!

How could her boyfriend make her lose face like this?

Without any warning, she storms to approach them and especially aiming for that girl Xiao Zhan hangs out with. It was perfectly planned. They were talking very near to the pond and she only needs a little energy to push her.

What happened next is the girl panicked and grab everything near her. She grabbed Xia Sha collar and accidentally pull the necklace into the pond.

Xia Sha remembers how to enrage she was at that time. Even after being the victim, the girl apologized to her in soaked wet clothes. Now that she remembers about it, she has gone a little bit overdramatic in high school.

"Actually, your guess is not wrong. I did regret and went to search it on the pond." Xiao Zhan smiles and moves his hand inside his pocket.

"I knew you are going to regret leaving me." Xia Sha wiggles her eyebrows.

Xiao Zhan laughs and nods his head slightly. "I remember how important it was to you. However every time I want to return it you always avoiding me. Now tell me, is it really impossible for you girls to befriend your ex?"

Xia Sha paused, she croaked and clear her throat. "At that time, no…"

"How about at this time, can you befriend with your ex?" he asked.

The first thought that comes to Xia Sha's mind after hearing his question is that can she forgive Ling Guang and be an ordinary friend with him?

Well, she is sure the answer is no.

So she pouted and shook her head. She did not see the flash of disappointment that Xiao Zhan quickly hides with a playful grin. "So we couldn't befriend anymore? Then what about getting back together, is that possible?"

Xia Sha rolled her eyes and lazily show him the series of her white teeth. "Come on, our relationship did not base on love. Mostly attracted to each other merits and all that Queen Bee and basket Captain cliché. Our relationship did not count, you are still my friend."

Xiao Zhan was stunned at his place.

Wait, what? Did not base on love? He certainly invests real feelings even tho part of him date her for ego.

Xia Sha smiles and friendly patted his chest a few times. "Xiao Zhan, it was nice to have you around. With more friends, I did not feel this world is ending after break up… Thank you." She said with a soothing voice.

He was still in a daze. But his subconscious self has shown a fake smile on his face as he watches her walk away. He has heard these familiar situations a few times from his close friend. It was a dangerous stage for man, something they called friendzone.

As much as he knew and learn, he needs to break this circle quickly before he falls too deep into this wicked relationship. Right! He should tell and show his real intention. He did not want just to be a 'friend' what kind of twisted mind is that?

When he realized, Xia Sha has started her engine and wave goodbye at him.

"Wait!" he screams, stopping Xia Sha from going away.

Xia Sha looks at him with a confused look, she lowering the window and pop out her head. Xiao Zhan felt his heart might bursting right now.

But a man gotta do what man gotta do!

It's now or stuck in a nasty place called friend zone forever.

"Xia Sha, actually… actually I… I…"

Damn it! Why it so hard to tell her?

Come to one Xiao Zhan, you can be a certified womanizer. You just need to tell her your real intentions. It's not like you are confessing that you love her. It just telling her that you are still interested in her.

And if you are lucky, she might still have those old feelings.

"I… I…" His whole body is just not synchronized right now. There is a chaotic war on her brain and heart. The word stacked on his throat and Xia Sha starting to look impatient.

"I think I," might still have feelings for you!

The words were already on his tongue when another board shoulder appear and block his view. Xiao Zhan was dumbstruck, especially after hearing the man's words.

"Hey! I've decided that I took fancy on you. Since I've asked and you've refused, I don't have any more choice but to convince you to go on dates with me. Don't worry about your mom, I'm just gathering information about you from her. She also has given me her blessing, so girl, you wait for me!"

The next thing he knew is Xia Sha car speed up while the man keeps screaming words to the car.


So much for man gotta do what man gotta do....

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