
Building a wall, and making Kaedwen pay for it.

The party after the battle now named "Kaedwenian's Despair" had been bigger than any other Reima had been involved in... Endless drinks, food, dancing etc, Dandelion and Priscilla had begun the night by singing for everyone, the duo having written some songs based on the battle. It wasn't long before everyone had memorised the words and began singing them all night long.

Even the Everlasting Dragon had a few drinks, the smell of roast dragon flesh bringing him from the mountain. While some would consider it cannibalism, dragon's simply didn't mind, the nutrients from such a magical beings flesh outweighing the taboo of kin-eating.

The blood that wasn't able to be cleaned up from the battlefield had attracted Ghouls halfway through the celebration, but the Thestrals tore them apart with the help of the Unicorns and ate them, proving themselves to be more than just unique looking creatures.

The next day Reima woke up in the middle of a courtyard surrounded by passed out Prospects, Monsters, and Chaos servants... If this was any indication to how the celebration had gone, then it was an awesome party.

The next couple of days Reima had begun tutoring Hinky on how to torture and interrogate people... Starting with Mensfeld. He'd decided that he couldn't very well interrogate every single person they'd capture, so training Hinky to do it was the next best thing.

Mensfeld screams from having a glowing red brand shaped like an Igni sign pressed against his stomach, Hinky has a look of concentration as she makes sure the brand stays on long enough and with enough pressure to brand the man clearly.

Reima snorts at how serious they are when torturing people, "Well done Hink-


Reima coughs into his hand, "Ahem, well done Hinky. That's what I'd call a perfect brand if ever there were one." he says, causing the House Elf to beam at him.

Hinky "Should Hinky do again?"


Reima "Err, maybe he'll be willing to talk now?" he says, the House Elf's ear slumping like a sad dog.

Hinky "Yes Master..." they say while retrieving a vial of Veritaserum, it also incidentally being the first vial created by Quelina and Vesemir. "Drink this slave."


Hinky holds the brand menacingly, "Drink."

Mensfeld quickly nods and drinks it, feeling nothing nad glancing at the duo questioningly, as if they'd just poisoned him.

Hinky "Who dids told you to attack us?" they ask.

Mensfeld unconsciously answers, "N-no one... It was me..."

Reima raises at brow at this, having expected Radovid to have been involved, "Are you the puppet of Radovid?"

Mensfeld quickly nods, "Y-yes, he must be resp-" he chokes as if he'd eaten something disgusting, being unable to speak the life-preserving words.

Reima "Did Radovid say anything about Kaer Morhen or my city" he asks.

Mensfeld nods, "I-I was told not to... Antagonise you."


Reima scratches his face, not having expected Radovid to try and leave them alone, temporarily at least. After this question he sits back and lets Hinky ask everything from the list he'd compiled, and other things they themselves had thought up... Though he was confused at why Hinky'd want to know if he was homosexual or not...

A couple hours later it was decided that he knew literally nothing about Radovids personal plans, him being nothing but a figurehead to rule Kaedwen until the war ended. It was likely Radovid wished to take Kaedwen under his complete control after the Nilfgaardians had been fended off.

Reima didn't really know what to do with Kaedwen now, he had neither the people nor the will to take the kingdom over, the same could be said for the council, Quelaag, Quelana, and Reah being the only ones wishing for conquest.

Atleast with this battle no one else would want to fuck with them, the stories from the soldiers being enough to stop even the most hungry for war to hesitate. He'd wait and see what Radovid did with Kaedwen, depending on his choice for the next king they'd see whether or not Ard Carraigh would burn.

The next few days the valley would see many looters and brigands attempting to scour the battlefield for any valuables, most would be torn apart by Sif or shot by Iorveth and his men. Though, a few also attempted to murder the Monsters tending to farms on the outskirts, which has Reima really fucking pissed.

They were imprisoned and given to Hinky for further training, Reima relieving his own anger on Mensfeld by removing all of his limbs, handing the limbless man to a messenger and ordering them to deliver the torso to Radovid.

After that he'd gone to the entrance of the valley with some House Elves and began constructing a massive wall that'd connect to the mountains on either side, he'd had the smiths infuse titanite into granite and used the enhanced material to build a huge wall, ten stories high with the top plated in gold, as well as cannons using Zoltan's Mahakam brew.

Due to the rivers leaving the valley he had to make a channel for it through the wall, but a few runes that would electrocute any sentient being that attempted to swim through it provided enough protection until he found a better solution.

It would take months to build but would allow Ciaran, Sif, and Iorveth to stop patrolling within the valley. Instead, using their time to watch for monsters coming from the Dragon Mountains or scouting outside the wall.

Reima also planned for the gate to be massive and not act as a weak point like most generally were. A couple runes that'd lighten or make it heavier depending on whether or not it was being opened would make that intention a reality. The ambient magic of the city even allowing him to make the wall incredibly magically resistant, so much so that all of the members of the Lodge combined would not be able to breach it.

>Reima Ludvig is evolving!

*Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun, RING!*

>Reima Ludvig has evolved into Donald Trump!

>Bad hair acquired.

>ORANGE acquired.

>Ability to construct walls... Not acquired... YET!

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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