
Goblet of Drama

Ciri watches Reima leave for Dumbledore's office and turns towards the entrance hall which contains the goblet of fire. Her staff taps against the floor while she holds Snuffles against her chest. She silently thinks to herself whether or not she's progressing fast enough to be able to actually fight the Wild Hunt, yes her training with Reima is going well and she's learning quite a lot. But she still feels like she's lagging behind, after witnessing the extraordinary amount of power Reima possessed she couldn't help but feel he was holding something back, something that he wasn't willing to teach her.

For instance why was he not teaching her how he got so strong? Sure Pyromancy is powerful but why doesn't he teach her that specific skill? It'd help against supernaturally strong foes and increase the amount of damage her swordsmanship would deal, she didn't think he was doing it on purpose but more like avoiding giving up his secrets... She had wished to find a way to persuade him into training her in the other skills he had shown and now, had apparently found one.

She pulls out a quill and some parchment from the small bottomless box strapped to her waist and quickly pens her name on it. After doing this she briskly walks to the Goblet and tries to enter the age line, she's stopped however as she feels like the ward is trying to thrown Snuffles from her grip. "Ah..." she mutters, realising that Snuffles isn't actually old enough to pass the line, she looks around the room and sees the shaggy brown hair of Hermione Granger and walks over.

Ciri "Excuse me? Could you hold onto Snuffles while I enter my name into the Goblet?" she asks with a neutral expression.

Hermione "Why me? We don't exactly have the best relationship..." she says unconvinced.

Ciri "No matter what you think of me, I believe you to be trustworthy and wouldn't stoop to harming a defenceless creature in spite of me."

Hermione nods, silently taking in the praise. "Well, I suppose I can hold your rabbit for a few minutes." she says gently taking Snuffles into he arms and almost cooing at the softness of her fur.

Ciri mutters a thanks and quickly approaches the goblet before placing her name inside, all the while tucking Reima's parchment into her pocket. "This will definitely force him to show me his more secretive skills." she mutters as she goes back to collect Snuffles, something that is actually pretty hard to do.

Ciri "Er, I think it's time we go." she says to Hermione.

Hermione "Ah? I think it would be better if you stayed and watched who else puts their names forwards..." she says while continuing to stroke Snuffles who looks as if their in paradise. Ciri glances at the rabbit feeling slightly betrayed at how quickly she jumps ship to anyone with good petting skills.

Ciri takes a seat next to Hermione and mutters a "Fine"

It isn't too long before a crowd gathers, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley walk up and sit nearby to Hermione but apparently don't wish to be near Ciri, for obvious reasons. Harry gives Ciri a look but it isn't as malicious as the ones who gave on the train or the start of school which surprised Ciri and even Hermione. It isn't long after this before Fred and George Weasley come running into the room, throwing their arms in the air and gaining the mock applause of everyone in the entrance hall.

They run in shout and raving about how they're going to be the champions, they halt in the middle of the room, link arms and drink a potion that doesn't seem to have any effects at all...

Fred/George "Shall we give it a go?""Of course, we wouldn't be Hogwarts premier pranksters if we didn't take this opportunity!" they say quickly before hopping over the ephemeral looking age line.

When they discover that they hadn't been ejected instantly they shout in glee and raise their arms up, all to the applause of the surrounding students.

They duo walk forward and try to enter their names but find the goblet burning brighter before throwing them a few meters away, with the new addition of massive white beards and long hair.

Fred/George "YOU""YOU" they shout as they start fighting each other. A crowd gather around them which allows a certain famous man to slip in and quickly drop his name in, Victor Krum briskly walks away from the goblet after inserting his name but spots Ciri sitting next to another beautiful girl that's just his type.

He walks over and grabs both Ciri's and Hermione's hands before kissing them gently.

"As both you ladies probably know, I am Victor Krum. Vould you both do me the honour of giving me your names?" he asks with a small smile on his face.

Ciri is trying with all her might to keep the scowl from her face, this man, his looks and interactions remind her way to much of those in her childhood who only wished to betroth her to gain control over Cintra. Hermione on the other hand blushes like a tomato and replies, "H-Hermione Granger."

Krum looks expectantly at Ciri after giving a smile at Hermione, her brows furrow as she replies.

Ciri "Ciri Rivia, I have a boyfriend so..." her words trail off and she takes pleasure in seeing his expression dim slightly.

Victor "Ah, vell it does not surprise me that others can see your beauty. It's a pleasure to meet you both but I must be on my way." he says before quickly leaving.

Yes I know Victor Krum's name is spelled "Viktor", but as someone who doesn't wish to appropriate someone else's culture I'll continue to use "Victor"... Seriously though I just can't be bothered to go through all the chaps and edit it :P

If I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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