
Friendship ended with Mudasir!

Madam Maxine interrupts them, "Arguing iz all very well and good but are iz what you're talking about providing any solutions?"

Ludo Bagman happily hops forward, "I personally don't see the problem! More publicity for the event! "Boy-Who-Lived competes!", my what a captivating title." he quickly says.

Harry scowls at him "How about Boy-Who-Dies-At-Tornament? Because that's what will happen if I'm competing!" he shouts at the fat blonde haired man.

Ciri and the rest of the champions walk over, Victor looks Harry up and down and comments "Is he really going to compete? I vould not put him against one ov our dogs, let alone this tornament."

Fleur "Zis little boy shouldn't compete, it iz not fair for 'im or us!" he lets her objective known to the judges.

Ciri "Harry clearly doesn't want to compete, he shouldn't be forced into something he's obviously objecting to." she says, making a few people nod.

Barty Crouch steps forwards, "As much as I'm inclined to agree with you Miss Rivia, that just isn't possible as the entry into the Tournament counts as a binding magical contract."

Ciri "Wait, so you had an artifact that can forcefully place people into magical contracts available to teenagers? With the only security being an age-line? What if someone placed someone else's name in the Goblet?!" she shouts.

Barty Crouch sweats slightly, "Er, well... Then they'd be entered into the Tournament..."


Harry "Wait, if you had this why didn't you use it against Voldemort in the last war?" he asks still confused and still angry.

Barty "If only it were that easy! For an entry to be valid it need to be in your own hand writing and you also need to be present when the selections are made, not only that but you need two other entries to be ready to compete in tasks difficult enough to kill the Dark Lord, the Ministry refused to attempt such an ill fated suicide mission which would also most deffnitely sacrifice the two other participants."

Harry relunctantly nods at his explanation and grumbles, "Wait, how was I entered if it need my own handwriting?"

Karkaroff "Aha! Proof that you entered yourself!" he shouts with glee.

Alastor Moody stumbles forward, pulling Karkaroff back forcefully while presenting what looks like torn up bits of parchment. Looking closer at it reveals that it's an assignment that Harry had written in the past, with the name clearly missing.

Moody "It seems that someone is out for Potter's life." he says grimly.

Everyone continues to talk, make accusations and try to find undeniable proof that Harry put his name in the Goblet, the arguing continues for an hour or so until they finally give up and it's determined that Harry must compete or he'll lose his magic. Harry tries to speak with Dumbledore but the Headmaster shakes his head and says "In light of new information I need to figure out the next best actions moving forwards, I'm sorry Harry but I'll speak with you tomorrow or the day after that." he says before leaving the boy alone.

After leaving the chamber Harry see's that the feast is over and almost everyone is already gone, the only people still present are the school staff who are heatedly debating over something. He ignores them and moves past and starts wandering throughout the school, occasionally getting jeered at by some students for being a liar and cheat. He wanted to speak with someone who didn't currently hate him but apparently that was too much to ask for, he glares at the red head who'd blocked his path.

Ron "You really meant all those things you said?" he says angrily.

Harry "I did, you're a jealous idiot who'd sell me out for a handful of Galleons!" he shouts, inadvertently hitting a sore spot for Ron who quickly walks over and punches Harry in the face. Shattering his glasses and knocking him to the floor.

Ron "Some friend you are! Insulting me in-front of the entire school, saying that I've never helped you before! I've saved you plenty times and this is how you repay me!?!" he shouts indignantly at Harry who takes his broken glasses off, wincing at the small shards that'd pierced the bridge of his nose. "We're done Ron! Don't speak to me again you stupid git!"

Ron steps back angry and slightly surprised at this, not expecting their friendship to abruptly end just like that, he was expecting Harry to apologise and try an make it up to him like he always does but he's acting differently for some reason. "So that's it? After we let you into our home you'll just forget everything we've done together?" he says in a hurt voice.

Harry "You just punched me in the face you arsehole! Are you so dimwitted to see that's not how friends act?" he shouts while slowly getting off the floor.

Ron "Yeah? Well, I'll make sure everyone knows how you really are!" he says as he briskly walks away.

Harry stuffs the remnants of his glasses into his pocket and starts making his way up, as far up as he can go. He continues to climb stairs until he reaches the top of the astronomy tower, all the while seething in sadness and rage, he thinks over his life, his home at Privet drive, the abuse his suffers, Hogwarts the place he felt he'd finally be free of pain, only to find it worse than his home life! The only thing in this world that makes it all worth it is his friends. But now? After the loss of Sirius, not hearing from Remus since he left school? The betrayal of Dumbledore and now Ron? What exactly was he living for?

So, yeah. Some of you may not like the way I'm portraying Ron but this is just my interpretation of him, if I had my way he'd choke on a chicken wing and leave the series entirely lol

If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

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