
Deals being struck

Dumbledore sighs, "I've been in many wars Mr Ludvig, but if this is what you ask of me to save Harry then I'll agree." he says.

Harry looks at Dumbledore gratefully, despite everything that'd happened he still respects the headmaster. He'd still find it hard to trust him but atleast now he knows that he'll walk into a perilous and uncomfortable situation for his well being.

Reima holds his hand out and shakes Dumbledores, "Then we are in agreement. Harry turns this way." he says.

Harry does as he's asked, "How will you remove it?"

Reima shrugs, "To be honest I'm not sure, I'm assuming it'll be basically the same as how I killed Voldouch."

Harry goes even paler than before, "M-maybe we should wait and try another method? Something that won't in all likelihood kill me aswell?" he says.

Reima's hand is enveloped in a black and red mist, "Alright, I need you to hold veeerry still now..." he says as he grips Harry's hair and focuses his Observation Haki entirely on Harry's scar.

Immediately he can sense the soul shard of Voldemort, as he'd already dealt with Rowena's Diadem and Voldemort himself he could easily identify it's exact location... Reima was slightly horrified to find that it was present not only in his skull, but also his blood-brain barrier. If this were anything else Harry'd already be dead.

His hand approaches Harry's forehead as the boy tries his hardest not to squirm at the crushing feeling being emitted from Reima's hand. His fingers penetrate, or more accurately phase through his forehead, ignoring the boy's own soul in favour of digging for Voldemort's.

Beads of sweat gather on Reima's head as he inhibits the Dark Hand's gluttonous attributes that try to absorb any soul near it. Harry groans in pain as he feels a strange pinching sensation "somewhere", he can't put a finger on it but he can tell if he doesn't stay still it'll be much, much worse.

Reima finally reaches the shard, his fingers brushing across it and causing the sentience inside to tremble in fear. He pinches it and the Dark Hand's mist start absorbing it, not even a minute had past and the shard was already gone. He slowly retrieves his hand and releases the Dark Hand, leaving a Harry with a bleeding scar leaking a black fluid.

Dumbledore "Is it done?" he leans in and asks.

Reima nods, "Yeah, I'm wondering what I could create from Voldemorts soul..." he says idly while examining the soul.

Dumbledore looks at him in confusion for a moment as Harry groans and rubs his head. The headmaster stands and calls Fawkes to him which flies and sits on his shoulder. "I'll take Harry to the infirmary, thank you for all you've done Mr Ludvig..."

Reima "Just remember our deal, I'll come to collect eventually." he says

The old man nods and bursts into flame via Fawke's flame travel. Reima glances around the office at all the nickknacks and almost gives in to the temptation, however he knew that Dumbledore would notice, especially with those pictures of the old headmasters still watching him. He blinks away to the entrance of the Room of Requirement, he notices that the door is already there and walks inside, he finds Ciri, Nerissa and Fleur standing there and looking at a huge pile of materials, animals and plants... Apparently they'd entered the Come and Go room to check out the Elves progress, he was impressed at their efficiency to be honest, not having expected "This" much to have already been gathered.

Reima claps his hands from behind them, "Yo!"

Ciri and Fleur jump with Nerissa just turning to smirk at him, apparently having smelt him coming.

Ciri "Reima what on earth are you going to do with all this? Is your Folding Box or whatever going to be able to hold all of this?"

Reima grins, "I think it's time to show you guys an artifact I'd recovered from a world I'd previously visited." he says as he walks up to a large clear area next to a wall and retrieving the huge Painting of Ariamis.


Fleur "While zis is a magnificent painting I do not know how this relates to our questions?"

Reima "Well, it's not just a painting of-course! It's called the Painted World of Ariamis, I'd spent quite a lot of time inside it training a close friend."

Ciri "Wait, so you can enter it?"

Reima nods, "Yep... Though my friend currently holds the key, but that doesn't stop me simply teleporting inside of it... You guys wanna take a look?" They nod and he smiles before calling "Hinky!?"

The elf pops into existence beside him, "Yes master!"

Reima "While the others are gathering materials I'd like you to help me survey the area... It's a quite decrepit and will require some work..." he says which has the Elf hopping side to side in excitement.

Reima "Hmm.. Oh, right.. You guys should wear some warm clothing, the weather inside the painting is... Not friendly to say the least." he says while tossing them a few heavy duty jackets. Hinky tries to protest wearing clothes but Reima just ignores their objections and pushes a childs coat into their hands. "Alright, hold onto me and try not to get lost... Not that it's really possible there." he says, disappearing with the group in a Turquoise flash after everyone grabs him.

They appear at where he'd first landed in the world, the out of nowhere blizzard almost blowing Fleur off of the mountain. Reima grabs and holds her against himself to help keep her footing.

Fleur "Thank you." she says as she pushes her weight onto him with a smile.

Reima "Hinky are you alright?" he asks the Elf wearing a child's heavy duty coat. Almost waist deep in snow.

Hinky "Yes master!" they shout loudly.

Reima finally using possibly the most useful artifact he gained from Dark Souls... Other than the Transposing Kiln...

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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