

Reima returns to the Basin, dreading the beat down he'll receive when he returns to the sisters. Perhaps dropping another random girl on them is ill advised? In the game Dusk only appears via summoning signs, obviously that isn't the case here... Also the way she knew him, probably due to the time travel BS, hopefully Dusk can get comfortable in this time period. He'll probably have to take her along when he evacuates the occupants of this world, leaving a young girl like that to die for simply being annoying would leave a bad taste in his mouth, not to mention the Sorceries she's able to teach him. He vaguely remembers them and is confused at how they managed to create those effects with this worlds magic, most, if not all of it is meant for combat in some way or another. Their light manipulation spells that are able bend light around an object, making it invisible, this added with their ability to project light makes them rather unique in the Dark Souls universe.

He would continue on this line of thought were it not for the Hydra shooting high pressure water at him from it's lakes in the distance. He easily dodges them due to the distance and start blinking in a zigzag pattern while sprinting towards it to dodge the majority of the projectiles. He slips on the Prisoners chain ring to allow for efficient movement in the water before blinking in the shallow part of the lake to combat the Hydra, it's many heads hiss at him as if it were a snake instead of a dragon. He tries to spot it's main body but can only see where it's heads extend from, he dodges a couple more projectiles and fire some Sorceries in return, his Crystal Soul spear completely piercing one of the heads and eliminating it. The others don't even take notice at the death of one of their own and launch at him in an attempted to eat him whole, he dodges while utilising Windfall and retrieves his Moonlight GreatSword before slamming it directly onto one of the heads necks... It severs it instantly but the blue trails of light that project from the sword completely rend another head into a bloody mist, completely out of Reima expectations. He gets a cold sweat, gotta be careful swinging this thing with allies around, don't want to have to scrape their bodies off the floor after getting too excited during a battle...

After a couple more engagements Reima eventually cuts down the Hydra's last head, making the rest of the creature fade away while providing him with a large amount of souls and surprisingly a ring. It's gold with a green gem inlaid in it, he remembers it's called the Dusk Crown Ring, it's relation to Dusk? He has no idea... He'll try and return it to her when he gets the chance, but for now he needs to travel to Oolacile. He cautiously makes his way around the side of the lake until he finds a dead end with a large black distortion hovering above the lake, he spots a white glowing orb on a corpse nearby and picks it up before being grabbed by Manus's demon vagina hand. He finds the clothes that Dusk seemed to be wearing. Why and how? Reima isn't quite sure, maybe it's just a spare set of clothing that was left here? No that sounds ridiculous. Hes brutally torn from his mutterings as a huge black hand grabs him from the distortion, it shakes it fiercely and he feels like he's going to vomit if this continues any longer. Thankfully after a couple more shakes he is dragged into the distortion which promptly implodes afterwards.

Reima wakes up in a dark cave, only lit by the bonfire resting in the middle of it. Roots crawl along the walls haphazardly but don't intrude upon the bonfire's territory. He rubs his head, not knowing when or how long he was knocked unconscious... Maybe travelling through time is a lot more taxing than Doctor who makes it out to be. He looks around and vaguely remembers this place from the game... If he's not mistaken there's a boss immediately outside of this place. He looks at the bonfire and decides to upgrade his dexterity further before possibly losing his souls, Reima isn't really sure what to expect from this place as even the famed Artorias was corrupted by the Abyss brought forth by Manus. He isn't sure how susceptible he is to the corruption either due to his unique constitution brought about by the Elder Blood and Witcher mutagens... Hopefully he's immune, if not he'll need to kill Manus quickly before he loses himself. Reima absorbs the stored souls and directs them to upgrade his dexterity again, the familiar sensation envelops his body stronger than before. He'd guess he'd around 37 dexterity at this point? It's hard to quantify such a vague statistic numerically.

He stands up and shakes his limbs to get a proper feel before walking towards the exit of the cave, he sees the Fog-Gate and starts enchanting Arcell with Crystall and chewing on a healthy dose of Green blossoms in preparation for the boss fight.

Just looking at Manus hand weirds me out... Are those teeth or suckers on that thing... Either way I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

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