
Booty of the beast...

Reima carries the severed Basilisk head through the marsh while muttering to himself about how pointless swamps are and why a group of sorcerers haven't terra-formed them all into lush fields yet...

He eventually gets back to the village, trophy on shoulder and walks to the village square where all the bodies are gathered. A priest of some religion is praying over them, the solemn silence is broken by the impact of the Basilisk head hitting the floor.

Reima "Sorry to interrupt, but the job is done."

Some people cheer, some people cry... But almost all of them are grateful for the Witcher avenging their families.

He starts heading back to his horse but keeps getting stopped by people thanking and congratulating him for the hunt.

He spots his horse still in the same place he had left it... Thankfully no-one was foolhardy enough to steal a Witchers horse. He pats its side and tries to think of a name to finally give the horse.

He starts going through the names of colours but doesn't find a good one, he then decides to copy someone else's idea. "I name thee Epona, while I am not a hero, I might be saving a princess in the future... So I'm half worthy of having such a steed." He jokes to himself and suddenly feels slightly depresses no one heard his rather funny quip... "Whatever, lets get moving."

After shaking the mud out of his boots he hops onto Epona and continues on his journey.

While some sights in the Witcher are similar to his previous earth, it's certainly different to see them with your own two eyes, instead of pictures from the internet. He looks to his right to the large mountain range that continues as far as the eye can see, on the other side of the mountain range should be Temeria. Reima decided that travelling travelling through Vengerberg is probably the easiest route, mainly due to it being the hub and jewel for trade in the north. Reima is hoping due to the large trade operations it will be easier and more pleasant to pass through.

After around a week Reima finally reaches the outskirts of Vengerberg, during his journey he noticed the large number of trade caravans and surprising lack of bandits and monsters... Must have monthly purges to keep the roads safe.

??? "Sir! Master Witcher!" A middle aged man calls from the side of the road in-front of a farmstead.

Reima slows down his speed and stops before him, "Is there something wrong?"

Hasund "Yes, there is. I'm called Hasund and I own the farm here. I fear a monster has been stealin my animals life force and making them infertile!"


Reima "Do you have any evidence for that?"

Hasund "Aye, at night, noises come from the barn... Gutteral awful noises that I canne quite describe."

Reima sighs, "Ill take a look, but I'll need upfront pay."

Hasund nods and passes a 100 Ducat's to Reima before going to do his duties.

Reima ties up Epona and meditates next to it in wait for nightfall.

Reima is awoken by some kind of sound coming from the barn, Hasund is standing next to him looking over wearily at the source of the noise.

Reima "That sound... It sounds kinda like a Chort.. But the barns still standing so it can't be."

He draws his silver sword and uses Quen to protect himself from any surprise attacks.

He reaches the large double doors and slowly pushes them open.

Reima's heart is pumping hard and releasing adrenaline as he prepares to face the foul beast...

Inside.. Instead of a monster, he finds a naked man standing on a bucket... And having sex with the horse inside...

Reima "AHHhh, man your fucking disgusting! Stop right now or I'll cut it off!"

He sheaths his sword and slaps the man hard in the side of the head, causing him to fall off the bucket and land heavily on the floor.

??? "I'm sorry Sir! Please don't hurt me!"

Reima "We'll see when I turn you into the owner of this land" The man looks disgruntled at that as Reima drags him towards Hasund...

Hasund points at them, "What is the meaning of this!" He seems rather angry, probably at the man raping his livestock.

Reima "I found him fuc-"

Hasund "UNHAND MY FATHER! I hire you to deal with a monster and you strip my father naked and drag him out here!"

Reima glares at him angrily, "There was no monster. I found this man.. Your father? Having sex with the Mare inside. I don't know about you but I have half a mind to castrate him right here."

Hasund turns pale as he hears Reima's explination, he looks to his father. "YOU WERE WHAT? What on earth possessed you to do such a thing!?!"

The older man starts sobbing, "I'm sorry son... It's just... The mare, she reminded me of your mother!"

Reima almost burst out laughing at this and tries to guess the reason, "Because of it's gentle demeanour?"

The old man replies "No... They both look so like, especially their teeth."

Reima can't hold it any longer and start howling with laughter at the obviously deranged man.

Hasund "Mind you manners, thats my mother your laughing about!"

Reima just shakes his head while trying to stifle his laughter, "Whatever, I'm keeping the coins... Farewell." Hasund looks like he wants to get the gold back but decides otherwise.

Reima gets on Epona and starts travelling through the night as he had already rested for a while to investigate the barn.

Every Witcher has a funny story of a contract gone wrong... Now Reima has one too.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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