
War with Kaedwen

Thus, another battle was approaching the walls of Kaer Morhen, now Ichor. In all honesty the people were excited, most looking forward to watching the battle from the city while others wished to participate. Asgore however was rigidly against having any of the none military-trained Monsters fight, despite them being more powerful than the average human.

The smithes were also being efficient with their time, Priscilla having asked them to make Schall's golden scales and hide into durable clothing for some of the more fragile people. She also had them and Rickert make a huge gold ring for the Everlasting Dragon that would negate some magic thrown at him. If it were anyone else attempting to put something on one of his horns there is no doubt they'd have been eaten...

The farms on the outskirts had already been evacuated to prevent anyone from accidentally losing their lives. Last but not least the herd of Unicorns and Thestrals had been corralled back to the city to prevent them wandering into the Kaedweni army, even if they'd be able to run away their existence should be protected.

Elsewhere :

On a mountain top a large group of dragons were gathered, all of a variety of colours but the biggest and more authoritative were covered in gold scales.

One lumbers forwards and puts a claw on a boulder before straightening to address the rest, "Fiends have stolen all of the magic within these mountains! My descendant Weelderigeweegschalen left to cleanse them, but never returned... I am sure you can all sense where the magic had gone, all of it being funnelled into a single place like a dwarf with their gold! My descendant is likely dead, but that only gives us more reason to leave with numbers to avenge him, a kill the scourge siphoning the lands magic!" they finish with an angry roar, flames flickering from their nostrils.

The rest affirm that they're in agreement, most despising who'd ever try to drain their lands dry. A cacophony of roars is given and the large gold dragon gives a large sadistic grin towards the mana rich area, vowing to destroy them.

Elsewhere :

Mensfeld sat, heavily armoured on an equally heavily armoured horse, riding around his encampment while his soldiers ate their fill and made sure their equipment, as well as the siege equipment, were all working properly. Everywhere he went he was saluted, always nodding in response, eventually he made it back to his large tent, struggling to get off of the horse with the help of a nearby aid. Once on the ground he slowly stumbled into the tent, the heavy armour restricting his movement to such an extent he'd be unable to get off of the ground should he fall.

A long half an hour later he was free of the armour whilst also sweating profusely, he'd only just sat down when his newly appointed general Kreld walks in, a sour look on his face.

Mensfeld "What?..." he asks with a frown, just wishing to drink, eat, and fuck in whatever order comes first before tomorrow comes.

Kreld "My liege, I know you have already made your decision but, I feel as if the enemy is hiding a lot... Perhaps we shou-"

Mensfeld throws his goblet at the man, "You listen here, general! Even if the enemy has an army at their disposal they will stand no chance! Another word from you and you'll be the headless dragon bane, UNDERSTAND!?!"


Kreld nods and leaves, already dreading the battle to come, having had a bad feeling ever since he was appointed... Hopefully he'd come back to his wife alive, she said she had some good news... A smile stretching across his face, maybe after this it would be time to lay down his weapon and life a peaceful life?

It was early morning when the Kaedweni army began to move, the path relatively easy to travel through due to the tree's and plants still recovering from being turned to ash.

The army continues through, eventually discovering small farms not before known about... When they finally spot the city, they were stunned... Such a large place built under their noses... A few spotted the dragon statue ominously looking down at them from atop the mountain where some sort of temple was standing.

Kreld felt shivers go up his spine as he saw it, rubbing his eyes as he could swear it just looked at him.

Mensfeld straightens his back atop his horse and calls, "Steady men! Build the siege engines!" he roars, the engineers immediately having the cargo dropped to build the trebuchets. The city had no walls, and was just large, tall, stone buildings which would be easily destroyed by their assault, that, and Mensfeld could see the gold covering most of the buildings, greed filling his heart as he thinks about claiming it.

A soldier points at the city and shouts, drawing everyone's attention towards it as three figures begin walking towards them. "Should we fire!?!" they ask.

Mensfeld shakes his head and gestures for them to hold, "No. Perhaps they wish to surrender under the might of Kaedwen!?!" he shouts, the troops behind him roaring in laughter.

However it slowly dies off as they finally see who's approaching... One blonde human man with glowing golden eyes wearing golden armour atop grey robes, one Witcher with white hair, turquoise eyes and a scar across his cheek to his ear, he was wearing some sort of Skelligan armour with blackened metal and green-tinted leather, as well as the typical two swords on his back.

The last one was the most shocking for the Kaedweni though, a very tall creature looking like a humanoid goat with pure white fur and two large horns. They wore gold armour with a purple cloak over it, concealing almost everything under it. Almost as soon as Asgore got into eyesight shouts of "Demon" and "Monster" were shouted within the Kaedweni ranks, though Mesnfeld and his generals managed to hold their tongue, whether it was due to discipline or shock was not known.

Reima just walking up to an army to assert dominance lol.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know!

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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