
Family Physician

Mathias "Why did you have to destroy the tablet? Surely it would have kept the curse contained?" he asks, the threat of the curse affecting something else if they'd not destroyed it fast enough was an actual possibility...

Rhea "The curse inflicted on your friend was nothing like I've seen before, it seemed more powerful than the ones the Purging Stone was designed for, and was probably keyed to a specific person. It'd likely escape the stone and attempt to return to your friend if I'd not interfered."

Mathias "What kind of curse was it anyway? Mindcontrol? Personality shift? Rage?"

Rhea shakes her head, "It's strange, but I think it inflicted terror on the victim, enough for someone to go mad if left long enough. Whatever or whoever casted it must've been extraordinarily powerful." she adds.

"Ooouughh..." a voice comes from the bed as Barnock shifts uncomfortably.

Mathias "Barnock? Are you okay?" he asks, placing a hand on his friends shoulder.

Barnock blinks a couple times before looking around at the room and its occupants, "Ah, Mathias? W-what happened|? And where's Leah, Tyrael and... That fucking traitor Adria!" he sudden exclaims, sitting up and grabbing at his hip where his weapon would've been placed had they not removed it from him.

Mathias "Calm yourself! I'll explain but you need to listen!" he quickly says, getting a glance and a small nod from the Barbarian. "Adria knocked you unconscious and I was left to fight her and save Leah... I failed." he states with great sadness and regret, "Adra was too strong to overcome, and I was knocked out. First thing I see when I wake up is a wooden roof, I'd apparently fallen from the sky, which means it'd likely been the same for you. We are no longer in Sanctuary Barnock."


Barnock "Then, where are we? Heaven? Hell?" he asks, confused.

Nerissa "Heaven and Hell don't exist here, you're currently on the continent belonging to the Holy Empire." he states.

Mathias nods, "I managed to stumble across you causing havoc for a village, an with the assistance of our friends here, we released you from the curse that was afflicting your mind."

Barnock "I-...I see. I can remember, vague things about it... Legions of demons destroying everything in Sanctuary, butchering men, women, and children without mercy. I tried to stop them, but I was caught and bound in red chains by one. Was none of this real?" he asks hopefully.

Rhea "Well, kind of? You likely had your perception of reality modified, the demons you saw were simple villagers doing their jobs, it's fortunate you unconsciously held back and didn't kill any of them... The person who bound you in red chains is Nerissa here, it was needed to release you from the curse."

Barnock slowly stands, staring Nerissa in her glowing turqouise/red eyes and kneeling before her, "I thank you Lady Nerissa, once I have fulfilled my duty as a Nephalim, I will pledge myself to you." he states passionately.

Nerissa gives him a weird look, "Sorry, but I'm already taken... Perhaps offering your services to the Holy Empire would be more productive, I doubt returning you to your home worlds is easy or even possible."

Barnock nods, "That is acceptable." he says, standing up and looking at Mathias, "Do you know where Leah, Tyrael, and Adria are?"

Mathias shakes his head, "Unfortunately, I didn't even intend to find you in that forest, it was just a happy coincidence." he looks to Neissa, "Perhaps the Holy Empire could help us in our search? The threat posed by Adria is something I think you should take notice of, she is extremely powerful, cunning, and without remorse."

Nerissa nods, "I can see if anyone has heard anything, but other than that committing troops would likely be hard. They're all either monster hunting, law-keeping, or protecting our borders against the Countries across the sea and Zerrikania.

Rhea "Hm? I was not aware we were at war with anyone..."

Nerissa shakes her head, "We aren't, it's just preventative measures at the moment... Father doesn't wish to destroy our neighbors simple because they pose a threat, absorbing the largest empire seen in this world was more than enough to display our power."

Mathias "We'd appreciate the assistance, and if it is not possible for us to return to our home world, I'd be glad to return the favour in however way you wish."

Nerissa nods, "Then, I'll take you to the Priminister as he's always available. Thank you for your help Rhea, I promise to visit with Vienna and the others." she says, giving the woman a hug before leaving with the others in tow.

Rhea "You better! Or I'll have a word with his Holiness!" she shouts as they exit the temple.

Barnock glances to Nerissa with a smile, "It's good that you're both close, family is important."

Nerissa shrugs, "I know, it's just hard to keep track and remember to visit them all... I'm quite busy I'll have you know."

As soon as the group step out of the temple they're all dumbfounded, they hadn't had a chance to get a good look before as they were in a rush, but atop the steps leading inside the Temple they were able to see miles of beautiful gold gilded buildings stretching in every which way. It was quite late in the afternoon and the light of the sun had dimmed, leading to many thousands of small gems attached to the buildings and streets to start glowing a warm orange.

Down a street nearby they could see a bar's staff setting out chairs and tables outside the store in the road, not blocking it for pedestrians but taking up some space. At the side people were beginning to play instruments as people quickly sat down and started ordering food and alcoholic drinks.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chap, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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