
Meeting the "Family"

The two thousand new residents were getting on amazingly with the residents of Ichor, from previously prideful elves to subdued and introverted, they didn't seem to clash with anyone... Whether this is a good thing is debatable however, some finding their almost reverent and indebted attitude creepy.

The housing was built relatively quick, the Aen Elle occasionally offering suggestions for changes to their own housing, making the new district look more elegant, but at the same time, more fragile.

Most had lived within the Aen Elle capital city Tir ná Lia making most of them more educated than the average person, their skills matching their more domestic raising. Reima had give those with a good argument a stipend of gold to open their own business, allowing them to create different kinds of products, food, entertainment, and other vital produce, they'd continued to be paid until they were finally self sufficient.

The stipend was Asgore's suggestions, a way to encourage productivity in a place where everyone could be provided for even if only a small portion of the population worked... Citizens of Ichor were all paid monthly which would allow them to afford vital services like food, clothing, etc...

Reima was still uncertain whether just giving everyone their bare essentials was a good idea, but having no one starving in the streets was a bonus... He'd start rethinking their distributive policy when the population started picking up, "maybe limiting the amount of children you were allowed to have would be a good way of preventing overpopulation?" He muses to himself.

The city was incredibly rich, it alone being worth more than all of the Northen Kingdoms combined, and probably even the Southern. And with the unique abilities of the residents, it would take a population of a few million to begin to strain the resources... Atleast, with their current technology.

Reima had thought about expanding into the Dragon Mountains by literally removing a few mountains in the way, but that would be a rather drastic action, one he'd rather have the advice of the council before attempting... That and it wouldn't be of much use until Ichor increased in size.

Another thing to note was that some of the Aen Elle wished to join the military, most wanted to join Iorveth but there was another group that wished to learn magic, Pyromancy, or even join the Prospects...

Unfortunately for them, the Aen Elle were still under watch to make sure none of the traitorous ones slipped through. The Places of Power were relatively easy to destroy, so if one knew the locations of them then it wouldn't be difficult to sabotage them, something which would make technological innovation, the city's strength, and even powering it much more difficult than it is now.

Another problem is Logan, or, his eccentricity to be exact... Reima had asked him a few times in the past to start teaching Sorceries full time, even offering to add an extension to the library for the school... However, everytime he refused, stating "After I am done teaching my current three students I will not be taking anymore... I need to continue what the pale dragon started, and much research is required!"

Reima "Then, could Griggs do it?"

Logan looks at him apprentice who is currently helping someone find a specific book, he slowly nods while stroking his beard, "Perhaps... He's achieved much and I think he'd be more than happy to tutor the next generation..."

Reima "That leaves one problem though, if Griggs is going to be teaching and you'll be elsewhere... Who will watch the library?" he asks with concern.

Logan gives his a dull look, "Why, aren't those little friends of your watching everything that happens within the city?" he asks.


Reima nods, "Oh, yeah... I forgot about that... But, I think we still need a human presence here." he says, not wishing for the world to know just how vital the House Elves were to the city.

Logan shrugs, "Let's just make the students take shifts as "Training", it'll teach them "Patience" and "Discipline", as well as "Duty"..." he says, barely able to contain his laughter at the thought.

Reima nods, "Well, ask Griggs and get back to me on that... If he accepts I'll have a wizard tower extension added to the library... Oh, soon I'll also be coming around to magically expand the library itself, I've got a literal archives worth of Aen Elle books." he says, making Logan almost salivate as he leaves.

Eventually though, you have to meet "Her" family... Or, both of your family? Regardless, Reima found himself at a fine dining resteraunt next to Ciri... On the opposite of the table sat Geralt and Yennefer, the latter looking at them both with a huge grin...

Yennefer "So you two have finally dropped the facade and let your passions fly?" she asks, leaning forwards in interest.

Ciri blushes slightly "Letting our passions fly? I wouldn't call it that..."

Yennefer glances at them both ,"Then, is it "Letting your passions lie"? My, Geralt... Who'd have known that our little ones would be so naughty..." she says, causing Geralt to grunt in acknowledgment.

Reima "It's not a big deal guys... Why are we even here anyway? I thought Geralt hated dressing up." he says, pointing at the tunic Geralt had been stuffed into.

Geralt is about to speak but Yennefer interrupts him, "With enough "Persuasion" anything is possible... Be sure to remember that one Ciri, men are such brutes without someone of the fairer sex leading them."

Geralt pulls his sleeve uncomfortably, "Hmm, last I checked I was the one-"

Yennefer slaps his arm playfully, "We're at a restaurant Geralt, don't be rude."

Geralt sighs and looks at Reima, both wishing they were somewhere else.

Yennefer continues to interrogate the duo about their relationship, Ciri giving short answers and blushing up a storm, almost threatening to leave the restaurant after a rather raunchy question. Eventually though Ciri has enough and bids farewell to them all, leaving Reima with Geralt and Yennefer.

Geralt "I don't think I need to say it, but, I've been preparing for this moment for years so I'm going to anyway... Hurt her and you die." he says, though Reima can tell it's more in jest than an actual threat.

Yennefer "So, Reima... Tell us about the first time you-"


Reima disappears in a flash of light, escaping the awkward situation and leaving the duo chuckling to themselves.

hope you guys enjoy the chap, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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